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    DF VIP Member rookie's Avatar
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    hi all first of all im gonna explain why im gonna hit the gym and sort my self out.
    for the last 10 years i been on drugs big time, eating crap and drinking copious amounts.

    now at the start of last month i split up with the ex.
    it was all my fault i basically lost her through my lifestyle and it has hit me really bad.
    (i dont want any negative comments here please guys)

    but over the past month somthing has made me want to sort myself out for me and nobody else.
    i havnt touched any drugs for 2 weeks but i have been drinking.
    im planning to not do drugs any more but drink very moderatley once a week.

    i currently smoke which i realise im gonna have to give up.
    i have an induction at a gym later on 2day when they set u a plan and goals etc i couldnt go before now as im skint but payday today.

    i dont no my vital stats but im going to find this out later
    when i go to the gym, i think im around 5foot9 and weight around 80kgs.

    my aim is to get fit and bulk up, well grow muscle hopefully a six pack and tone up.

    this is going to be no easy step i no as im going to have to adjust my diet, im planning on going to the gym 5 time a weeks

    i will be going at 5.30 pm every day

    here are some pics im sorry for it being a long post i just thought id better explain why im doing this etc

    this is me a year ago when i came off drugs for a bit

    this was taken this morning without having eaten anything
    and stomach out

    side view

    im going to post later 2nite with how it went and what the trainer said.
    im going to have a big read up on dietry foods etc.
    i dont think im fat jus need to loose the stomach and tone up.

    i have found mens heath forum very informative but i will be glad of any advise from yourselves etc


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    DF VIP Member dalboy's Avatar
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    Good luck mate.

    5 times a week I think is a bit too much, especially if your going in succession.

    Maybe do 3 / 4 sessions a week, splitting them into different body parts.

    Diet is SO important - You can treat yourself to a "cheat" meal now and again but try and eat as clean as possible.

    The sooner you cut out smoking / drinking the better.

    For bulking, try buying some whey powder and making some shakes...

    Once you get into it, its really not that hard to stick with it. Just depends on how busy your lifestyle is I guess. I've only been doing my routine for 7 weeks but I am pleased so far...

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    DF VIP Member rookie's Avatar
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    thanks mate hopefully the trainer will run me through what machines to use and a routine.

    i have been reading lots on protein food etc.
    ie i enjoy tuna and chicken lots anyway.
    although im very confused about protein poweder and
    which to buy, so any pointers greatly appreciated i have read a few posts in the journal about protein poweder but they were from a while ago so im not sure what to go for.

    and how much i shood be taking my aim is to get today out of the way then start planning my diet over the wknd and possibly start it on monday.
    so expect a lot of posts from me.

    planning this has really made me feel loads better already and im sure it will give me focus which is what i need.

    hows ur training going what are your stats
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    DF VIP Member dalboy's Avatar
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    Well I take 40gms whey protein powder per shake. I have 2 a day.

    On training days I have the above plus 5gms L-Glutamine powder to help after training.

    My shakes include scottish oats, bananas, water and milk.

    You need to be consuming at least 1gm protein for every pound of body weight that you hold each day otherwise you will lose muscle mass.

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    right fella im off to the gym now i will get all vital weights and post when i get back
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  6. #6
    DF VIP Member Zippeyrude's Avatar
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    80kgs and 5'9", your physique is okish tbh as a starting point.

    firstly work out your routine. if you are staring then you really want to spend the first two months working out all the body parts. split routines are more advanced and you will not be ready for these. worse still you will risk injury or become demotivated.

    i would highly recommend a 3 day a week routine to kick things off. do these on alternate days or have at least a day break between visits to the gym.

    now the interesting part, you need to get to know your shit. i am a firm believer that, if you know what muscles do what, and how, you will train properly and with good technique. you dont need to be a doctor either.

    lets take 3 examples based on the chest muscle.

    basics.... the chest muscle links the front of the chest to the upper arm. when your chest muscle contracts it 'pulls' the arm forward.

    a) flat bench press.
    you lie flat on the bench and push the muscle up. the muscle worked is the central chest muscle. it will be roughly in line with the upwards movement of the weight.

    b) incline bench press.
    this is where the bench is at an incline (20-40ish degrees). You are pushing the weight upwards (i.e. perpendicular to the floor). The (primary) muscle you are now using is the upper chest (and bit of shoulder but lets ignore that for now).

    c) decline bench press
    this is where the bench is set so that your head is lower than your feet. the press is again upwards when compared to the ground, but you are effectively pushing out and down. the lower chest muscles are exercised.

