Aisleyne praises "nice guy" Alex Reid

Day 13, 14:00 GMT
By Daniel Kilkelly, Entertainment Reporter
Rex Features

Former Big Brother star Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace has revealed that she is a fan of current housemate Alex Reid.
The 31-year-old, who competed in 2006's summer series, claimed that glamour girl Katie Price had made the right choice in picking Reid as her latest lover.
Writing on Twitter as she watched last night's episode, which saw the contestants confront Reid about his media image, Horgan-Wallace admitted: "I feel a bit sorry for Alex."
Later, she continued: "Alex seems like such a nice guy, Katie's got a good man again."
However, Horgan-Wallace was less complimentary about Lady Sovereign after seeing the singer's desire for a corned beef sandwich causing tensions in the house.
She said: "Look at all the stress and drama Lady Sov has caused coz madame wanted corn beef, trust me meal planning is stress in the house. (sic)"