Sony Thinks Wii And Natal Will 'Have Trouble Matching' Its PS3 Wand

Posted 18 hrs ago by Brian Warmoth in News, PS3

Sony doesn't seem to have any qualms about setting a high bar for its new motion technology peripherals, which may or may not be called "Gem." The PS3 motion controller still hasn't been officially explained, but the company believes they have a game-changer on their hands that will out-perform the Wii and Project Natal.

“I think the areas that are going to be really critical to our success will be family games, as well as shooters and sports games,” Sony director of hardware marketing John Koller GamePro. “Those are going to be the areas that will really define success, because they're areas that quite honestly, I think Project Natal and the Wii are going to have trouble matching, from a differentiation standpoint."
Sony will have to do more than just make motion-based family, shooter and sports games, which the Wii already has an ample supply of and has been hosting since its launch. Overall, Koller's argument for the mystery device surpassing its competitors amounts to little more than smack talk right now, but he promises that new revelations will back up his claims when the PS3's motion controller is officially unveiled.
"The Holy Grail of gaming is placing you as a consumer into the game physically," he said. "When we provide further details, people will see exactly where we're going, not only from a technological standpoint on the hardware, but also where the gameplay is transitioning. It's going to be a really exciting launch."
Talking about discovering things the Wii has been doing for years and producing a product that does them better are two completely different accomplishments, but 2010 should shed some light on what Sony has in store.