PleXo released a new version of XBR Flasher:

Simple batch file for flashing/restoring your xbox 360 nand chips, compatible with all revisions to date. nand backups along with kv and config seperate and log files from nandpro all kept in /backups/ restoring will come next havent done that yet...

* Automatic CB Detection
* Automatic dumping (2 times)
* Automatic checksum compare
* Automatic Keyvault and config extraction and injection
* Automatic XBR.bin selection
* Keeps backups in tidy folders
* Supports 16mb and 256/512mb nands

XBRFlasher will now dump 1 sector from the NAND and run cbcheck.exe to determine the CB Version, it will then (based on your board revision you picked) decide if the xbox is exploitable or not, it will continue if exploitable and go back to start with an error if your xbox has an unexploitable CB version

Looking further into GUI idea... have a rough draft layed out still deciding on alot of things...

**PLEASE NOTE ** I recommend that when XBRFlasher tells you to press any key to continue flashing, you run 1 of the backup files through Degraded or similar to check for badblocks!

What's new/fixed:
* Added Automatic CB Checking, cleaned up some of batch script fixed some misc errors coming upp
Official Site: n/a, by Plexo on
Download: here