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    DF VIP Member rIKmAN's Avatar
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    Question Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    Hey guys,

    I`m a long time forum user, but new to this section - so be gentle I know your all hard as nails on the exterior but I`ve heard your an alright bunch really story....cut short...

    Dad died recently of cancer, and after many chats with him and my inheritance, I decided to take time out of work and give MMA a try, as its something I`ve always wanted to try since getting into UFC (mainly) Pride and Cage Rage etc.
    I didn`t want to get old and be saying "I`d could have done that..." etc etc and the advice my Dad gave me and the money he left gave me the ability to give up work seriously give it a go, training as a job I guess..?

    I have joined a gym and been a couple times but nothing serious, bit of a swim and steam room lol and been doing pushups at home etc, and have tried to cut down on my bad habit of late night munchies (yeah my eyes are red )....but as I say, I haven`t really started yet, just done a bit....

    In doing this, I have lost about a stone already (was 15st now 14st) and noticed my arms just seem harder (does that sound weird) and lost a bit of my belly and love handles....its not a lot but damn it feels good

    I figured it`d be better for me to get fit before I attempt to learn any MMA, although I`d like opinions on what you think of that..?
    Is it better to get fit, then learn all MMA aspects (boxing, ju-jitsu, wrestling, thai boxing) or get fit and just learn one aspect as a solid grounding before I learn the rest, or learn one or all aspects WHILE I`m getting fit....?

    Anyway, I guess I`m looking for some advice on what sort of programme I sould be following to allow me to lose weight, and put on muscle.
    I don`t want to get massive, in terms of WWF wrestlers who look like their pecs are about to burst.....I just want to be a good size for my frame (5ft 10, stocky I`m told but don`t see it) and how to best go about it.

    I have had a chat with a personal trainer (which I now regret as he`s hounding me) who talked the talk and sounded like he could get me into shape with what to eat, when etc etc, but he charges £25ph and minimum is about 8 weeks which is a lot of cash for him to stand next to me for 1hr per week!!

    What sort of stuff SHOULD I be eating to help me lose weight, build new muscle.....
    How can I control the amount of muscle I put on so I don`t get TOO big?
    Is there any equipment I could buy, I`ve looked at HRM watches for working in my fat burning zone etc etc, but not really sure what I need...

    My overall thoughts on me doing this is that I could never get up before work, and I was too knackered afterwards to bother (have tried that before!) so being able to not have to work and get in shape will make it so much easier than having to do it round a job.

    Even if I try MMA, get KO`d in my first fight and never EVER want to try it again, I can go back to working and be in shape and much healthier because of it.....and thats worst case scenario (I might like it )
    But, If I don`t want to carry on MMA afterwards I can go back to a job healthy and fit as a fiddle and it`ll much easier to maintain that round a job than trying to achieve it.

    Sorry guys, lots of questions and crap I know - I`ll stop waffling..

    Look forward to any replies


  2. #2
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    no disrespect mate, please dont take this the wrong way, theres very very little chance of you making a living from MMA. in fact i would say none. take it up as a hobby, get right into it, but dont for one second think you can just do it and make a living from it. i want to be an astronaut......

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member ffrr's Avatar
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    I knew someone who quit their job and moved to Thailand for 3 years to train in martial arts at an academy... now he's a full time body guard, amongst other things... he was already one tough bastard but now he acts like the bloody terminator...

    if I were you, just take baby steps towards this idea, don't jump in at the deep end unless you have 101% commitment or I doubt you'll see it through.

    READ as much as you can... that's the only way you'll learn...

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member Delboy_1976's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    My advice would be to join a good MMA club, trust me you will get fit and learn MMA at the same time!!

    As a beginner you will not get beaten up in your first lesson and hopefully as you continue to train you will see if MMA is something you would like to persue.

    Good luck mate.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    theres a guy up near me who has trained with the gracies and now has a "gracie barra", training others in the gracies methods in our area, he has won some european mma championship or other and is as hard as fuck but he still doesnt/cant make a living from it!! he does actually make a good living, but thats through supplying doormen etc. hes in a much better position than the OP to make a living from it but as i said - CANT. thats why my advice is simple - wake up and smell the coffee!!!!

    in the nicest possible way....

    i am not saying dont take it up - i think its a great idea, but to think your going to make a living out of it.......

    why not just get another job and do the mma as a hobby/interest? if for some reason, you are a natural and world beating pro, THEN turn proffessional. how old are you by the way?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    Quote Originally Posted by ffrr View Post
    if I were you, just take baby steps towards this idea, don't jump in at the deep end unless you have 101% commitment or I doubt you'll see it through.

    READ as much as you can... that's the only way you'll learn...

    even with 101% commitment DOESNT mean he will succeed. its like football/boxing etc etc etc. about a quarter of it is your genetics/brain etc. then the other 3/4 is down to what you will put into it, your attitude etc. the right combination of being born with what you need AND 101% commitment makes the best fighters/boxers/footballers etc.

