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  1. #121
    DF VIP Member BigLarry's Avatar
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    Default Re: The DF 6-Pack Challenge

    I'm not completely discounting it, what I'm trying to show is that there is "another" way that doesn't involve traditional cardio (perhaps even non-traditional) and perhaps some people on the forum would benefit from doing it without the cardio, and perhaps more importantly enjoy it and thus stick with it.

    OK, fair enough you're pressing me on the number of cals burned per lb of muscle. Well, (and you already know this, hence why you're asking ) some studies show 35 calories perday per lb and some show something more like 2 calories per day per lb.

    I'm gonna go somewhere towards the lower end and plump for 5 calories per day per lb.

    Now say you put on 10lb of lean mass, which is good going and you're burning a not so whopping 50 calories a day extra. Not too great I hear you

    Well, let's take a look at situps. It's estimated that an average person burns 4.8 calories per minute doing situps. Now let's say they do 10 minutes worth (believe you most people I see on the mats don't do anywhere near this) and you've burned 48 calories.

    So, add on 10lb of beef and you're doing 10 minutes worth of situps every day without erm actually doing them.

  2. #122
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    Default Re: The DF 6-Pack Challenge

    10lbs of lean muscle mass! Over what time period? Studies have shown that the average lean muscle increase in a natural body builder is (approximately) between 7-10kg (or15 – 22lb) over a 12 month period but as muscle tissue is made up from approx. 70% water, the actual amount of ‘dry’ muscle gained is about 2 - 3kg (5 – 7lb) per year. Gaining 10lbs lean muscle mass in even a year is a little more than good going mate.

    As I said it's obvious you know a fair bit about what you are talking about but you seem to be back peddling a little on your previous posts, even if unintentionally they did come across a little disparaging.

    On a complete side note, how comes you joined DF almost 5 years ago and have only just started posting in the last day or so?

  3. #123
    DF VIP Member super mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: The DF 6-Pack Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by BigLarry View Post
    I'm not completely discounting it, what I'm trying to show is that there is "another" way that doesn't involve traditional cardio (perhaps even non-traditional) and perhaps some people on the forum would benefit from doing it without the cardio, and perhaps more importantly enjoy it and thus stick with it.

    OK, fair enough you're pressing me on the number of cals burned per lb of muscle. Well, (and you already know this, hence why you're asking ) some studies show 35 calories perday per lb and some show something more like 2 calories per day per lb.

    I'm gonna go somewhere towards the lower end and plump for 5 calories per day per lb.

    Now say you put on 10lb of lean mass, which is good going and you're burning a not so whopping 50 calories a day extra. Not too great I hear you

    Well, let's take a look at situps. It's estimated that an average person burns 4.8 calories per minute doing situps. Now let's say they do 10 minutes worth (believe you most people I see on the mats don't do anywhere near this) and you've burned 48 calories.

    So, add on 10lb of beef and you're doing 10 minutes worth of situps every day without erm actually doing them.
    Well take a photo today, then post one in 6 weeks time. Tell all what your diet is like, supplementation, possible meds. If you can, then maybe some caliper readings too.
    Same deal as everyone else, except you do no cardio.

    Edit: situps aren't done to burn calories, they are done to strengthen, condition and enlarge the abs.

  4. #124
    DF VIP Member BigLarry's Avatar
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    As to your last question, I'm not sure if I'm honest.

    As for the other, I think its quite possible (technically I think the human body is made up of something like 99% water but we don't want to get splitting hairs). I dont think it's beyond the realms of a "normal" person to get into gear and pack on about 10-15lbs in a year and I reckon it's even easier for a non lifter to add quite a bit more than that (assuming most interested in shifting the lard are "non lifters").

    Any comments werent meant as desparaging, I was just trying to throw something else into the mix. I'm not back peddalling, just trying not to upset the apple cart (too much ) as it where!

    Would be interesting if you could get one or two of your guys to try a none cardio, crunch routine for comparison.

