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  1. #1
    DF Moderator
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    Default DMI problems with UFC 2009 Undisputed, Red Faction: Guerilla & up

    Just copied this form about banning and next ban wave and bad DMI on 3 games

    Not getting Ban from Live is quite simple but every year, a shit load of idiots acted retarded and ended up getting Ban. So this is how not to be a fuckin retard. 
    1) Do not play leaks 
    If a game is release 1 month before street date, thats a Ban magnet cause you're probably playing a promo copy. You want to play the game really bad, fine, create yourself an offline account that never go on Live. Even if you play disconnected from Live on your account, it will show on your gamercard and MS will see it as soon as you go on Live when it gets updated. 
    2) Always check with abgx360 
    Before burning the game, wait till it's in abgx360 database. abgx360 need 2 or 3 retail copies to add infos in the database. If the game hit internet 5 days before street date, there's a good chance it wont be in the database yet. abgx360 will say everything looks fine but it might not be. Lets take GI Joe for example. When the game was release, all seems the ISO again and you will notice that it will patch the stealth files with autofix. 
    Alot of you might not know but this was a news on abgx360 site: 
    Note: If you have recently AutoFixed "UFC 2009 Undisputed", "Red Faction: Guerilla" or "Up" using abgx360, it may have patched a corrupt DMI to your ISO.  <---Ban Magnet 
    Read the whole news of 2009/06/14 on 
    3) Lattest iXtreme firmware 
    Always have the lattest firmware in your 360. They dont get updated just for the fun of taking your 360 apart. 
    4) You dont play multiplayer with that game, why go on Live? 
    If you're playing a single player, why going on Live?? Doesnt make sense and you give more chance for MS to flag you. You want your friends at school to see you play games early?? That's how you get banned dumbass. Pulling out the ethernet cable out of your 360 dont need to be done by a rocket scientist, even the dumbest monkey on earth can do that...why dont you? 
    Those guidelines are pretty easy to follow, that's how i survive 2 ban waves although i got ban in the first wave cause i was a fuckin retard   
    This is some stuff poeple will post, like 
    "I played all leaks like fallout 3, i didnt get banned and i dont really care" 
    Well good for you, you might not be as lucky next time. Let's take zookeeper525 (mod) for this example. He played like a retard with every leaked games logged on Live, he knew he was going to get ban and he said like several poeple "i dont really care". Well you know what, he do care, he miss playing on Live, alot. And he will probably start suckin cocks on street corners to get himself a new 360 to play Modern Warfare 2.    
    90% of Bannies that say they dont care, thats Bullshit, they do care, they just wont admit they are retards to themselves. 
    You will also hear: 
    "If i get banned, i'll get myself another 360" 
    Why the fuck you need to go that far. Hassle of selling the ban one, get the rest of the money to buy a new one, flash it...All this cause you wanted poeple to see how cool and leet you are by playing leaks... 
    You wont know if you're flagged until it's too late, not going back on Live till the wave is over wont change anything, if you have been flagged, you're fucked. MS wont let you go for good behaviour  
    The next ban wave is set on November 16, through out the whole week. Now you're asking yourself why MS do that every year around the same time. Simple, Selling strategy to boost sales. 
    Ban waves always occur before Thanksgiving (USA) and a major game release (Modern Warfare 2 for this year). For those who dont know, Thanksgiving is like Christmas for the Americans. Family comes home, brings gifts and shit. So if you're ban and you know all your cousins will be there, you want to play on Live with them...but you can't cause you're Ban so you will ask a new one. Can't get in time for Thanksgiving, no problem, Christmas is a month away. 
    It's all about boosting the 360 sales that time of the year. 
    Even Hitler gets banned from Xbox Live

    Cheapreefer on instagram

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member fanni's Avatar
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    Default Re: DMI problems with UFC 2009 Undisputed, Red Faction: Guerilla & up

    Yeah this has been known for some time

    Just run the games through abgx again and it will fix them for you

  3. #3
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    Default Re: DMI problems with UFC 2009 Undisputed, Red Faction: Guerilla & up

    Quote Originally Posted by fanni View Post
    Yeah this has been known for some time

    Cheapreefer on instagram

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member fanni's Avatar
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    Default Re: DMI problems with UFC 2009 Undisputed, Red Faction: Guerilla & up

    No need to apologise

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