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Thread: I told you so

  1. #1
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar

    Default I told you so

    following the disgusting display in london today, i feel it is only fair to give some space to post the views of the group holding the rally

    One of the organisers of the rally, Jim Choudhury, told BBC Radio 5 Live the group "had a right" to stage the rally, which was meant to support the Islamic religion.

    "It's an Islamic duty upon every Muslim to call on the society in which he lives to embrace Islam as an ideology.

    "The rally for Islam is intended to concentrate on people who are thinking about Islam, or want to know more about Islam, and to dispel some of the misconceptions that people already hold about Islam and Muslims."

    He denied the group was homophobic or anti-Semitic - although he conceded he believed homosexuality was "an abomination".

    The people who form al-Qaeda or the Taleban happen to be Muslims so inevitably every Muslim will have something in common with them

    Organiser Jim Choudhury
    "Al-Muhajiroun are very strong in their views that the Israeli occupation of Muslim land is illegitimate and must be dealt with... but that doesn't mean that we are anti-Jew."
    well that just about covers it i guess so there you go, "It's an Islamic duty upon every Muslim to call on the society in which he lives to embrace Islam as an ideology. " so we had better all become good little islamic robots before the group leader Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed, "a radical who recently warned the UK of terrorist attacks " comes along and kills us all in their murderous ways.

    it is time this threat to our country was stamped out, and the only way to do it is to treat islam with the respect it deserves, make it a proscribed political organisation (after all something that is calling for its own laws is also classed as a political organisation) if it was made illegal then any follower of this dangerous group could be arrested and imprisoned as a terrorist (which every one is potentialy).

    as for the scum that was present today i wait to see if the greater london authority will prosicute everyone there as they have the power to do and i urge every member who lives in the GLA to write/email/fax the GLA to demand that they act against this scum with the full force of the law (the gla had banned the rally as they considered it could incite racism, i dont claim to know why they chose that phrase when the rally was being held by the biggest bunch of racists since the nazis, but if thats what the gla want then tell them that if they dont act then you feel that they are being racist towards the normal people of london)


  2. #2
    DF VIP Member digidump's Avatar
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    Whilst not wishing to disagree with you I can't see why you are getting so excited about a few dozen bewhiskered f*ckwits. They are without doubt a bunch of sad f*ckwits

    To suggest that making Islam 'a proscribed political organisation ' is at best ill thought out and at worst a parallel with the Nazi's treatment of Judaeism.

    Further the link in your signature 'Click here to find out the truth about the biggest danger to our planet' takes me to a p*ss poor website with a small selection of American right wing neo-conservative articles. If you are interested in learning more about pro Israeli American politics I would suggest David Horowitz's site who writes a weekly column for the Jewish Weekly Review which can be found here

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member Gel's Avatar
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    The IRA should of planted a bomb - The reaction to that would of been interesting
    Trying not to kill myself...

  4. #4
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    Well, firstly the few bewhiskered ****wits were not all the old guard, there were young whisker free ****wits on the platform as well as in the crowd

    secondly, i get sick of hearing all the islamic brotherhood shit, then being told that islam isnt like that, i'm very much afraid that its exactly like that, i only have to observe everything from the behaviour, voting patterns and even their gang assaults to see that the islamic brotherhood is a reality in my country just as much as elsewhere, if these people do not want an islamic state in MY country then why do they need their own muslim parliament in the uk? why are they constantly chipping away at my country's laws and traditions if they arent trying to turn my country into aan islamic one, as seen from my quote above these people saying this are not the odd ****wit, they are community leaders who preach this poisionous shit in their mosques, that is a danger because they are truly the new nazis, equating my suggestion of proscribing them to being like a nazi is not only untrue but also sadly typifies the expected respones (if in doubt accuse anyone who disagrees of being a racist). you may care to note that hitler and the nazis were the last group who tried to take over this country and that those who followed him in this country were locked up for our countries safety, the behaviour, threats and aims of this new bunch of racist nazis are an equal or even greater threat than hitler was not just to the jews but to the whole fabric of society and this country needs to make a stand against such attitudes before it is too late for all of us. this country fought a war to stop the nazis and now it needs to fight another against the new nazis proscription would be a start, it wouldnt be us behaving like nazis, it would be us making a start at defeating them again.

    thirdly, the link in my sig provides access to a site (in america) that posts news reports from around the world, it has no government funding (like islamic sites or even jewish ones) it is not simply a rerun of the normal jew vs islam arguements which is why i recommend it, i honestly feeel that a site that is simply a pro isreali site would not be quite so open as one that just posts news.

    ask yourself if these community leaders gave a flying fcuk for our laws then why did they hold their pathetic little nazi rally after it was banned? that is why they are dangerous.

