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  1. #1
    Top Member N3R0's Avatar
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    Default U.S invasion on iraq

    This is looking so dodgy to say the least, Saddam Hussein has managed to conjure support from Arab states, most recently Barak of Egypt.
    A storm is certainly brewing.
    With no convincing support from the west, the U.S are looking at realistic probabilities, they maybe on their own on this one.
    How real is the threat from Iraq, what are the U.S's motives for a strike, should they produce the evidence or just invade.
    I know one thing, it won't be like the previous Gulf war, if all Arab nations rise against the attack, there could be huge repercussions, of the like we haven't seen since WWII, and it's a realistic probability this time. Hussein's been a good boy to his neighbours of late.They may want to thank him for it.

    Has Bush gone insane, it was recently announced that he doesn't need the support of congress,a bit like Blair joining the war without parliment approval, basically he can do what he wants.

    Will the U.K follow as usuall, i expect we will despite the opposition.

    We be could looking at trouble.
    Last edited by N3R0; 27th August 2002 at 07:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    someone said earlier today on the radio that an invasion of iraq could destabalise the whole middle east, well given that the whole middle east is full of despots i cant see how much more unstable it could get, if they mean its going to spark off the whole islam vs everything else thing, well thats not exactly a threat as everyone knows its going to happen in time anyway, so we might as well get it over with sooner rather than later.

    I hope they dont invade, but if they do we should give them our full support and lets get in and finish the job that thatcher / major / bush snr & clinton didnt finish when they had the chance. I'm sure isreal wouldnt mind one bit and i'm also sure they would help with any "stabalising" operation in their own locale, we have the weapons, we have the men lets do unto them as they surely will try to do unto us at sometime in the future if we dont stop them now.

    who knows, when everything is stabalised over there it could even be possible that the people who live there might be able to enjoy things like freedom of thought and maybe they'll stop mutilating women and give them their freedom too maybe even the vote? who knows? it dosent HAVE to be bad you know
    Last edited by ABCMan; 27th August 2002 at 07:22 PM.

  3. #3
    Top Member N3R0's Avatar
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    I believe there is a real difference, before, most middle eastern states supported an invasion on iraq, particularly Kuwait and even Iran.
    Today, there is reason to worry, it's because of the whole muslim vs the rest of the world scenario and the Israeli occupation of palestine that makes it so dangerous.Don't forget a war with Syria, Iran and Israel could involve nuclear, the so called,'Islamic bomb' is itching to be launched and this would give a perfect excuse.
    All i'm saying is that this could very easily spiral out of control,i'm all for ousting Sadam, but what with india and pakistans kashmir conflict adding to the instability, we may be looking at the use of nuclear weapons sometime soon, and i wouldn't want to be near Israel when it happens.

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member digidump's Avatar
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    It seems likely that the US will take some form action although as most of the US 'allies' in the Arab world don't seem so keen it's going to be difficult to invade a country that big without a land base surely he will just bomb the f*ck out of Bagdad.

    The nuclear weapons point is bloody scarey. Do you think George Bush will use them first - if for example there are a lot of GI's going home in body bags - as it would achieve his goal with more speed and consequently less losses on the US side (the reason they were used against Japan)

  5. #5
    R.I.P. the_wizzard's Avatar
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    **** em,nuke em is what i say,and a few other arab countrys to boot, send em back to year zero, they act like they are livin there anyway,the day an islamic(arab) country gets nuclear tech is the beggining of the end for all of us, these countrys are sick and need some nuclear medicine


  6. #6
    DF VIP Member Aido's Avatar
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    i seriously hope it doesn't come to that - since we're closer to the middle east than the USA are it becomes pretty frightening what could happen if everything kicks off.
    Go shagging in Prague or live it large in Vegas !!

  7. #7
    DF MaSter Zydig0's Avatar
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    Default Re: U.S invasion on iraq

    Originally posted by N3R0

    Has Bush gone insane, it was recently announced that he doesn't need the support of congress,a bit like Blair joining the war without parliment approval, basically he can do what he wants.

    Blair doesn't need parliaments approval to go to war, so does this class him also as insane? (officially)

  8. #8
    Top Member N3R0's Avatar
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    Originally posted by digidump

    The nuclear weapons point is bloody scarey. Do you think George Bush will use them first - if for example there are a lot of GI's going home in body bags - as it would achieve his goal with more speed and consequently less losses on the US side (the reason they were used against Japan)

    No, i think the only contingency for America using nukes is a direct hit on home turf, say detonation of a smuggled bomb causing a masacre of 1000's of citizens.

    The real nuclear threat is from Syria,Iran and Iraq(if Iraq have them), towards Israel.

    Israel can hold their own in the middle east, they've proved to be most resilient over the years and are the biggest military might in the middle east.But then,.........nukes are nukes.

  9. #9
    Top Member N3R0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re: U.S invasion on iraq

    Originally posted by Zydig0

    Blair doesn't need parliaments approval to go to war, so does this class him also as insane? (officially)
    der:bleh:.....Why would it, he's not the one threatening war!.

    He doesn't technically need approval,but without the approval of opposition parties it would be very difficult.