  5. #125
    DF VIP Member BigLarry's Avatar
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    I've got a plan of about 10 months bulking at 5000 cals a day so I can't do that just yet

    Here's an interesting study from a journal:

    Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 1320-1329, 1999.

    Overweight subjects were assigned to three groups: diet-only, diet plus aerobics, diet plus aerobics plus weights. The diet group lost 14.6 pounds of fat in 12 weeks. The aerobic group lost only one more pound (15.6 pounds) than the diet group (training was three times a week starting at 30 minutes and progressing to 50 minutes over the 12 weeks).

    The weight training group lost 21.1 pounds of fat (44% and 35% more than diet and aerobic only groups respectively). Basically, the addition of aerobic training didn't result in any real world significant fat loss over dieting alone.

    Sound interesting?

  6. #126
    DF VIP Member BigLarry's Avatar
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    And just one more for you to comment on:

    Bryner RW, Ullrich IH, Sauers J, Donley D, Hornsby G, Kolar M, Yeater R.

    Effects of resistance vs. aerobic training combined with an 800 calorie liquid diet on lean body mass and resting metabolic rate.
    J Am Coll Nutr. 1999 Apr;18(2):115-21.

    The aerobic group performed four hours of aerobics per week. The resistance training group performed 2-4 sets of 8-15 reps, 10 exercises, three times per week.

    V02 max increased equally in both groups. Both groups lost weight. The resistance training group lost significantly more fat and didn't lose any LBM, even at only 800 calories per day. (The reason the calories were so low was to really take any dietary variables completely out of the equation and compare the effects of the exercise regime on LBM and metabolism.)

    The resistance training group actually increased metabolism compared to the aerobic group, which decreased metabolism. It seems that resistance training is a more significant stress to the body than a starvation diet.

  7. #127
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    Default Re: The DF 6-Pack Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by BigLarry View Post
    It seems that resistance training is a more significant stress to the body than a starvation diet.
    We've already agreed that we aren't talking about a "starvation diet" here so this is a moot point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Larry
    "Basically, the addition of aerobic training didn't result in any real world significant fat loss over dieting alone"
    So you've posted this to agree with and re-enforce my previous posts stating that this is a "3 pronged assault"? I've always posted here that no amount of sit-ups on their own will get a six-pack, that the combination of diet, cardio/aerobic exercise and abdominal exercises is the key. The same goes for all fat burn programmes that a combination of weights (to maintain and gain muscle mass) controlled diet and cardio/aerobic exercise is needed and that's all I've ever said, which if you took the time to read my threads and posts you would have known without making me repeat myself so much.

    And I do find it very strange that in 5 years of having signed up to DF, almost 2 years longer than I've been on here you have only started posting in the last 36 hours..????

  8. #128
    DF VIP Member BigLarry's Avatar
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    I dont think there's much strange about it.

    "Basically, the addition of aerobic training didn't result in any real world significant fat loss over dieting alone"

    The pieces I posted cited scientific and published experiments that showed that there was little difference in fat loss on group a (diet only) and group b (diet and cardio). Stating that if you want to lose weight, get your diet right the cardio isn't important.

  9. #129
    DF VIP Member Unconected's Avatar
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    I started toning up about 3 weeks ago. I've been pretty into the gym for a while now - but i felt it was time to sort out myself before my holiday in august - and i'm pretty chuffed with the results so far. I've found that introducing cardio into my regime (5 times a week at at least 30 mins) has really started to get that 6-pack going. I just gotta sort out my tan now so i can get straight out on the beach!

  10. #130
    DF VIP Member inspectercoley's Avatar
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    Ok yeah I think im up for this... recently getting a lot of abuse about my fat belly so need to do something about it.
    My main problem is all of my social activities evolve around the pub. Even if im not drinkin pints I'll have a coke witch is probably just as bad. Is there anything you can drink in the pub that doesn't make you look like a complete cunt and is relatively health?