    @gel, i wish

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member wonkyfox's Avatar
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    Originally posted by digidump
    I can't see why you are getting so excited about a few dozen bewhiskered f*ckwits. They are without doubt a bunch of sad f*ckwits[/URL]
    Because they insult the memory of those killed by these religious lunatics..

    How would people have reacted if the supporters of the Nazi party had wanted to do this a year after WW2,
    or the IRA to do the samething in Warrington??

    "God is a comedian, playing to an audience who are too afraid to laugh...."

  6. #6
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    here is a pic of those bewhiskered fcukwits, note the new generation of nazis on the platform with them...

  7. #7
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    just a thought but if this nazi scum doesnt represent the islamic religion then why are they running your mosques, why havent they been removed?

  8. #8
    DF Rookie Lebowski's Avatar
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    I think you should find yourself a nice hobby ABCman before you get even more carried away with all this B.S.

    Have you started building that Nuclear Shelter in the garden yet, for when the "biggest danger to our planet" arrives.

    Oh dear..............

  9. #9
    VIP Member Snak3's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Lebowski
    I think you should find yourself a nice hobby ABCman before you get even more carried away with all this B.S.

    Have you started building that Nuclear Shelter in the garden yet, for when the "biggest danger to our planet" arrives.

    Oh dear..............
    the 'biggest danger to our planet' as you put it would ALMOST CERTAINLY eminate from an islamic country.
    "The British Secret Service was staffed at one point almost entirely by alcoholic homosexuals working for the KGB."
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  10. #10
    DF Rookie Lebowski's Avatar
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    I was quoting ABCman with the 'biggest danger to our planet' bit.

    I havent any fears of of "our" country being destoyed by islamic fundamentalists. I have other things to do.

    I'm sure ABCman would say that i'd feel diffrently if i lived where he did, but maybe he should think about that before repeadly posting his anti-islamic rants like "i get sick of hearing all the islamic brotherhood shit".

    I thought he wouldve got bored of this lark by now, especially after he was put in his place by some islamic guy on a previous thread a while back.

  11. #11
    DF Member worzel2007's Avatar
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    Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed is a dangerous dole dossing scumbag and should be deported asap along with all the muppets i totally agree with ABC MAN they are the new nazis and are dangerous /Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed threatens this country and they let him get away with it

    total pathetic / u say it and your nicked

  12. #12
    DF Rookie Lebowski's Avatar
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    The new Nazi's ?

    ....get a grip.

  13. #13
    DF MaSter Zydig0's Avatar
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    Default He's back !

    ABCMan,for an insight as to how bad things become when a "foreign" culture takes over it's host like a cancer refer back to Israel\Palestine.

    In principal I am in agreement with your sentiments on the infiltration of totaly incompatible religeous\cultural groups in the UK,but would go further and not tolorate any deviation from the historically accepted British way of life not just the Islamic fringe.

    No one likes the thought of the UK being gradually dilluted in it's culture and way of life to the point that it is so watered down with ethenic groups that it is not recognisable from the country that it was a few generations ago.

    Unfortunatly the British sense of "fair play" has put a gun to our heads and the "politically correct" brigade has all but pulled the trigger!

    The exploiters that play the"fair play cards"so well for there own self interest are the Israeli\jewish contingent and their zionist appologists.The "guilt trump card"that goes back to the 2nd WW is allways up their sleeves ready to counter any attack on their behaviour in Palestine and the uccupied lands (as if Israel itself isn't an occupied land )

    So to anyone who doesn't want their country taken over by a bunch of bewhiskered fcukwits (can someone upload a pic of a hasidic jew,as I can't seem to find one) spare a thought for the Palestinians, for what you dread happening to our country has allready happened to theirs !

    The IRA should of planted a bomb
    Not taking your words out of context Gel but the IRA have never been that fussy over who exactly they were targeting\blowing up\maiming when they have detonated a bomb in a city centre

  14. #14
    DF Rookie Lebowski's Avatar
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    Christ ! Do you lot get ALL your opions from The Sun ?

  15. #15
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    i agree with you on that one zydig0, i suppose thats another reason why i wouldnt realy trust the site suggested earlier to provide the facts.

    @ Lebowski, it wasnt me who said
    "It's an Islamic duty upon every Muslim to call on the society in which he lives to embrace Islam as an ideology.

    "The rally for Islam is intended to concentrate on people who are thinking about Islam, or want to know more about Islam, and to dispel some of the misconceptions that people already hold about Islam and Muslims."
    it was a mosque leader, if that is a mosque leader then others will foolishly follow his teachings, if you didnt hear his speach, you wouldnt have heard him say that bin laden is a moslem, therefore he is supported by fellow moslems.

    are you telling me that if this man got a little taste of what he deserves we wouldnt have groups of moslems protesting, a bit like all those out on the streets when a bunch of illegals were removed from the mosque that had been hiding them (against our countries laws)? I DO realise that not all moslems support these ****ers, some have too much sense, sadly it is the religion itself that says they should be supported, its time it dragged itself out of the stone age and got real, sadly whilst christian churches have brought themselves into the real world, islam has not and untill it does it IS a danger to our planet.