    Now here is the key. Know your muscles and how they connect. Imagine the muscles are like rubber bands that tighten and pull other parts of your body into a certain movement.

    pick 2 or 3 exercises from each muscle group and do 3 sets of each. as a start you want to be doing a high intensity workout (no fannying about between sets).
    you need to be doing 15-20 sets in total with a workout lasting 45 minutes or so.
    top and tail with some stretching, and ad abdominal work and cardio as you see fit.
    there is a crossover in muscle groups but this is only a basic guide.

    barbell flat bench press
    dumbell flat bench press
    dumbell flyes
    cable flyes
    barbell incline bench press
    dumbell incline bench press

    dumbell seated shoulder press
    standing barbell (military)shoulder press
    seated barbell shoulder press
    side (lateral) db raises
    front db raises
    front barbell raises
    upright raises

    bent over rows (barbell)
    one arm db bent over row
    bent over db raises
    bent over row
    lateral pull down / chin ups


    db bicep curls
    barbell curls
    tricep extension
    tricep pushdown


    Leg curls
    Calf lifts
    Leg extension
    Leg squats

    dont start heavy, this is about building up some core strength and conditioning the muscles for later on (when you will probably be giving them more of a pounding)

  7. #7
    DF VIP Member Zippeyrude's Avatar
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    oh in terms of protein, they are only supplements. make sure your diet is good first.

    be careful on the whey protein, to much can easily fatten you up

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member jimbo77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zippeyrude View Post
    oh in terms of protein, they are only supplements. make sure your diet is good first.

    be careful on the whey protein, to much can easily fatten you up
    will whey protein fatten you up if not training.....??

  9. #9
    DF VIP Member Sanj[UK]'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo77 View Post
    will whey protein fatten you up if not training.....??
    if you have too much it will..

    @Rookie this progress journal will be the best thing you do for a while,...make sure u update it constantly. Once you get past the first 3-4 days it becomes part of your rotuine. Good luck fella.

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member rookie's Avatar
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    well i just got back im a bit confused but here goes
    first of all i got my weight and height wrong.
    im 168cm and i weight 70kg i aqpoligise from what i put before but he measured me there.

    basically im being told to start of 10min on the running machine
    i can really remember the speed but he said to put it to what i feel comfortable then gradualy build up.

    next 10 min on the rowing machine again i think this was set to level 5
    then 10 min on the cross trainer he said i want to keep my speed about 100
    if that makes sense.

    the we moved onto some of the machines i cant for the life of me remeber what they are called.

    one was where you pull yourself up and it had weights on it.
    we done 5 different machines in total they were all set to around 30kg on each.
    they really worked my arms and my chest though because i can still feel it now
    he said that i shout do 10 movements on each machine and repeat 5 times.
    and that if i find it easy i should gradualy up the weight on each one.

    i do apoligise im being so vauge about all this but i have the feeling the bloke didnt really give a shit about telling me the names of the machines and just wanted to leave work.
    he did advise not to use free weights for about a month just to use the machines first.
    as he said its easier to injure yourself using free weights

    when i go tommorow i will bring my card home with all the things im doing on them.

    zippeyrude thanks for that info that is a good read but is that something i should start after i have been going for a month and maybe get my diet sorted first.

    once again i wood like to thank everyone for there input so far and im sorry if i havnt provided the info u need to help me but i will bring my card home 2moro and i can see what he wrote on it.

    can you get normal protein porder as well as whey protein powder
    and idealy what is the diference.

    if i weight 70kg's how my protein should i be putting into my body per day
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  11. #11
    DF VIP Member Zippeyrude's Avatar
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    sounds like they are putting you on a fair bit of cardio to start.