    I've never heard of a case where this country has gone to war whilst being apposed by all oppositions.
    Blair doesn't have anywhere near the same level of command that Bush has.Although at times he thinks he does!.
    Last edited by N3R0; 27th August 2002 at 11:33 PM.

  10. #10
    R.I.P. the_wizzard's Avatar
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    if the islamic end of the world had the power and tech of the west we would of 1. well been prayin to **** knows who ten times a day or 2. a nuclear wasteland

    lets not forget all the mad arabs that were very happy cos of the attacks on america, which also could of been even worst than they were(lets not forget the other planes and what they could have done) also think the cia have told bush bin liner is in iraq????? lol my quess is chechnya

    **** em lets nuke em and have it out sooner rather than later,its gonna come anyway


  11. #11
    R.I.P. the_wizzard's Avatar
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    just seen this, its unbiased ???lol from a islamic fighter:signs:

    The Story of Decapited Russian
    My friends you know I was a chechen fighter and I know alot about this chechen war.In this forum people were always asking about that decapitated russian soldier and his story.That execute happened in april of 2000 (a few weeks after I left chechnya) but thanks to my friends I found out what have happened in truth.You don't have to believe me but I am telling you the truth my friends.
    It was the end of March in chechnya and year was 2000.A Russian colonel called Budanov did a war crime in a chechen village called Vedeno.He was commanding to Russian mercenaries in Chechnya.He and his troops did alot of civilian massacres and he was wanted by the chechen fighters.In the last week of March 2000 he was in a chechen village with his troops.He and his troops raped 2 girls again and again. (one of the girls was 13 the other was 18 and his father was a chechen fighter) Then they trampled these girls wýth tanks and left the village.
    Whýle they are leaving the village Chechen fighters ambushed them.Chechen fighters killed about 20 Russian troops and captured 9 mercenaries.(In Islam if you get a prisoner during war you can't kill him but if you catch him while commiting a crime you can kill him -just like chechen fighters catched these soldiers just after they raped and killed 2 young girls and if we count their other crimes that will be really alot too- so they can be executed)
    Chechens still gave a chance to Russýans to save these 9 guys.In the last ambush Budanov ran away and chechens couldn't catch him.Chechens told Russians that "if Russia hands out Budanov to chechens they will free these 9 men." Russians said "we won't negotiate with terrorists" Then chechens decided to execute these 9 men.
    In 5th april they executed these 9 man with AK 47's. (these men weren't poor conscripts they were mercenaries who go to chechnya for money and who always do rubberies in villages and who work with organ mafýas -Russýans sell organs of their victims to organ mafia that's why they kill hundreds of chechen civilians and generals make alot of money from this business-) (chechens never execute conscripts!!!) Anyways.And then they burried these 9 men in somewhere in chechnya after a funeral.Russians wanted to get the bodies of these dead soldiers but chechens said "untill you hand out Budanov we aren't going to negotiate with you!"
    Of course Russia couldn't even get bodies of these 9 soldiers so when "Organisatýon of Mothers of Russýan Soldiers" asked -Russian president- vladimr putin for the bodies of these 9 men.After that Russian Secret service -FSB- made a video clip and they cut their own soldier there and show that movie as the executed guys.This movie was made by Russians and they killed their own soldier there.Russians made everything for propoganda and they did even alot more.
    In 1999 they blasted 3 bombs in 3 big buýldýngs and 300 Russýans died there and they blamed it on chechens but in 2001 a russian secret service FSB's man admited everythýng and moved to england after he retired.As you see -for propoganda- they killed even 300 people of their own country and of course ýt isn't hard to kill only one soldier for these wild people.
    I've been in chechnya and I know russians very well and I know chechens either.Russians say anythýng for propoganda (even that chechens are fightýng in afghanistan wýth taleban but why would they fight in other country when their own country needs fighters!)
    If you still say that chechens cut those men I can say that I've seen the pictures of those man who were executed that day and their body was linked to their heads and they were killed with machine guns (ýt's just how people are executed in wars -with rifles-)
    And I have some questions to those who believe that chechens cut these soldiers....
    1-)If really believe that chechens cut that soldier then who filmed that clýp
    a-)If you say russians filmed that I say -how in the world could they get that close to chechens and didn't stop them-
    b-)If you say chechens filmed that I say -why ýn the world would they film such a thing-
    I-)If you say that chechens did it and filmed it to scare russians that's not true because chechens need people's support and why would they want people to hate them even more
    II-)If you say chechens did these things to watch and have fun I say -how did russians got these movies from chechens-
    III-)If you say chechens are wild people and love to cut people I say -then why in the world I say that's wrong to kill people like that- as you know I'm a chechen fighter too and I'm suppose to be wild too then
    IV-)And why in the world Russia doesn't allow any reporters or journalists in Chechnya (doesn't russia want people to see the truth) I know a french journalist who was arrested by russians and Russýa declared chechnya as forbidden district for journalists
    V-)HRWO (Human Rýghts Watch Organýsatýon) went chechnya to see everything happening there and they warned Russia and they didn't report anything bad about chechen fighters.
    people always say that chechens took that movie clips to fear the world but if they have really taken these movies they would have talked like "hey people fear us we will kill ya all" but they always say "these movies are fake we didn't do such a thing"!!!!!
    And also we saw how russians lie to world.Just to give you an example I can talk about ex Russian prime minister Stepashine.When the chechen war started for the first time he said "we will win this war in 2 weeks and people don't have anything to worry about because we are doing very good in thýs war" Then he got kicked from his prime minister place (only one week after) this time he said "Russia is doing really bad and this war might take even years and we might lose even more areas in caucases!"
    You see what kind of liars they are!Russia didn't keep any of it's promises when they signed a cease-fire agreement with chechens in 20th August 1996 (Hasavyurt Agreement) so another war started in 1999.
    If Russýans want peace and finish terror why didn't they answer chechens when they asked for cease fire in 2001.And there are alot of questions like that.In týme people will learn the truth and they will see the truth through some bad propoganda!Now I'm finishing this letter and I will tell you a last thýng.In the last 2-3 days alot of people added me to their msn messenger lists and asked alot of questions to me and I answered all of them and even showed them the pictures I took whýle I'm in chechnya and if you ever want to ask me anything about this chechen war here is my e-mail adress "" you can add me to your msn messenger list and ask me whatever you wanna (even some war stories and memories)

