Satellites have been responsible for providing weather news for the past 50 years, and they heralded an era of global communication. From commercial communication satellites to spy satellites to weather satellites, they are awe inspiring in all forms. Natural disasters strike in many forms, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, avalanches and floods. Here is a portfolio of natural disasters as photographed from the Space.

Indian Ocean Tsunami of December 26, 2004

Horrific pictures of people running away from towering waves flashed across newspapers across the globe on Christmas 2004. An earthquake of magnitude 9.1 triggered the Tsunami which travelled from Indonesia to Somalia and Seychelles. The scale of destruction was massive and the videos of the tsunami were horrific.
Total fatalities : 230,000
Cost of Damage : exceeds USD 25 Billion

Hurricane Katrina -- August, 2005

It was not the strongest hurricane ever recorded, yet it was the costliest. The failure of the levee system in New Orleans led to widespread damage and loss of life. The rest as most of us know, is history.
Total fatalities : 2000+
Cost of Damage : USD 90.9 Billion

Katrina at Peak Intensity

Eyewall of Hurricane Katrina captured on August 28, 2005, from a NOAA WP-3D "Orion" Hurricane Hunter

Chandeleur Islands before and after Hurricane Katrina

Typhoon Tip -- October, 1979

The most intense tropical cyclone ever recorded, Typhoon Tip at its peak strength had a diameter of 2,220 km (1380 miles) and sustained wind speeds in excess of 190mph. It also set the record for the lowest ever sea level pressure recorded. The super typhoon is one of the most widely photographed typhoon’s in history thanks to the 60 flights U.S. Air Force Reconnaissance flew into it.
Total fatalities : 68
Cost of Damage : Moderate, mostly at sea

At Peak Intensity

Colour Image of the Super Typhoon

Hurricane Ike -- September 13, 2008

As a category 2 Hurricane, it made landfall on Galveston, Texas on September 13, 2008. It is categorized as the third worst hurricane in US history.
Total fatalities : 195
Cost of Damage : USD 32 Billion

Hurricane Ike at Peak Intensity

Captured from the ISS

Eye of the Hurricane is clearly visible

Chaitén Volcano -- May 2, 2008

Chile’s Chaitén Volcano became active after a dormancy period of over 9,000 years. The evacuation zone established around the volcano was 50km wide and the plume from the volcano went as far as 30km in the sky. Nearby villages were covered in nearly 1.5m of volcanic ash after the eruption.

Total fatalities : Thankfully none

Cost of Damage : Unestimated

Infrared Image shows smoke plume rising

Enhanced True Color Image shows smoke plume rising

Hurricane Isabel -- September, 2003

It was the costliest and deadliest hurricane in 2003 and when it made landfall on the east coast of the US, it caused severe damage. Sustained wind speeds were in excess of 165mph.
Total fatalities : 51
Cost of Damage : USD 4.28 Billion

The Eye of the Cyclone as seen from the ISS

Captured from the ISS

Cyclone Gonu -- June, 2007

The strongest cyclone ever in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, Super Cyclonic Storm Gonu formed and dissipated over the first week of June, 2007 reaching maximum speeds in excess of 165mph.
Total fatalities : 78
Cost of Damage : USD 4.4 Billion

Peak Intensity - captured by MODIS

Those close up hurricane images are superb