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    Default ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    Friday, 12 February 2010

    ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    In October 2009 The Daily Shitraker posted a banner headline stating “BBC Hides Truth of Girl’s Sexual Abuse Ordeal”- the shocking story of a Downs Syndrome sufferer, Hollie Greig, who had been subjected to serial sexual abuse at the hands of an Aberdeen paedophile ring over a period of ten years.

    After commissioning an in-depth investigation and scheduling an expose documentary the BBC abruptly dropped the programme project – an action the Scandalmongers Gazette opined was initiated by pressures from ranking members of the establishment to conceal a decade-long series of ignominious acts of vice that would cause a Renaissance Pope to blush.

    From the age of six years Hollie was repeatedly abused – sexually – by her father Denis 'Ghengis' Mackie - and unemployed bagpipe mechanic and founding member of the Ferryhill Halitosis Society.

    Later, Mackie began sharing his wee daughter with a gang of paedophile “swingers” that has been operating in Aberdeen for many years - a gang that are well-connected, efficiently organised and totally ruthless – and comprised of ranking pederasts and perverts of “high standing” within the Scottish ruling establishment.

    In 2000, after 14 years of terrified silence, Hollie eventually told her alcoholic mother, Feral Annie, about the abuses.
    Formal statements were then made to Grampian Police, providing all the horrifying details and the names of the kiddie fiddling abusers.

    These included a Scottish Sheriff, senior plods, social workers, a nurse, a solicitor, an accountant, a fire officer, vicars and priests - and lesbian nuns.
    In fact the list included virtually every profession and trade in the book and across the Four Estates – up to and including the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker – plus Uncle Tom Cobley and all.

    The rapes were carried out at the homes of these individuals and too inside the ceremonial chambers of the local Scottish Rite Freemasons Temple.

    Hollie’s original statement to Grampian police detailed how she and seven other young boys and girls were abused in what can only be described as an occult Satanic ritual inside the Aberdeen-based Church of the Latter Day Sodomites on the corner of Ferryhill Road and Cornhole Street.

    The Daily Shitraker has now taken up the banner of justice and is exposing the key issues of the case – particularly the continued refusal by Grampian police to fully investigate the overwhelming evidence of the paedophile rapes, and the wall of silence perpetrated by the Scottish ‘See you, Jimmy’ establishment.

    Whilst there has been some general Scottish media coverage, notably in The Daily Shitraker, The Scandalmongers Gazette and The Caber Tossers Review, the media has been conspiratorially silent on what must be one of Scotland’s worst paedophile scandals perpetrated by a gang of ranking porridge wogs known to each other as the ‘Tartan Tadgers’ and comprised of elite establishment figures from both the Axminster and Wilton clans.

    A key protagonist in the press silence is the Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini – who, in her former role as Procurator Fiscal for Aberdeen in 2000, is alleged to have effectively buried the case as a personal embarrassment.

    The witch hunters now maintain this was to prevent the exposure and prosecution of her associate and the most influential member of the paedophile ring, Lord Sheriff Graeme Buchanan, from being investigated and arrested, along with the other named members of the twenty-plus kiddie fiddling gang.

    Here Mrs Angiolini's questionable actions present a clear-cut case of being guilty of perverting the course of justice to protect a bunch of criminal perverts.

    Thus suspicious and angry, many private individuals working directly to obtain justice for Hollie Greig, and joined by a growing number of the general public, now consider that key establishment figures - such as Lord Advocate Angiolini - with direct responsibility for criminal investigations and justice, have made a concerted and continuous effort to conceal the facts from public scrutiny – and the eyes of Justice.

    Corroborating evidence by private investigators and researchers indicates that other than Hollie not one of the twenty-four named child sex abusers – or their victims - has even been questioned by Grampian Police.

    The Scandalmongers Gazette is aware that investigators have just received from the Crown Office, after years of rebuttals, the Post Mortem report of Robert Greig, the brother of Hollie`s mother Feral Annie. Robert died mysteriously in an alleged car fire in 1997.

    Despite extreme inconsistencies in witness statements and circumstances, no inquest ever took place and the cause of death was officially recorded as being due to smoke inhalation.

