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  1. #1
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar

    Default a few interesting bits ;)

    from mr arafat

    "I don't consider the [Oslo] agreement any more than the agreement which was signed by our prophet Mohammed and the Qurayish," he said.

    What is Arafat talking about? It's the model of Hudayblya. Before Anwar Sadat signed the Camp David accords, he first sought the counsel of an Islamic leader in Cairo. He wanted to know if there was any precedent to make peace with the infidel. He was told about the peace pact Mohammed made at the small oasis of Hudayblya – between Mecca and Medina.

    In the early years of Islam, Mohammed found himself fighting a losing battle. So he signed a 10-year peace agreement with the Qurayish tribe in Mecca. Two years later, when his forces were stronger and the Meccans were living securely off their guard, Mohammed marched into the city and captured it.

    In Arabic, there is a concept known as Takiya – it is the right within Islam to fake peace when you are weak, so that you can wait for better timing to conquer your enemy. There's a famous Arab saying: "When your enemy is strong, kiss his hand and pray that it will be broken one day."
    on the peacefull religion by Former Muslim Ergun Caner (who appears on The 700 Club to discuss Islam and give us an inside look at Muslim beliefs.)

    Islam Is Not A Peaceful Religion

    As the son of a mwazein, Ergun had to learn the hadith (the sayings and traditions of Muhammed, the Prophet of Islam) in the Qur'an. In these teachings, Ergun says the central thesis of Islam does in fact have an essential tenet of militaristic conquest at its heart. The infidel, or unbeliever, must be converted or conquered. If the Muslim dies in such a struggle or declaration of war (jihad), he is promised immediate translation into the highest level of paradise. Therefore, when pressed most Muslims would say that Mohamed Ata is in heaven according to the Qur'anic teaching.

    The Qur'an, supposedly from the mouth of Allah, takes a dim view of the non-believer and a strict view of jihad as a warfare against them. In Surah 2:190, Allah says, "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you. And slay them wherever you catch them." Physical warfare is an absolute necessity so that Allah is honored and worshipped. Jihad is one of the highest calls of life for a Muslim. "Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and those who strive hard and fight in the cause of Allah with their wealth and lives." Surah 4.95

    According to the doctrine of jihad there are three waves of jihad. The first wave is the shock -- which was Sept 11.

    The second wave is to show a people that they are vulnerable. It has to be public. "Daniel Pearl was killed on videotape," says Ergun. There is no question that group who killed Pearl is a subgroup of the radical Muslim fundamental group, Mujahdeen.

    The third wave is to humiliate your enemy, to "cut the legs out from under them." "Thank God President Bush responded as he did," Ergun says. "If he had not, the second wave would have been much, much worse than the first." The Koran teaches that if your enemy is weak -- conquer him. If he is strong -- respect him. That means they keep going until they meet with resistance.

    When asked if he believes Osama bin Laden is still alive, Ergun says yes. "He is considered to be a martyr in their faith. If he were dead, they would be hailing him."

    Peace With Allah, Not Us

    "I must take this opportunity to side with Pat," says Ergun. "He cannot take these hits (from the media and press) alone." Ergun says the word "Islam" means "peace with Allah" not "peace with us." "We are the infidels and therefore the enemy," says Ergun.

    He further explains that when a Christian blows up an abortion clinic, he does that in spite of the teachings of Jesus Christ. "Muslims perform jihad because of the teachings of Muhammed," declares Ergun. "Make no mistake, they are at war with us and these are not just radical Muslims."

    Osama bin Laden is a Sunni Muslim, not a Shiite, which is considered the more radical of the two. When bin Laden is on television, he is quoting the Qur'an. "It is difficult to take the Qur'an out of context," says Ergun. Even to the casual reader, jihad is more than just an intellectual exercise of struggle, but rather an engagement in battle and struggle and warfare with death as a conclusion for the Muslim blessing.

    Muhammad echoed this conclusion in Hadith 4.73 "Muhammed said, "Know that paradise is under the shades of the sword." For the Muslim apologists who redact the terminology to indicate that fighting is perhaps an intellectual debate must read Surah 2:216, "Fighting is prescribed for you, and you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows and you know not." It is impossible to determine that the text means anything but fighting in the traditional sense of combat.

