MPs to choose new Commons Speaker

MPs had been angry about Mr Martin's handling of the expenses row

MPs are due to vote for a new Commons Speaker amid claims that Labour whips are trying to influence the contest. Ex-foreign secretary Margaret Beckett remains bookmakers' favourite, but at least one Labour MP has accused the government of trying to install her.
Stephen Pound said government whips were "touting Margaret Beckett" and said that they should "stop doing it".
Ten candidates are in the running to replace Michael Martin, who was forced out following the expenses scandal.
Mr Pound, Labour MP for Ealing North, said he thought Mrs Beckett would win the MPs secret ballot on Monday, because of the whips' involvement.


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"There is a lot of skulduggery going on... it is a depressing example of MPs looking inwards to their own advantage when we really should be looking outwards," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
But Harriet Harman, the leader of the Commons, denied the government were attempting to sway the contest.
"There is no skullduggery, nor should there be," she told the BBC.
"Not only is it the most free of free votes, it is a secret ballot. There is no government line and therefore there is no whipping."
Mr Martin became the first Speaker to be forced from office in 300 years following widespread public revulsion at the number of MPs who were seen to take advantage of the Commons' expenses rules.
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His replacement will inherit the role of adjudicating MPs' debates, representing Parliament to outside bodies, as well overseeing the administration of the House of Commons.
Ladbrokes tipped Ms Beckett, a former foreign secretary, as favourite for the post on odds of 2/1, ahead of fellow front-runners Sir George Young on 3/1 and John Bercow on 3/1.
William Hill had Sir George in front on 7/4, Mrs Beckett on 2/1 and Mr Bercow on 4/1, with the rest of the field trailing.

Margaret Beckett (Lab)
Sir Alan Beith (Lib Dem)
John Bercow (Con)
Sir Patrick Cormack (Con)
Parmjit Dhanda (Lab)
Sir Alan Haselhurst (Con)
Sir Michael Lord (Con)
Richard Shepherd (Con)
Ann Widdecombe (Con)
Sir George Young (Con)

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But BBC political editor Nick Robinson said the secrecy of the process, and the fact there will be several ballots, will allow MPs to sniff the mood - meaning they could change their minds at the last minute.
Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg called for a "people's Speaker" who would open up Parliament for the 21st century, but warned that whoever landed the job faced a tough task.
He said: "Even if we get the best speaker in the world, he or she is really going to have their work cut out.
"The vested interests at Westminster are already manoeuvring to water down reform."
Ms Beckett has attracted some cross-party support from MPs like the Conservative Richard Bacon.
He said he would be "perfectly content" with somebody like Ms Beckett as Speaker, as long as she got the assent across the House of Commons from different parties.