    Conversely the actual Post Mortem report reveals that Robert has suffered considerable damage to his skull, two broken ribs and a broken sternum – injuries normally sustained by being beaten to near death with a pickaxe shaft.

    Independent professional medical opinion is of the view that Robert had alcohol forced down his throat, was battered into an unconscious state, then thrown into the burning vehicle.

    Although not revealed at the time, following her Uncle’s unexplained death, Hollie told her mother that Robert had caught her father sexually abusing her and a confrontation had taken place – with threats of violence made against Robert.

    In light of the current public clamour for an independent investigation into the heinous deeds of these corrupt kiddie-fiddling establishment figures, one senior whistle blowing Aberdeen policeman revealed to Daily Shitraker journalists that the Vice Squad had experienced their own paedo’ inquiries suddenly dropped by senior officers as – ‘no longer in the public interest’.

    Hardly surprising when one of the main offenders and a member of the paedo’ rapist group was senior police officer Terry Major – along with his wife Sylvia - a former haggis strangler.

    Here we are presented with a classical case of public officials, while entrusted with protecting the public’s welfare, are consciously and conspiratorially working against the public good.

    The officer candidly – and disturbingly – concluded “Aberdeen’s Chief Constable Colin MacKerracher doesn’t give a shit and is covering up for his Masonic pals.”
    “If you want to really get to the paedophi1es and sexual perverts you should start around Westminster, Whitehall and Parliament – then work north to Aberdeen.”

    However, as Aberdeen’s former Procurator Fiscal, Mrs Elish Angiolini, has since become Scotland’s Lord Advocate, in charge of all criminal prosecutions – interested parties in the pursuit of justice for Hollie Greig and the Beechwood ‘Special’ School victims of the Ferryhill paedophile rapists are advised not to hold their breath.

    While corrupt official parties of self-interest continue to stall and inhibit the required investigation and prosecutions, the shit will eventually hit the fan - and as shit has the habit of doing once it starts getting thrown around – will be found sticking to more than the usual suspects.

    Thus for posterity, and too the protection of vulnerable children in Aberdeen, below is a list of the paedophi1es thus far named.

    DENIS GHENGIS MACKIE (Father of Hollie Greig, lover of Sheriff Buchanan)
    GREG MACKIE (Brother of Hollie. Both Mackies fled to Praia da Luz in Portugal)
    SUSIE BUCHANAN (Sheriff`s wife)
    EVELYN BUCHANAN (Sheriff`s sister, Bieldside)
    JACK BUCHANAN (Sheriff`s brother-in-law)
    TERRY MAJOR (Grampian police officer)
    SYLVIA MAJOR (13 Ferryhill Place)
    ANN ROYAL (15 Ferryhill Place)
    WINIFRED (WIN) DRAGAN (72 Ferryhill Road)
    GRAEME MACKIE (Bieldside)
    EILEEN SIM (Social worker Woodend Crescent))
    ROBERT LYND (Partner of Eileen Sim)
    HELEN MACDONALD (Social worker, 9 Lochview Place, Bridge of Don)
    IAN MACDONALD (Husband of Helen Macdonald)
    CAROL LOW (Nurse, 26 Grant Close, Westhills)
    IAN MACDOUGALL (Solicitor)
    ATHOLL SCOTT (Accountant)
    ANDREW YOUNG (Headmaster, Beechwood ‘Special’ School)
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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    are the names mentioned real ?

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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    I gathered that but if you google it leads here

  5. #5
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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    Quote Originally Posted by pumpman View Post
    I gathered that but if you google it leads here
    That made me search too & a few of the names on that list are in the first part of a speech I watched on youtube by that bloke who has been arrested:

    I bet that list of names is real & if so they're playing a dangerous game, if it's not libel it's in the public domain & a trial wrecker. That's if the accusations are true, there being one witness.

    Has this story been in the news for long?
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    Argyll's Apprentice TwoPlAnKs's Avatar
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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    One of those names and addresses is in the same town as me, might need to have a good old fashioned peado hunt with the townsfolk.
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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    Makes you sick, the people that are there to protect you are the one's harming you. Happening more and more often these days. I would like to hear more about this. Hope they get the justice they deserve


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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    So which bits do you think are true from this lot?