    101% commitment will not get sponsors and win competitions if you just aint got the heart/body/brain to go with it, thats why i am pouring so much cold water on this dream...
    Last edited by beacytan; 21st March 2008 at 01:18 PM. Reason: typo

  7. #7
    DF VIP Member ffrr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    Quote Originally Posted by beacytan View Post
    even with 101% commitment DOESNT mean he will succeed. its like football/boxing etc etc etc. about a quarter of it is your genetics/brain etc. then the other 3/4 is down to what you will put into it, your attitude etc. the right combination of being born with what you need AND 101% commitment makes the best fighters/boxers/footballers etc.

    101% commitment will not get sponsors and win competitions if you just aint got the heart/body/brain to go with it, thats why i am pouring so much cold water on this dream...
    very true! ... but it helps

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member Kushty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    Firstly, sorry to hear about your father. I'm not a pro on UFC or training but I did weight training pretty seriously a few years ago and love UFC.

    Only UFC would give you enough money IMO to make a good living. Most of the fighters there came through being specialists in their respective class. So ex college-wrestlers, boxers, muay thai boxers etc. will join an MMA school and round off their skills. These people are serious beasts in one way or another.

    The personal trainer seems very expensive. I had one that was 25ph as well but that was because he had to pay 10 to the gym to work there. If I had gone elsewhere with him it would have been 15. If you want a little insight to a UFC fighters life, check out 'The Smashing Machine: The Life and Times of Mark Kerr'. It's a great watch even if it isn't any use to you. If you still want to go for it, I say go for it but like others have said don't expect to make a living out of it. I'd say it is akin to a footballer starting properly training from 20 onwards, nigh on impossible to make it in the top echelons. That said, it's your choice and I don't know you or MMA well enough to be the definitive opinion, just my 2 pennies worth.

    For the training, don't worry about WWE pec bursting, that's normally from steroids (although I hear they're trying to cut that out). Also don't worry about getting 'too big', it is a gradual process so you could notice it one week and be able to adjust you're training. Have a look around this forum for links about general weight training, they will probably answer a lot of your queries.

    I should imagine there'll be specific MMA training guides elsewhere online as well. It might involve some SAQ (speed, agility quickness) to increase explosive power. A lot of bodybuilders split their sessions in to bulking (putting on weight, having heavier protein intake) and cutting (shaving off the fat so the muscle is leaner). However, I don't think MMA's will train like this. I am guessing they get to the size they want to be in the gym and then maintain it while doing other MMA training. Good luck with whatever you do mate

  9. #9
    DF VIP Member DB's Avatar
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    Mate if you want to fight do it as a hobby. Unless you already hold years of martial arts experience you will not get anywhere near the standard required for payment.

    Certainly dont drop the idea though, if your going to take up an art do it now as well as train, you dont have to be fit to do it, and if your looking at getting fit at the same time its a bonus.

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member rIKmAN's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    Hey guys,

    Well I`ve just had a quick scan and am shocked at the level of misunderstanding I seem to have caused....

    Chill out dude, where on EARTH did I say I was going to make a living from it, or expect to make a living from it, or even ATTEMPT to "make a living" from it?!?!
    What I have said is: due to circumstance, I am able to not have to work and can put effort into getting fit and training / trying out MMA.
    Key point being "not having to work" why do you think I have said I need / expect to make a living for it!?!

    Just had to clear that up as you seem to be ranting on about it for no reason mate, so just chill out, I`m not an idiot who`s expecting to train for a few months then have Dana White sign me for my debut against Chuck Liddell FFS!!!

    I`ll reply to the other stuff in a bit, have to go out now but that just got under my skin a bit....I dont think it was intended, but I'm just bein honest!

    Cheers for the other info guys - I`ll do more in depth reply later, when I`ve dropped off (and taken) some of Beacys chill pills

  11. #11
    DF VIP Member Bald Bouncer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    Quote Originally Posted by rIKmAN View Post
    Hey guys,

    Well I`ve just had a quick scan and am shocked at the level of misunderstanding I seem to have caused....

    Chill out dude, where on EARTH did I say I was going to make a living from it, or expect to make a living from it, or even ATTEMPT to "make a living" from it?!?!
    What I have said is: due to circumstance, I am able to not have to work and can put effort into getting fit and training / trying out MMA.
    Key point being "not having to work" why do you think I have said I need / expect to make a living for it!?!

    Just had to clear that up as you seem to be ranting on about it for no reason mate, so just chill out, I`m not an idiot who`s expecting to train for a few months then have Dana White sign me for my debut against Chuck Liddell FFS!!!