    Also I don't get home from work until half 7 and then normally eat a full meal but I guess I could have something on my way home from work but that would normally be more difficult to buy healthy, cos its mostly takeaway places open then and I can't cook on the fly hehe

    Gonna be doing squash, football and cycling once a week and sit ups every 2 days.

    Am currently just under 14 stone and about 6 ft

    I will post pics when im ready to start... but im not gonna be working on my gay tan

  11. #131
    DF VIP Member Wizzo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inspectercoley View Post
    Ok yeah I think im up for this... recently getting a lot of abuse about my fat belly so need to do something about it.
    My main problem is all of my social activities evolve around the pub. Even if im not drinkin pints I'll have a coke witch is probably just as bad. Is there anything you can drink in the pub that doesn't make you look like a complete cunt and is relatively health?
    I'm in a simular situation. I gave up smoking in Jan and after the first few weeks I actually found it quite easy... but I've been eating like never before... big meals, snacks, sweets and biscuits...I think I have developed and addiction to midget gems and sports mixture! Since I was 16 I have always weighed 11st 2lb... now I'm about 12st 6lb and most of it has gone on my gut. My diet before was not too bad at all and I was quite regimental about what and when I would eat but all that gone out the window now.

    As for the pub ... hmmm... well if I don't drink alcohol, specifically a gallon of Guinness, then I don't go... would Low C's be ok albeit on fewer occasions?

    Since catching this thread I've had a good read through this section and found it very helpfull but I could do with some ideas about meals and a little bit of an exercise regime. Its been 20 year since I did any kind of proper training.... I've never ever been in a gym. My job has always kept me trim but like I said... since packing in fags things have changed a little.

    I work shifts and live on my own and its gonna be hard to get the motivated to train and make an effort to cook specific meals but I know if I get in the same mind set as I did quitting the fags I have half a chance...

    sign me up

  12. #132
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  13. #133
    DF VIP Member wtaylor's Avatar
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    Default Re: The DF 6-Pack Challenge

    safe, effective and freeee ! good info though
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  14. #134
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    Default Re: The DF 6-Pack Challenge

    I was busting for a piss after watching that!
    "Where you are is what you eat. When I'm in London I'll have beans on toast for lunch. On holiday � what? Tapas? Go on then I'll have a bit. You eat whatevers in that area"
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  15. #135
    DF VIP Member taylord1984's Avatar
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    sounds like fun but im not doing it.
    but got a tip dont do sit ups do crunches insted as u will get much better results.
    basicly crunches are like sit ups but u only have to do small lifts.
    edit. lol missed that vid

  16. #136
    DF VIP Member RUDE BOI's Avatar
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    Default Re: The DF 6-Pack Challenge

    Great idea to do this challenge, I'm off to Magaluf for a week so wont be training, but when I'm back Ill start my own journal and up some pics. Should help my motivation. My aims are going to be a bit different to others, as I'm going to be bulking, not cutting. Have we got any other Ecto's taking part in this challenge?

  17. #137
    DF VIP Member BigLarry's Avatar
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    I'm not an ecto but im looking to bulk when I get back from hols. So starting beginning of August.
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  18. #138
    Guest LilacHarryQuinn's Avatar

    Default Re: The DF 6-Pack Challenge

    I really can't remember if I already linked to this but if not here's the classic.

    YouTube - 8 Minute Abs

  19. #139
    DF VIP Member RUDE BOI's Avatar
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    Default Re: The DF 6-Pack Challenge

    Was gonna create my own journal and start hitting the gym with revenge this week, but broke my hand on Hols, so looks like I wont be lifting any weights for quite a while

  20. #140
    DF VIP Member guns's Avatar
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    i couldnt be sorry i mean due to time restrictions i didnt have time to actually go through all the posts on this thread so i was just wondering...Who is actually trying this? ive seen Roaches journal and im sure hes gonna kick ass as i know that hes hardcore! but who else?
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