Siavash, Marcus up for eviction

Day 84, 00:39 BST
By Jen Grieves

Siavash and Marcus will face the public vote this week.
The pair face eviction on Friday after receiving the most votes in yesterday's nominations. Marcus received five nominations, while Siavash acquired four.
Siavash was criticised earlier by the other housemates after refusing to nominate for the fourth week running, despite knowing that it would give Sophie and Charlie a vote each.
He told the others that he did it because he "wanted to go up", stating that he wants to find out for sure whether the public want him in the final next week.
The events organiser further reasoned that he knew Sophie and Charlie would be safe if he did not nominate. Charlie accused him of "cheating" on his friends, sparking a huge row in the house last night.
Charlie, David, Rodrigo and Lisa all used their two votes on the pair, while Sophie nominated David and Marcus.
Marcus, meanwhile, voted for David and Sophie.
This is the fifth week running that Marcus has faced the public vote. The results will be announced during Friday's eviction show.