    Denis 'Ghengis' Mackie - and unemployed bagpipe mechanic and founding member of the Ferryhill Halitosis Society.
    a bagpipe mechanic? or the bad breath society

    These included a Scottish Sheriff, senior plods, social workers, a nurse, a solicitor, an accountant, a fire officer, vicars and priests - and lesbian nuns.
    In fact the list included virtually every profession and trade in the book and across the Four Estates – up to and including the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker – plus Uncle Tom Cobley and all.
    I wonder if any of it happend in the pea green boat?

    Aberdeen-based Church of the Latter Day Sodomites on the corner of Ferryhill Road and Cornhole Street.
    Sodomites on cornhole street?

    the wall of silence perpetrated by the Scottish ‘See you, Jimmy’ establishment.
    See you Jimmy

    Whilst there has been some general Scottish media coverage, notably in The Daily Shitraker, The Scandalmongers Gazette and The Caber Tossers Review,
    I would like a copy of the caber tossers review please

    Scotland’s worst paedophile scandals perpetrated by a gang of ranking porridge wogs known to each other as the ‘Tartan Tadgers’ and comprised of elite establishment figures from both the Axminster and Wilton clans.
    Axminster and wilton clans? I wonder who gets the carpet burns

    Sylvia - a former haggis strangler.
    Poor hagis does she go out hunting them as well?

    never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!:thumbup:

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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    IIRC there actually was a peado ring exposed in Aberdeen recently so the more I think about this it's in really bad taste. Also, if those addresses are real they could bugger up any pending trials (although I think the real trials are finished) and if they aren't real then they could endanger the real occupants. They look legitimate, in that the streets do exist so it's a very real issue.

    I'd say maybe leave the content on here if people are amused by stories about bagpipe technicians and haggis stranglers interfering with kids, but possibly a good idea to take the names and addresses off of DF to avoid any blame coming here.
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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    Quote Originally Posted by beansontoast View Post
    That made me search too & a few of the names on that list are in the first part of a speech I watched on youtube by that bloke who has been arrested:

    I bet that list of names is real & if so they're playing a dangerous game, if it's not libel it's in the public domain & a trial wrecker. That's if the accusations are true, there being one witness.

    Has this story been in the news for long?
    first I'd heard of it but I don't buy the P&J , it ties in with rumours and D notice put on the rumour that the killer involved in the Dunblane school killing was a ringleader for Paedo's , if you remember back to the operation the yanks did back in 2000 where a number of names came up, one alleged to be George Robertson ex Minister of Defence amongst others

    I know its on a David Icke kind of site but Ive read it in other places too

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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    Quote Originally Posted by pumpman View Post
    first I'd heard of it but I don't buy the P&J , it ties in with rumours and D notice put on the rumour that the killer involved in the Dunblane school killing was a ringleader for Paedo's , if you remember back to the operation the yanks did back in 2000 where a number of names came up, one alleged to be George Robertson ex Minister of Defence amongst others

    I know its on a David Icke kind of site but Ive read it in other places too
    interesting read that website, thanks. Freemason groups should be banned, seems they all do something illegal.


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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    looks like things are warming up on this
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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    Last edited by Tought You; 15th February 2010 at 12:53 AM. Reason: sory double post
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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    Paedo hunts are not a good thing. Couple of years ago we got a letter shoved through our door informing us of a local paedo.

    Turns out it was his ex making trouble for him. Guy had to install CCTV & security lights even after confirming his innocence with the police.
    Newbie all over again

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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    Robert Green's son went to his fathers house on Thursday night and he found a (letter or a writ) we do not know which was from Sheriff Buchanan, it had been put through the letter box. He did not pay much attention to it, but left it on the table in the house.

    Mr Green's daughter was advised to get her brother who lives in the area to go round and check the house, as the Police may have raided the house, the son went round and found that the (letter or writ) that he left on the table had gone, and the hard drive of his computer had gone, and it appeared that some things had been moved about, but the house had not been broken into. (They obviously used his keys to get into his house) they either sent a copy of them down from Aberdeen to the local Police to go into the house, or some of the Police in Aberdeen drove down with his keys and searched the house. Have they had a warrant or did Mr Green give them permission to search his house?.

