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  1. #1
    DF VIP Member Spennyboy's Avatar
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    Bad News A night of my life....

    Was in bed, bout midnight with the mrs - she starts to breathe quite heavy, it was hot and she suffers from asthma so she had a couple of pulls on her asthma pump and thought that would solve it.

    Few mins later she starts to breathe even faster, she takes a walk around the room, looking quite red in the face and says she going to go downstairs for fresh air.

    I asked her if she wants me to come with her, she says no (and they say we are stubborn?)

    So i let her go down, then followed her few seconds later, sat by the door listening, couple of minutes later she got to 3-4 breaths per second and was crying/panicing the pump was not working and the breathing was just getting faster and faster. She said she was getting pins and needle feeling all over and starting to feel really light headed.

    It was then i hit the worse thing anyone can ever experience, the feeling of not having a clue what to do, how to help etc.

    I in turn took to panic myself - woke a neighbour asking for help while i dialed 999 - she done well trying to calm her by breathing into a bag and slowing the breaths down slightly.

    Paramedics were quite fast, 4 minutes or so from hanging up the call. Despite being on the phone for what seemed forever.

    He arrived and said there was nothing he could do, as she was hyperventilating and had nothing to do with the asthma, her oxygen levels were fine.

    He then went on to do the whole mind over matter calm her down bit, it took a while and she lost it at one point and started back up again but after 5-10 minutes she was back breathing properly again.

    I stood there, just watching, completely helpless but more thankful than ever that help is all but a phone call away.

    No idea why it happen - he says any number of things could be the cause or trigger.. worry/stress etc.

    I sat from about 1am till the morning, just watching and listening, making sure there was no reaction or anything from what had happen, as her breathing was still off beat a little and she felt bit sick/faint.

    Now for a bit that has me head fcuked...

    I think i bought it on - we've had a bit of a rough couple days, petty arguments, moody on both sides and a few times, bored of arguing i've just dismissed her completely and been a right cnut.

    As soon as he said the cause was most likely stress, and had she had arguements etc - i knew that it was most likely my fault... i felt completely shite that i have potentially caused this.

    Sitting there still pondering over it and worrying for the outcome, i notice the paramedics name badge... his name was Spencer

    Some people look out for signs and things in life - if thats not a slap in the face, i dunno what is.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Mate, an awful experience but you argued because you weren't getting on, not because you wanted to harm her in anyway. Don't beat yourself up over it.

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member Freddy's Avatar
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Hey you may have felt completely helpless but you weren't. You got the ambulance there.

    Us blokes sometimes need a slap in the face to wake us up at times, I know I have been there. Most important thing is that you see it and obviously care.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    mate when it's someone you love you panic trust me I experienced it myself, don't beat yourself up it's a natural reaction and all is well now...thank goodness

    Don't forget they are trained in these situations and we aren't

  5. #5
    Guest LilacHarryQuinn's Avatar

    Default Re: A night of my life....

    I don't think it matter whether you bought it on or not m8 and I wouldn't beat yourself up too much about it.

    What does matter is that your good lady is well and also that it's made you stop and think and realise how much she means to you, and how little those petty little things are not worth arguing about.

    At the end of the day we are all human, all riddled with faults and we all argue with our partners, the main thing is to never lose sight of the fact that in the cold light of day the small things, the material things mean fcuk all and it's just the people that count.

    Go and buy her some flowers, a huge box of choccies, apologise for being a cnut even if it's not been all you and you'll both end up smiling, which is what it's all about.

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member SiE's Avatar
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    sounds like you need a weekend away mate to release some stress.

    sounds like a shitty experience.

  7. #7
    DF VIP Member wtaylor's Avatar
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    Mate everybody argues, if we didnt we wouldnt be human! I am sure she wouldnt blame you so dont be feeling guilty (I know its easy for us to say) Now for his name being Spencer, thats strange, maybe it is a sign to maybe talk things out or somebody to maybe give a little for the sake of the relationship?
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Sounds like you did well there mate, you got the right people out at the right time. Don't beat yourself up it could be anything that caused and. I'm not a believer in all this signs stuff either so I wouldn't worry about it

  9. #9
    DF VIP Member Karoline's Avatar
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Quote Originally Posted by Freddy View Post
    Hey you may have felt completely helpless but you weren't. You got the ambulance there.

    Us blokes sometimes need a slap in the face to wake us up at times, I know I have been there. Most important thing is that you see it and obviously care.
    I completely agree with this.
    Hope she is ok now, and dont beat yourself about it...

  10. #10
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Sounds like she's a bit of an attention seeker. Bin it and move on.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    My wife used to do stuff like this when we first got together 10 years back.
    She soon stopped once she realised I didn't give a fuck.
    Not seen her have an asthma attack for 8 years now.
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  12. #12
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Quote Originally Posted by tombott View Post
    My wife used to do stuff like this when we first got together 10 years back.
    She soon stopped once she realised I didn't give a fcuk.
    Not seen her have an asthma attack for 8 years now.
    Buhahahahaha, that's the fucking spirit.

