I've been looking closely at the design of the latest climbing guides and would like to find out more about the format/publisher that is used to produce them.
As a climber and ametuer photographer I am starting to think about making a small scale text/photo based book - an idea that started with my own 'photobook' type idea; that kind of became extended...
Being a idea/project that may span a few years I think now is a good idea to select a format to follow. I've noticed a few people do this on their own and at home using relevant software.
Who are the people to look more closely at? What software would be a good start? I'm also interested in what you think of said software? Do you think it's good value for money? Being predominately a one man band the cost is a serious hurdle to success for me.
I guess i'm looking at downloading some kind of book making software suitable for my purpose (i.e. photos and text - with watermarked photos) and begin working with it!
Cheers all