    We do not know, the daughter was advised to tell her brother not to leave the house, also to tell her brother to get a friend to come round to the house and then call the Police to report someone had been in the house and taken the (letter or writ) that was from Sheriff Buchanan, and that the hard drive from the computer had gone, and that things had been moved around.

    The brother does not want anyone else involved in the matter, so he is going to stay in the house until Mr Green's daughter comes up from London today, and they will call the Police so that they have witnesses to what they say to the Police. The son was advised not to leave the house, as the Police or MI5 may have taken the hard drive away and may have put something nasty on it, then put it back in the house, then raid the house next day and take the computer hard drive. The house may now have a BUG planted in it, so they will already know what is going on. If they had no warrant, and no permission from Mr Green to enter his house, then this is an illegal search. But we do not know if Mr Green has given his permission for the search.
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    Payout for sex abuse victim

    A Shropshire woman has been awarded criminal injuries compensation after she was sexually abused even though no-one has been charged or brought before the courts over it.
    Medical evidence showed that 28-year-old Hollie Greig, who has Downs Syndrome, was a victim of abuse and had undergone a traumatic experience.
    Hollie and her mother Anne Greig fled from Aberdeen when Anne discovered what had been happening.
    They came to live in Shropshire eight years ago.
    The two have been fighting to bring the man they said caused the abuse to justice but say no charges have ever been brought.

    They say Hollie had been the victim of a paedophile ring since the age of six, for 14 years, before she moved to Shropshire.
    Now the two are calling on Grampian police to re-investigate the allegations.
    Speaking at her home yesterday, Hollie said she was pleased that her case had been made public.
    Her 58-year-old mother said the criminal injuries compensation of £13,500 that her daughter had just received from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority was a confirmation that people believed her.
    “It is not the money that is important. It is a way of protecting her in the future against the person or people that abused her,” she said;.
    “These people are still walking about free to abuse other children.”
    “I was accused of putting the allegations into my daughter’s head and was even sectioned and taken to hospital and my daughter taken into care.”
    A letter written by Detective Inspector Iain Allen from the community protection and investigation team at Grampian Police, to the criminal injuries compensation authority said: “Officers who have dealt with Hollie have taken the view she was a truthful witness to the best of her ability and an entirely innocent victim.
    “She appears to have been distressed by what happened to her. This would have been particularly traumatic for such a vulnerable person.”
    Grampian Police Chief Inspector Murray Main today said: “Decisions in Scotland on whether or not to prosecute are the responsibility of the Procurator Fiscal.
    “If any new evidence was to come to light we would re-open the investigation.”
    By Sue Austin
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    Message from Hollie.

    You will be aware that Robert Green has done a huge amount to help my Mum and I to bring the details of my abuse to public attention and has relentlessly pursued the people who have either abused me and those who have tried to cover it up in one way or another including Sheriff Buchanan, Grampian Police, the BBC in Scotland, Elish Angiolini and various individuals and a number of lawyers.

    I'd very much like to thank all the many people who have gone out of their way to help me to expose this both in terms of the abuse itself, to save other young girls and boys from being abused or to show there is justice available and that they are not alone to the other boys and girls who have been raped and abused whether by members of their families or strangers, gang raped or secretly abused - You didn't do anything wrong and even as a Down's syndrome I know all too well just how scarey it is and the way they try to make you feel guilty.

    I do think Robert Green has been outstanding because he has gone on public record on my blog here, in many many letters to people who used to frighten me and to all those 'stuffed shirts' in the legal trade from some of the bullying arrogant and unhelpful police to the Doctors who lied and the lawyers who defend the indefensible.

    We distributed several 100 letters warning the people of Aberdeen about the paedophile ring in their midst and the seemingly crooked lawyers and corrupted Judiciary - we then put the circular on my blog.

    I get so very angry when I realise this is happening to other people not just me but I'm able to express my anger and fraustration by talking to the pople I know who are helping draw back the curtains and let the sun light into the dark places and open the windows to let in the fresh air.