    Quote Originally Posted by rookie View Post
    can you get normal protein porder as well as whey protein powder and idealy what is the diference.

    if i weight 70kg's how my protein should i be putting into my body per day
    whey protein is from cheese / dairy origins. if you add this to your diet and you dont need it you will put on fat.

    mate for now, dont worry about the protein you wont be needing it if you are just conditioning the muscle. once you get to a stage where you want to 'bulk' up the muscle we can talk supplements, for now save your money.

    take it slow and do some reading, ignore the scales use the mirror as your progress indicator.

    importantly have fun and enjoy the progress, you will get your motivation by feeling and looking good.

  12. #12
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    thanks mate 2day i havnt really eaten much but i really want to get into it.
    today for breakfast i had 2 poached eggs on a slice of toast i sorta skipped lunch
    as i had the poached eggs around 12pm, im starving now so im gonna mix
    a tin of tuna in with some vegetables.

    tommorow im gonna pop to sainburys and buy some chicken bresats so i can prepare some food for the next few days, ive got lots of reading to do but hearing all of you comments and encouragments has really given me focus.

    im gonna be posting everyday what i have eaten and what i have done so i hope you lot dont mind.

    one quick question i been told having potatoes is bad ie jacket paotatoes.
    is this true
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  13. #13
    DF VIP Member Zippeyrude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rookie View Post
    im gonna be posting everyday what i have eaten and what i have done so i hope you lot dont mind.
    thats what we're all here for mate

    one quick question i been told having potatoes is bad ie jacket paotatoes.
    is this true
    nah, as a statement it's bollocks.

    carbs give you energy
    protein is the building block for muscle
    veg and fibre keeps the system healthy and clean

    you need all of the above in the right quantities

    your ability to put on or lose weight is basically a mathematical calculation

    your body uses a certain amount of calories every day. more if you exercise.

    if you eat too much (of whatever) you will gain weight. you may gain lean muscle or you may gain fat, typically a mix of both.

    conversely if you eat too little (i.e. calorific intake is in 'deficit) you will lose weight. probably fat and some muscle too.

    so you need to eat healthily. carbs are not bad. potatoes are not bad (in moderation).

    you basically need to eat the right amount, and mix of food. try and eat 1/3 carbs, 1/3 protein and 1/3 veg & fibre as a very basic rule

    dont overeat (eat massive portions), and try to avoid bad fat (lardy stuff and oily fried food).

    also, dont worry about the odd treat, we are all human and if you starved yourself of the odd luxury you'd probably not enjoy it. this is often why fad diets collapse, they place unreasonable expectations on people.

    as i said before mate, enjoy yourself and im sure it will all come in good time

  14. #14
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    i just eat a tin of tuna withe black peper and some soy sauce only a splash and an apple.

    to be homest i feel stuffed, i am going to the pub tonight but im off the lager
    i may just have a couple of vodka and diet cokes i have also read that if you are going to drink spirits its best to stick to the clear ones.

    if i dont reply any more i will be posting here 2moro with what i have eaten for breakfast.

    bloody hell 2months ago i wood have never thought i wood be joining a gym
    but then again i was shoveling all sorts in me.

    i feel buzzing now
    tstarting this has really given me focus
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    DF VIP Member jimbo77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanj[UK] View Post
    if you have too much it will..

    @Rookie this progress journal will be the best thing you do for a while,...make sure u update it constantly. Once you get past the first 3-4 days it becomes part of your rotuine. Good luck fella.
    gr8 need to put on some pounds.....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo77 View Post
    gr8 need to put on some pounds.....
    if you want to put on a few more pounds of muscle then its advised to do weight training, if you drink lots of protein and dont weight train, you risk the danger of adding pounds of fat!

  17. #17
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    Alright mate, first off congratulations on starting. Make sure you give it your all this time, it sounds like you're going to.

