RANGERS fans have promised to turn the air blue when they come face to face with under-fire boss Walter Smith at Murray Park tomorrow.
Raging supporters have turned on the man in the hot-seat rather than the men upstairs after their disastrous Champions League qualifier defeat to Kaunas.
They will get a quick chance to have it out with Smith when he and chairman David Murray face angry fans' groups tomorrow.
With punters arriving from all over the world, Rangers Assembly president Jim Templeton wants honesty from the men at the helm.
He told Record Sport: "That meeting was already arranged but now it's likely to take a different course than most of us anticipated.
"I have no doubt people will be venting their frustrations and asking questions. There will be guys there from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, North America and all over the UK and as far as I'm concerned, they will get a free range of what they want to ask.
"Let's just hope when the questions are asked they will be answered honestly.
"I think the supporters will be really upset. I'd like to think they will conduct themselves in a proper manner but it may well become, if not heated, certainly full of in-depth questions.
"The management and players were praised last season so they should be accountable for what's gone on this season.
"People can point the finger at the chairman and chief executive but the most important thing is what happens on the park.
"The board have to provide the manager with what he requires - and let's be honest Walter Smith has spent a considerable amount of money since he came back. You have to ask has there been an improvement?
"Last season there was because we won two trophies but they were the minor two of the four. We wanted to see an improvement on that and not a move backwards.
"The chairman would be more than happy to sell the club if he got the right buyer and you don't just get rid of it to anybody."
Templeton branded the loss in Lithuania a dark day for the club.
He said: "I'd say the result is the worst in our European history and one of our worst ever. I can't put into words how disastrous it is for us."