  16. #16
    DF Rookie Lebowski's Avatar
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    I think you've missed my point, besides i never quoted the mosque leader, i quoted YOU @ABCman.

    These people are fanatics which have been allowed the freedom to speak there views because of the freedom of speach we have in this country.

    It doesnt mean that "we had better all become good little islamic robots before the group leader comes along and kills us all in their murderous ways" - You sound like Alan Partridge!

    You shouldnt use the events of Sept 11 as a way to put accross your obviously racist comments about people of the islamic faith. Your opinions are based on what is going on in YOUR area and dont relfect whats really going on in the country as a whole.

    Your begining to sound like one of those nuts thats convinced of some sort of goverment conspiracy or a fear that the world is about to end??

    How many posts have you made about this tripe ? and none of em have really put a valid point accross. This thread is titled "I told you so"

    Told us what ?

  17. #17
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    Racist, dont make me fcuking laugh, in case you hadn't noticed there are moslems of every colour and race, i'm anti islamic but racist, never, however you calling me a racist does prove my point that moslems and their apologists love to scream racist if anyone dares to speak out against them, now that is a fact.

    it wasnt me or supporters of my country that were out celebrating on the streets of this country on sept 11, and it most certainly was not just in my area. it wasnt my people who hijacked 4 planes then murdered thousands of innocent people on sept 11th, i knew the moslems were a danger long before sept 11th and i do not use their murder as a thing to be celebrated either on 11th sept or yesterday in london.

    as for being one of those nuts, no, i dont think there is a government conspiracy (except maybe to force us into the euro but thats a different matter), i just read what your religion is about, i see that the actions and comments of supporters match what i read and i come to the very obvious conclusions i state on here, for your information it was a moslem on here some long time ago (pre sept 11th) who said that all moslems stick together and if we persecute one then every moslem feels they must defend them (as exemplified by the asylum seekers at the mosque i guess)

    oh and "i told you so", was refering to my previous posts about moslems wanting to undermine our society and replace it with an islamic one, just as was said by the mosque leader in my quote at the beginning of this thread. now thats another FACT for you.
    Last edited by ABCMan; 26th August 2002 at 01:14 PM.

  18. #18
    DF VIP Member digidump's Avatar
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    if in doubt accuse anyone who disagrees of being a racist
    ABC man - I didn't accuse you of racism and further it was you not me who introduced the nazi's into the discussion. I am afraid that your suggestion to proscribe a religion, and not just the bunch of f*ckwits (bewhiskered or otherwise) will draw inevitable comparisons with Nazi Germany's policy known as 'Kristallnacht' (series of laws which removed Jews rights and lead to mass deportations / arrests and eventually the Holocaust).

  19. #19
    DF Rookie Lebowski's Avatar
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    im not pulling the racist card mate. you sound like a biggot from the way you put your lame points accross with crap like "my country".

    And you havent DARED to speak out against moslems, your just spittin out the same shit thats splashed accross the font pages of The Sun most days. Christ do you think that your opions are somehow new or revolutionary ! haha!

    As for your "told you so" point about islam trying to undermine our society.

    Do you think islam is the only faith to try and spread its roots? I dont remember seeing your post about Jehovas Witness's trying to undermine our socitey and ive had plenty of them knocking on my door!

    Why dont you just suffer whatever issues you have with moslems on your own instead of coming on here every fortnight and spouting more of your islam shit.

    I dont even feel that strongly about any of it really, just cos youve got moslems giving you greif in whatever area you live in doesnt mean the rest of us wanna read about the latest islamic takeover of our Great Britain.

  20. #20
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    yeah, i see what you are saying there digi, and it wasnt you who i was commenting on as accusing me of being racist, my point was that when our fathers fought the nazis we locked up those who lived here, now we have another 5th column that is threatening our country in the same way i was suggetsing that we should take the same action, my comments about the whole religion are based simply on the fact that islam teaches that all moslems should stick together (against everyone else) therefore if we were to detain and deport all those involved in yesterdays rally we would find hundreds more would replace them and so on untill almost all had been detained, banning that religion would only remove the focal point of the problem (the mosques that teach that shit) hopefully making those who wanted to support such drivel leave our island for somewhere that was prepared to accept that kind of intollorent nazi like behaviour.

    this was the quote i was on about digi
    put accross your obviously racist comments about people of the islamic faith.
    and it wasnt you that made it

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