    Of course these aren't my words but I do have all of this read out and discussed with me and it is almost exactly how I feel.

    Today has been a wonderful day for abuse victims as it has gone almost exactly as it was planned.

    Robert Green has been trying and trying to get straight honest answers from some of the trickiest people around and with the video on the internet CLICK HERE the net has been closing and they employed lawyers to sabre rattle and threaten - sending some of the worst written letters seen for a long time from someone claiming to be a lawyer - a measure of their underhand measures and endemic duplicity has been that they wouldn't even have the basic integrity to disclose who was their instructing paying client - were they ripping off the public purse to perpetuate the cover up or were they privately funded to intimidate?

    Finally it was decided to bring the matter to a head and Robert Green decided it had to be brought to attention via the Courts. He has been so honourable it has been impressive.

    Robert produced a Press Release CLICK HERE and when I had read it it was not just mailed out but I put it on my blog - Yes I personally gave the instructions, I may be disadvantaged but I am not stupid and I know exactly what is going on and I am so pleased we are at last making real progress.

    At 11am today we knew the plan had worked when Robert Green failed to turn up outside Marks & Spencers in Union Street, Aberdeen to hand out his leaflets.

    At the moment it looks like the malign forces of evil have abused Justice and found an excuse to kidnap Robert Green - We expected Robert to be arrested by Grampian Police but in keeping with their corrupt practices they have refused to confirm or deny they have him in custody - this can only be seen as a Judicial abuse tantamount to kidnap - why are we not surprised.

    It is outrageous that Robert Green who was honestly and decently campaigning for me and other victims has now himself become a victim of abuse - abused by the system, it looks as if they are trying to intimidate people into trying to stop me having a voice of my own.

    The more one looks at the Scottish legal system the more corrupt one knows it to be.

    Is there no end to the corruption in Scotland? Again and again one reads of the crooked lawyers 1ncestuously stitching up clients through subourned Courts.

    This time they have made a mistake - The thought of one more child going through what happened to me ensures I will not be silenced. There are few enough situations one can make a difference in life and the horizons for that are cruelly limited if you have Down's syndrome as I have - here is a very real case where I can make a difference and my Mum is a tremendous support as I know it would be so much easier for her to just hide.

    Robert Green has displayed great courage and determination and now Grampian Police would seem to have walked straight into the trap seemingly being used as errand boys for the corrupt lawyers!

    'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name!
    No child asked to be or enjoys abuse,
    it is for the gratification of the inadequate'.

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    Posted by hollie at 12:59 0 comments
    Labels: Robert Green; Arrest; kidnap; corrupt; Aberdeen;
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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    Thursday, February 18, 2010

    Justice Secretary, Scots law title staff to appear as witnesses in Hollie Greig abuse case as victims prepare to testify for arrested journalist;/IMJustice Secretary Kenny MacAskill will face court questions over Hollie Greig case. KENNY MACASKILL, Scotland’s Justice Secretary now faces being called as a witness in the forthcoming trial of journalist & broadcaster Robert Green, who was arrested last week in Aberdeen after attempting to attend a public protest in the centre of the city, concerning the now widely reported campaign of downs syndrome girl Hollie Greig, who has made consistent allegations since 2000 of an abuse ring in Aberdeen, of which she was but one of the victims. Ms Greig’s campaigners contend medical & Police reports support her claims, also pointing out Ms Greig received an as yet unexplained huge payout from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority while no one has yet been charged or prosecuted over the abuse.
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    Default Re: ‘Men in Skirts’ Paedo Ring Exposed

    That blog that the 1st post is taken from really isn't doing the allegedly abused girl any favors - why make all those ridiculous comments to try and sound funny about something which is very abhorrent??
    And naming names the way it does is just going to ensure that if any of those mentioned were indeed guilty then they`ll probably get off with it due to that dickhead giving out names and addresses to be honest he sounds like a aberdeen local who has an axe to grind with nearly everyone in public service up there.

    Edit: been reading more and more about this story and its starting to sound more and more like bullshit - people keep speaking of evidence and proof then never providing it.
    Last edited by MoNkFiSh; 19th February 2010 at 11:37 PM.

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