Gurkha veterans seek equal rights

Gurkha veteran Indra Gurung handed in his medals in protest

Hundreds of retired Gurkhas are demonstrating in Westminster to demand the right to remain in the UK and pension equality with British soldiers.
Gurkhas who retired after 1997 can automatically stay in the UK, but those who retired earlier must apply.
Fifty of the Nepalese soldiers handed their service medals to Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg in protest.
Mr Clegg told MPs ministers had made a "spectacular misjudgement", while the prime minister praised the Gurkhas.
'Tremendous job'
At prime minister's question time in the Commons, Mr Clegg, holding up one of the medals handed back by one of the protesters, demanded all Gurkhas be given equal pay and pension rights as well as the right to live in the UK.
Addressing Mr Brown, he asked: "Can you explain to the Gurkhas why on earth you believe that Gurkhas who served in the Army after 1997 are worthy of British citizenship but those who served before that date should be deported?"
I think this is a simply scandalous way to treat some of the most modest, brave and courageous individuals I have ever met

Nick Clegg
Lib Dem leader

Mr Brown responded by saying the Gurkhas did a "tremendous job" for Britain and that the UK government was the first to extend equal pay and pension rights to those serving since 1997.
"Now why is the date 1997? It's the date that the Gurkhas - once based in Hong Kong - moved to be based in Britain," he added.
"And that's why we are honouring the promises we made for the period after 1997."
'Front-line duty'
A bill has been launched in the House of Lords to try and change the law regarding the right for all Gurkhas to remain in the UK. Protesters are also calling for pension rules to be reformed in a similar way.
Mr Clegg, who attended the protest, said the retired soldiers had his full support.
"They fought on the front line very bravely in a long list of conflicts - they then retired from the Army and they are told they are not allowed to stay in this country.
I believe that the terms and conditions of service for serving Gurkhas, and pensions paid to ex-Gurkhas are fair and recognise the changes to the Brigade of Gurkhas since 1997

Defence Minister Derek Twigg

"I think this is a simply scandalous way to treat some of the most modest, brave and courageous individuals I have ever met."
Soldiers who retire after July 1997 - when Hong Kong, the former base of the Gurkhas, was handed over to China - receive a pension on the same terms as the rest of the British Army.
But those who retired before that date collect one-sixth of the amount received by a British soldier.
Peter Carroll, one of the march organisers, said it was "morally outrageous" for people to serve Britain and then be told "they are not allowed to stay".
Chhatra Rai, general secretary of the British Gurkha Welfare Society, said: "Every time the MoD [Ministry of Defence] makes an announcement over changes it says that Gurkhas are now being treated equally. But that is not the case when you look into it."
Mr Clegg is expected to hand the medals to the prime minister on behalf of the soldiers.
Gurkhas have fought for Britain since 1815 and served in conflicts including the Falklands and Afghanistan. They are now based at Shorncliffe near Folkestone, Kent.
Prince Harry was based with a Gurkha regiment during his time in Afghanistan last month.
The Home Office said the rule concerning the 1997 date was introduced because that was when the Gurkhas became a UK-based force, and its soldiers were likely to develop strong ties to Britain.
Under immigration rules the granting of settlement depends on a long period of residence in the UK or family ties, which soldiers discharged before 1997 are unlikely to have, it says. Regarding pensions, Defence Minister Derek Twigg said he recognised the professional service given by current and former Gurkhas. "I believe that the terms and conditions of service for serving Gurkhas, and pensions paid to ex-Gurkhas are fair and recognise the changes to the Brigade of Gurkhas since 1997," he said