  13. #13
    DF General DogsBody
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    The wifey had a similair attack but was an ashma attack, the inhalers didnt work and i was like you clueless to what to do. Luckily she calmed down after about 20 minutes

    Glad your missus is ok matey

  14. #14
    DF VIP Member Spennyboy's Avatar
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Quote Originally Posted by CzarJunkie View Post
    Sounds like she's a bit of an attention seeker. Bin it and move on.
    Haha, hadnt thought of that.

    Maybe im going to get home and find myself on a Loose Women type Punk'd show

    I hate breathing problems of any kind, like that total fucked feeling once you have run a distance and think its quite possible you may never breathe again.

  15. #15
    DF VIP Member BOYYAKKA's Avatar
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Quote Originally Posted by SiE View Post
    sounds like you need a weekend away mate to release some stress.

    sounds like a shitty experience.
    fuk me u want 2 kids for 6 weeks

  16. #16
    DF VIP Member MaKas's Avatar
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Thanks for sharing!

    Don't worry too much about it as i've read its very common and it can be controlled I believe!

    About a year ago I was living in liverpool with my girlfriend and her mum, I had an extremely stressful sales job, not enough money to do what i wanted and one of my close friends died suddenly back home.

    Next my grandma falls ill after a stroke and my family pressurize me to move back home by not helping me with money etc (which was fair enough but I was torn away from Christine and it broke my heart). My grandma dies of stomach cancer (this all happened very suddenly between 2 weeks) and it hurts my mum bad. She drinks alot and talks about weird things and shes just not the same. Me and Christine were on the verge of ending things aswell.

    Couple of days later im at work sitting trying to get appointments sorted when i start feeling light headed. I go to the toilet and splash water in my face and sit back down trying to crack on. Same thing happens again and this time im having trouble with my breathing. I start panicking to the point of utter embarrassment but I was concerned for my health. My left arm was going dead and i just felt ill. I rang NHS and they said it all sounds stress related. The doctor told me the same. Ive since been for blood tests and they have found nothing wrong with me.

    Over the past year I have struggled with anxiety attacks. I started to read up on them to try and get breathing and relaxation advice and I believe I have eventually found my cure.

    Heres just a couple of pointers

    Smoking - People say it calms you down? Wrong it causes anxiety and when I quit I felt extremely healthy. Food never tasted so good! I open my front door and take a big sniff because its weird the smells you miss out on. Fresh air is much better (While giving up I had major problems with anxiety but this is due to alot more oxygen being allowed to get to the brain making me lightheaded which then causes my anxiety attacks haha)

    Diet - I was drinking alot and then sulking in the morning. I ate some sort of take away practically everyday. Now I make sure I add a bit of veg to my plate. I force myself to have breakfast in the morning and if im hungry throughout the day I just make a bowl of cereal again. Its not massively healthy but Its made a HUGE difference to the way I feel and the way my body operates!

    Exercise - I go to the gym quite regular now. I workout and then go for a light swim , a sauna and then a jacuzzi. Its perfect and totally relieves me of my stress. I leave feeling great

    My advice would be go to the doctor and have blood tests. Once you see there is nothing wrong you will be happy in knowing that you have your health and you can just get on with things. If she thinks far too much about it then its gonna take control. Just make sure she knows its not a big deal! Save for a weekend away together. Do the nice things like flowers and chocs! My girlfriend lit some candles the other night while we watched a film in bed all snuggled up.

    Anyway thats the end of my rant! Just wanted you to see someone elses story who kinda suffers the same!

    good luck bud and keep ya chin up

    Oh and I heard this really cheesy but amazing 1 liner on Kung Fu Panda the other day

    "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift. That is why it is called present"

    No idea how that can help I just really wanted to use it somewhere hahaha

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  17. #17
    DF VIP Member malo's Avatar
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    There's enough people about waiting to flame you Spenny, don't waste your time doing it to yourself...your lass is OK now, that's the important thing....spend your time looking after her.

  18. #18
    Mummy's little soldier I Black Belt's Avatar
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Get yourself some first aid lessons mate.
    I've been a qualified one since I was sixteen.
    Thought it was for geeky square boys with dandruff when i first had it, but it's proved invaluable over the years, ever more so as I used to teach Karate and stuff.
    if nothing else, it'll give you a bit of confidence for the future about repeat performances mate.

  19. #19
    DF VIP Member johnny's Avatar
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Quote Originally Posted by MaKas View Post
    I go to the toilet and splash water in my face and sit back down trying to crack on.
    Ewwww, you splashed toilet water in your face then tried to crack one out?

  20. #20
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    Default Re: A night of my life....

    Quote Originally Posted by I Black Belt View Post
    Get yourself some first aid lessons mate.
    I've been a qualified one since I was sixteen.
    Thought it was for geeky square boys with dandruff when i first had it, but it's proved invaluable over the years, ever more so as I used to teach Karate and stuff.
    if nothing else, it'll give you a bit of confidence for the future about repeat performances mate.
    If there's a repeat performance then first aid is not what you'd need, this is -

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