    A Muslim is a Muslim by birth, but many are illiterate. Therefore they must take the word of the imam, equivalent to a pastor, as truth. They cannot question the validity of what the imam says.

    With reference to the recent Gallup poll, "they hate us," says Ergun. "And they cannot make the distinction between an American and a Christian because of the way they are brought up culturally. When you say a man is a Turk, it is understood that he is Muslim."

    Ergun believes that the United States did not finish the job in the Gulf War. He believes that we will not end the war on terrorism without including Saddam Hussein, who is the major fundraiser for Islam. "If we do not go after him, this will never end," he says. "He will continue the jihad."

    Incredible Opportunity

    But in the midst of this turmoil, Ergun says this is the most incredible opportunity to witness to Muslims. They are beginning to understand their religion. Many do not want to be part of the violence and are coming to Christ. The difference between reaching them and not reaching them depends on the teaching of grace.

    "The single most important thing to do is teach on grace," he says. To Muslims, the intimacy of God is so new. Teach them that they don't have to live in fear of the "scales of Allah," which are seen as actual scales (2 Surah 4). For the Muslims who fear the scales that measure their eternal damnation if weighted heavier for evil than good, this is the only true eternal security they have.

    Christians should also know that Allah and God are not the same. "No serious or intellectual Muslim would say that Allah has a Son, that He is a Triune, nor that He is personal," Ergun says. Allah is Creator and Judge. Christ's attributes are so totally different. He is loving, kind, gracious, and forgiving.

    As a Christian, Ergun is offended when he hears people say that God and Allah are the same. Many think getting to God is like getting to Chicago. You can get there by plane, train or auto. It doesn't matter what path you take, as long as you get there. Ergun calls this the "Oprahization" of American culture.

    On October 19, 2001, Ergun spoke before the UN at the Subcommittee on Cultural Affairs. As an expert on Islam and one who speaks Arabic, he is being invited to participate in even more high-level projects on this area. There are only 20 former Muslims who are now preachers in America; there are only eight (and Ergun is one of them) who are professors of theology.

    The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. © 2002

    on the language of the moslems

    The Arab League makes use of a cognitive technique of propaganda called "turnspeak", where you attack someone and then turn it around 180 degrees and claim they attacked you. Because the truth is the exact opposite of the information being disseminated it is psychologically difficult to counter and leads to confusion.

    Turnspeak leads to psychological confusion and a feeling of being "burned-out" or "overwhelmed" with too much information, effectively creating a blanket of "white noise" which makes clarity difficult to achieve.

    Joan Peters, former White House consultant on the Middle East writes:

    The term was first used by journalists to describe German propaganda after it invaded Czechoslovakia in March of 1939. To win sympathy for their invasion, the Germans practiced what has become known as "turnspeak". They turned the blame back on the Czechs for trying to precipitate an all-out war in the region. In other words, the Czechs in their attempt to hang onto their land were ready to plunge all of Europe into war.

    How did the rest of Europe respond to this lie? They believed it. World leaders decided that something had to be done to preserve peace at any cost.

    Author William Shirer, who was a reporter in Europe at the time, distilled the truth simply when he wrote, "Thus the plight of the German minority in Czechoslovakia was merely a pretext...for cooking up a stew in a land he [Hitler] coveted, undermining it, confusing and misleading its friends and concealing his real destroy the Czechoslovak state and grab its territories..." 1

    The Arab claim that Jews are "Nazis" is not without motive. They are trying to obscure their own close connection with the Nazis. During World War II leading Muslims including Haj Amin al-Husseini worked for the Nazis in Germany and called for a intifada against Britain. Haji Amin al-Husseini was the grand mufti of Jerusalem, as well as Yasser Arafat's close relative and mentor

    The Arabs, especially Iraq, sided with Germany during W.W.II. In May 1941, Haj Amin al-Husseini issued a fatwa - "summons to a holy war against Britain". The Mufti's widely heralded proclamation against Britain was declared in Iraq, and was instrumental in his 1941 pro-Nazi intifada in Iraqi. The Mufti also requested Arab-Americans not to support FDR.