    I used to go to the gym when I was 17 to bulk for Rugby and in the last two months I've been going to cut (gone from 14'2 to 12'6). I'm just gonna give you a few of my tips here, make of them what you will.

    First off, I'm surprised he's said use the machines and I think he's chatting bollocks to be honest. Free weights are best because they involve stabiliser muscles so give you more of a workout. He's right that you should start out gently to condition your body but that just means you should start on a lower weight, not a machine. I currently have a shoulder injury and so I bench press just the bar! That brings me on to my next point, don't worry what other people think. Most bodybuilders are nice guys who will help you out so don't ever change a routine because someone is watching.

    There are 3 key components to what you're doing; exercise, diet and rest. This is a standard cliche but it's true. What I would add is that there is a fourth component that increases the effect of these components and that is knowledge. Read, read and read more! I do it because it interests me and because any extra progress I get from merely browsing the internet has got to be good!

    Sign up to and have a ganders. They have amazing resources, such as recipes, diets and workouts. The recipes are the real deal used by bodybuilders, whereas I sometimes feel Men's Health caters to part timers, giving them 'good' recipes but that will still hold you back.

    One thing I have found very helpful in losing fat is cutting carbs in the evening. Many people swear by it and I feel that it was beneficial to my weight loss. The logic behind this is that if you eat carbs before you go to sleep (ie before you can use them), then your body will store them as fat.

    I find a great place for all supplement needs. They're what the pros use, not Holland and Barrett who are poor value and quality.

    This is a bit of a simplified run down of protein but you can get slow release and fast release proteins and you generally want fast release for post weights and slow for everything else e.g. at night. I know someone else in this thread said don't bother with it yet and they are certainly right that it isn't essential but if you fancy it I would try Remember when it comes to your diet that you want to feed your body 6 times a day ideally rather than the standard 3 big meals that most people have. That protein shake can be a decent filler between the food meals and will help to stop your body drawing from muscle for energy. Just don't have too much if you're not actually weight training. Read up about pre and post workout shakes as well.

    Remember that carbs are probably more dangerous to fat gain than fat itself so don't be concerned with 'low fat' foods that are actually full of sugar. Oh, and if you want to keep some foods sweet then get yourself some sweetener, it's better than a kick in the balls.

    When you read up on stuff, you'll always find stuff you've been doing 'wrong'. Just bear in mind that now you're lifestyle is better so your body will always be improving, regardless of little mistakes you might make. Good luck with it all mate!

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    right guys sorry for not posting yesturday, i hit the gym this time i done a run for 10min which knackered me then a 10min cycle and then 500m on the rowing machine.
    i decided not to touch the weights as i used them the previous day.
    as for my diet i eat some chicken and tuna yesturday.

    i do have a confession tho i drank about 7 pints yesturday.
    i found out the ex is now seeing somone a month after we split
    and i thought id go for a drink wrong i no.
    it was a minor blip but i thought id mention it as there is no point
    in lying.

    im off to the gym later so i will reopt back.
    does anyone no any abs excersises i can do at home or no of any good
    viseo's i took a look on youtube but there is loads
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    if your gonna quit smoking fella, use the nhs give up plan, you can sign up for it in any chemist, its the price of one prescription, and you stay on it for as long as you need. They supply all patches, or what ever you are gonna use.
    I was on it for 12 weeks and finally stopped end of feb this year, not had one since. Even if i feel the need for one i cant pick one up now and i smoked since i was 15, now 31 lol.
    Good luck

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    DF VIP Member rookie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lithho View Post
    if your gonna quit smoking fella, use the nhs give up plan, you can sign up for it in any chemist, its the price of one prescription, and you stay on it for as long as you need. They supply all patches, or what ever you are gonna use.
    I was on it for 12 weeks and finally stopped end of feb this year, not had one since. Even if i feel the need for one i cant pick one up now and i smoked since i was 15, now 31 lol.
    Good luck
    sweet smoking is somthing i really need to give up.
    was it patches u were on litho.
    this thread is really helping me keep focused apart from my little blip yesturday but i blame the ex for that.

    thanks for all the help and comments guys i really appreciate it
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