    1. Lieutenant Murozuv Valarivich
    2. Lieutenant Zuzokin Alkasnadiri Varivosavtir
    3. Lieutenant Barovtishin Alkasnadiri Yurvitich
    4. Lieutenant Tarasov Ayurarad Ivanovatich
    5. Lieutenant Shayarzov Marat Abrzavatich
    6. Private Turzaski Tanlavatich
    7. Private Kibyazanov Alkasnadiri Viktorovich
    8. Private Mikarov Ivanovatich
    9. Private Ithvokov Henry Vichasavavich


  12. #12
    Top Member N3R0's Avatar
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    "(In Islam if you get a prisoner during war you can't kill him but if you catch him while commiting a crime you can kill him -just like chechen fighters catched these soldiers just after they raped and killed 2 young girls and if we count their other crimes that will be really alot too- so they can be executed)"

    mmm' i guess the american reporter kidnapped and executed in afghanistan by muslims never happened then...........mmm,oh and i'm sure islam doesn't alow filming of this either,mmm ....i wonder who did film it then.

    Geez no wonder they're coming out with so much crap,they don't know their arses from their elbows.

  13. #13
    DF MaSter Zydig0's Avatar
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    der.....Why would it, he's not the one threatening war!.
    If you dont think Blair is thinking about threatening going to war N3RO why did you post-

    Will the U.K follow as usuall, i expect we will despite the opposition.

  14. #14
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    errr.... are you thick or something m8,the uk hasn't threatened war,i never said they did........numb nuts,

    whats wrong ,can't you understand english m8.

    I said "will the uk follow as usuall",if you get "threat" from that m8.Time to pack could be mistaken for being muslim m8.................being in the habbit of trying to twist words.........................hehehe:signs: :signs: :signs: :signs: :signs:

  15. #15
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    its funny, but the passage quoted above is so stupid its realy laughable, i mean sure the russians are going to kill one of their own soldiers to help keep up morale amongst their troops, now lets see 5 lieutennents and 4 privates , that sure dosent sound right and surely mercenaries dont have a rank do they?, its just another example of islamic lies, in the second world war the nazis used a form of propaganda called turnspeak, its exactly the same kind of language used by the modern day nazis (the moslems) basicaly it involves telling people that its their fault that the moslems are doing what they do as in "its isreals fault that we keep slaughtering their civilians as they have stolen our land" when its the moslems trying to steal isreals land - i'm sure you get the idea, now look back at a few moslems statements even on here, notice how its all our fault that they behave like animals?

    So now you know, when the time comes that a moslem country manages to get a nuke spare (pakistan needs its 2 to defend itself from india) and uses it to slaughter millions of innocent people, its your fault for saying nasty things about them on digital forums.

  16. #16
    R.I.P. the_wizzard's Avatar
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    isnt it just the islamic way:signs: :signs:

    nuke em i say, cos, if they had it, they would sure as grass is green do us. they are like ****ing robots, and they need a f\ware upgrade


  17. #17
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    The world got a wake up call on 11th sept 2001, isnt it time we got out of bed?

  18. #18
    DF Rookie Synathesia's Avatar
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    The USA seems to be preparing for another september 11th. Possibly some sort of terror attack on the same day. It`s bloody possible. If it did, i sure wouldn`t like to be near any any of the places that the US would hit in retaliation. So nuke the f**ckers before it happens.

  19. #19
    Guest Sergeant-Major's Avatar


    Originally posted by ABCMan
    The world got a wake up call on 11th sept 2001, isnt it time we got out of bed?

    100% true, ABCman !!.... i'm saying that for year's now.. :rolls: well better late then never...

    Sergeant-Major Williams. (waiting to see what next)

  20. #20
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    Better stock up on some meds, its going to get hot.

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