    Yasser Arafat's actual name is Abd al-Rahman abd al-Rauf Arafat al-Qud al-Husseini. He shortened it to obscure his kinship with the notorious Nazi and Mufti of Jerusalem.2

    Saddam Hussein was raised in the house of his uncle Khayrallah Tulfah, who was a leader in the Mufti's pro-Nazi coup in Iraq in May 1941. Both Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein were greatly influenced by the Mufti during their time in Cairo during the 1950s.

    See also History of Fedayeen, PLO, Fatah, PFLP, PFLP-GC, DFLP, etc Militant Palestinian Groups and Yasser Arafat worthy successor to Haj Muhammad Amin al Husseini

    Side-by-side comparison of "turnspeak"
    Many examples of "turnspeak" abound in today's news media. For example a article in a leading Western news service reported "The settlers are a roaming the west bank with guns and randomly shooting at Palestinian civilians... making Palestinians prisoners in their own villages", or another article that said "They [the settlers] are hunters... They go into jail through one door and out the other." An even more obvious example is Arafat's claims that Israel is stopping the peace process.

    What "turnspeak" says:
    (from Arab and Western media)

    Israel is aggressive, expansionist
    On the day that Israel declared their statehood -- May 14, 1948 -- it was invaded by an alliance of Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria. Their motivation was the already clearly stated intent of Israel to disregard international treaties
    Israeli violations of human rights are the worst in the world
    The Israelis are barbaric in their occupation of the territories
    The Israeli methods are worse than the Nazis
    Israelis are Nazis
    Palestinian holocaust
    The Israeli government is a gang of thieves
    Israel is poisoning the Palestinian water supply.
    Israel is a terrorist state
    Israel doesn't want peace
    Israel rejects all overtones of peace by Arab countries.
    PM Sharon is a war criminal.
    The nobel peace price should be revoked from Shimon Peres
    Israel routinely sanctions war crimes.
    Israel is terrorizing Palestinian cities.
    Israel shoots randomly at Palestinians
    Israeli killing and organized Israeli terror
    Israel has annihilated Palestinian villages for decades
    Israeli media is inciting religious hatred towards Moslems.
    Moslem holy places are in danger by Israel.
    Mosques and Churches are being made into Synagogues
    The Jews want to destroy Al Aksa Mosque (and Dome of the Rock)
    Arabs have no legal rights in Israel. Christians have no legal rights in Israel.
    The settlers are roaming the west bank with guns and randomly shooting at Palestinian civilians.
    The settlers are making Palestinians prisoners in their own villages
    Arab villages are surrounded by barbed wire fences (barbed wire concentration camps)
    They [the settlers] are hunters... They go into jail through one door and out the other
    Palestinians have been living in Palestine for thousands of years.
    Claims of historical or religious ties of Jews and [the land of] Palestine are incompatible with the facts of history...
    Palestinians outside Israel have an even higher standard of living than Israelis
    Arabs who live in Israel live in the same third world conditions that exist in most Arab countries
    Iraq, Egypt, Syria and (now) Iran have purer democracies than even the United States
    Israeli press is government run.
    The Jews are preventing the Arab countries from having democracies.
    Palestinian Terrorists are martyrs

    Yet the counterpart is probably closer to the truth:

