I was inspired by nitelifes photo of the match firing up so i took my own, but missed (actually i didnt, it was too bright and even photoshop couldnt save it and i could only find 2 matches should have closed my apature lesson learnt now though) i got a photo of them dieing though.

I was still bored so there fore i played with the lighter, and here is what i got.

Then i was bored for the rest of the day, and on the evening, i took these...

30 second exposure out of my bedroom window

30second exposure outside my house using a tripod in heavy wind, this is the best photo i got out of about 10

One more before i went to bed and i was inspired by a friend who took a photo in italy of this, so i tried it myself.

30 second exposure of a car coming into the road, dropping off a passenger.

few minutes later another car did the same so i took a photo of them on the way out and merged them.