I noticed on this board that there are a number of links to download complete albums from various sources. I also noticed that that majority of people who post on this board seem to be very passionate about their choice of music, one thread being dedicated to the discovery of new bands.

This leads us into conflict on the subject of downloading music for free. Now I know it’s not going to stop and certainly this discussion won’t have any kind of impact but we should have a look at the dangers involved and I would value your opinions.

My argument for caution when downloading music goes thus:

Downloading music for free will ultimately make being an ‘up and coming’ band untenable from a financial stand point because no money can be made from record sales. Thus it follows that potentially great new music will be stunted before its gets a chance to be heard.
It’s certainly true to say that most of the great bands started because of a love of music but the idea that they could make money and live the good life is what pushes people to hone their art.
Now think of your favourite song, you know, the song that you first got ‘jiggy’™ to. Maybe the tune that was playing when you first got drunk or had a toke. Perhaps at your last school disco. Now ask yourself would that same song have been recorded if there was no money to be made. Who would pay for the studio time, producer or engineer? What would be the point???

It’s not enough to simply abdicate responsibility saying that the record companies charge too much for cds because those companies won’t back down on the prices. If anything the artist will take the hit and you will end up with more “Pop Idol” shit and the path for new bands will become harder and harder.

Record companies are idiots at best and criminals at worst. On the whole most are currently still releasing albums out of habit but we are seeing a move to other business models like the pop idol and pop idol rivals formats in which musicians that truly care about their art don’t want to take part leaving real musicians with nowhere to play and no reason to even try.