    I`ll reply to the other stuff in a bit, have to go out now but that just got under my skin a bit....I dont think it was intended, but I'm just bein honest!

    Cheers for the other info guys - I`ll do more in depth reply later, when I`ve dropped off (and taken) some of Beacys chill pills
    I was going to sugest you upset a few people and see how you get on being punched in the face and if you gain a hunger to go back for more but I see you have obviously thought of the idea yourself

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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    lol - see ya later tito

  13. #13
    DF VIP Member DB's Avatar
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    Rikman, can i have tickets when you debut against liddell mate, it'll be fuckin class.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    Quote Originally Posted by DB View Post
    Rikman, can i have tickets when you debut against liddell mate, it'll be fu(kin class.

    lol - easy there DB - this guys fucking seriously commited.....

    i have just emailed nasa, i am also fancying a bit of a change....

  15. #15
    DF VIP Member Delboy_1976's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    Quote Originally Posted by rIKmAN View Post

    What I have said is: due to circumstance, I am able to not have to work and can put effort into getting fit and training / trying out MMA.
    If the above was true and I was you I would get my aris out to somewhere like 'Xtreme Couture' and train there full time. They will advise you on everything, diet, weights etc etc. They also have lots of active fighters out there (including current UFC fighters) so you should be able to pick their brains if you do decide to compete.

  16. #16
    DF VIP Member rIKmAN's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    Hey chaps....

    Right first off, I fail to see why some people have bothered to reply when they are just blatantly taking the piss....if I`d posted saying I am going to be the next UFC champion then yeah, shoot me down, I came on here askin for peoples advice on the questions I asked in my original post, and am a bit disapointed to say the least that a few of the long term members have just waded in with nothing constructive, even a mod! - so thanks for that.

    In terms of a job, no I am not expecting to earn any money from it, full stop.
    It`s something I have always wanted to try, and as I`ve said due to circumstance I can take time out from having to work and get fit / train / learn MMA.
    How this has been turned into "take the piss out of rIKmAN" I`ve no idea?

    lol - easy there DB - this guys fu(king seriously commited.....
    No need to be a (unt mate, without getting on my high horse, you know nothing about my history, my values, my family, my commitment or anything, so I think your comment is way out of order and unnecesarily taking the piss.
    If you do want to be an astronaut, and your Dad died and left you enough money to able to quit your job and do some astronaut related stuff without having to worry about bills - would you?

    Thanks for the only proper response mate.
    I have looked at the training camps that are about, but I`m not about to go to the USA and join the pro`s when I`m a complete beginner...I know I have lots to learn and a damn long way to go to get anywhere near good. Don`t get me wrong I think I have potential - this isn`t just a whim - but hard work and the right people and training will be needed as well as 2000% dedication from myself - I know this!

    I have found a few MMA gyms near me that run in the North West Fight Cartel and have events etc, so I have done a bit of homework and know *roughly* where I`m going.

    What I was after was the opinions on which way to go about things from the more experienced and knowledgable people on this Gym section than myself.

    I don`t think I even want to bother carryin on this fu(kin thread to be honest - I think the attitude of just takin the piss stinks, and not somethign I expected from those people based on how they conduct themelves in other areas of DF.

    If anyone has any proper advice please post, if you don`t I`d appreciate you just dont bother replying.

    Last edited by rIKmAN; 21st March 2008 at 06:35 PM.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    sorry tito... your first post was VERY misleading.. i wish you all the best in your quest for world MMA domination...

    "I didn`t want to get old and be saying "I`d could have done that..."

    means what? you didnt want to think "i could have went to a class"?
    "i couldda been a contender" (name that film)?

    i took it as the latter
    Last edited by beacytan; 21st March 2008 at 06:39 PM.

  18. #18
    DF VIP Member rIKmAN's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    Beacy: Can you explain how it was misleading please?
    and callin me Tito? again with being a sarcy (unt....what`s the need?

    Exactly, thats how you took it, and acted like a nob based on your presumptions.
    What I mean is I want to give it a go, to try it, to see if I`m any good, or see if I`m not - but before I`m too old to get in shape and try it.

    Where in my first post did I say I wasnted to make money, make a living, be a world champion? Exactly!

    How has any of what I said made u feel the need to take the piss?
    Why not just not post?
    Last edited by rIKmAN; 21st March 2008 at 06:43 PM.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    read above mr shamrock

    "training as a job I guess..?"

    ermm... i wonder.....

  20. #20
    DF VIP Member rIKmAN's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fitness / MMA training.....long story.. :)

    Beacy your a prick mate - just can`t help being a sarcy tw@t?
    I`ve asked u nice 3 times and still u carry on...

    Training as a job in terms of not having to work 9-5 and train around it.
    ie. I could train 3 times a day if needed, not that I`m expecting to get paid from it - which you *presumed* I meant and ran off with the idea....

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