    [Militant] Islam is aggressive, expansionist.
    On the day that Israel declared their statehood -- May 14, 1948 -- it was invaded by an alliance of Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria. Their motivation was the already clearly stated intent of the Arabs States to disregard U.N. declarations.
    Arab States violations of human rights are [some of] the worst in the world
    [Some] Islamic States have been barbaric in their treatment of minorities (Kurds, Armenians, etc.), women's rights (honor killings) and criminals (cutting off hands, body parts, beheading...)
    Many Arab leaders were Nazi sympathizers, see above.
    Jewish holocaust
    The Palestinian Authority is a gang of thieves.
    Palestinians have on occasion poisoned the Israeli water supply [or poisoned Israeli produce].
    The Palestinian Authority is a terrorist entity
    Arafat doesn't want peace
    The Arab States reject all overtones of peace by Israel.
    Arafat is a war criminal.
    The nobel peace price should be revoked from Arafat.
    Arafat (and the Arab States) routinely sanction war crimes.
    The military wing of the PA is terrorizing Israeli cities.
    Palestinian Terrorists shoots randomly at Israelis
    Terrorists killing and organized Palestinian Authority terror
    Arab States have annihilated Jewish villages (in Arab States) for hundreds of years
    Arabic media is inciting religious hatred towards Jews.
    Jewish holy places are in danger by Islam.
    Synagogues and Churches are being made into Mosques.
    The Wakf is actually destroying the Temple Mount artifacts
    Jews have no [reduced] legal rights in the [some] Islamic States
    The Palestinian Terrorists are roaming the west bank with guns and randomly shooting at Israeli civilians.
    The Palestinian Terrorists are making settlers prisoners in their own villages.
    Jewish Settlements are surrounded by wire fences.
    They [the Palestinian Terrorists] are hunters... They go into jail through one door and out the other
    Jews have been living in Palestine for thousands of years.
    Claims of historical or religious ties of "Palestinians" and [the land of] Israel are incompatible with the facts of history...
    Arabs who live in Israel have an even higher standard of living than Arabs outside Israel
    United States and Israel have democracies, Iraq, Egypt, Syria and Iran are not.
    Most Arab press are government controlled
    The Arab Leaders are preventing the Arab countries from having democracies
    Victims of Palestinian Terrorists are martyrs

    1."From Time Immemorial" by Joan Peters, 1984
    2.The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini was later the notorious Nazi who mixed Nazi propaganda and Islam. He was wanted for war crimes in Bosnia by Yugoslavia. His mix of militant propagandizing Islam was an inspiration for both Yasser Arafat and Saddam Husein: He was also a close relative of Yasser Arafat and grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti. "Arafat's actual name was Abd al-Rahman abd al-Bauf Arafat al-Qud al-Husseini. He shortened it to obscure his kinship with the notorious Nazi and ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini." Howard M. Sachar, A HISTORY OF ISRAEL (New York: Knopf, 1976). The Bet Agron International Center in Jerusalem interviewed Arafat's brother and sister, who described the Mufti as a cousin (family member) with tremendous influence on young Yassir after the Mufti returned from Berlin to Cairo. Yasser Arafat himself keeps his exact lineage and birthplace secret. Saddam Hussein was raised in the house of his uncle Khayrallah Tulfah, who was a leader in the Mufti's pro-Nazi coup in Iraq in May 1941
    your thoughts?
    Last edited by ABCMan; 11th September 2002 at 06:05 PM.

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member Epiphany's Avatar
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    dude, way too much writing to read there. I can't even be bothered to go get a drink, let alone read an essay

  3. #3
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar



  4. #4
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    devil worshippers in my eyes.
    There are 3 types of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened.

    Conservatives. Putting the 'N' into Cuts.

  5. #5
    DF MaSter Zydig0's Avatar
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    Perhaps you'd like to do a post on jewish terrorists that killed British servicemen in Palestine ?

    Contrary to popular belief the Israelis are no where near as squeekey clean as portrayed.

    .....Stern Gang ,Dimona,150-200 nuclear warheads,non-proliferation treaty,South Africa,UN condemnations etc

    Just an idea

  6. #6
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    i dont doubt that there have been jewish atrocities in the past, but i'm on about the current worldwide problems of moslem terror and sadly given the lies that come out of almost every islamic governments "news" services if the israelis went in and killed half of tose in the west bank i'd probably believe they had killed themselves to make isreal look bad, these things build up the odd lie can be believed by some people, but lie after lie gets them caught out, maybe the mosques should teach the story of the boy who cried wolf ? but would the moslems learn from it?

  7. #7
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    Default WHO sent me this shit ?
    Subject: Freindly warning

    "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war to whip the citizenry
    into a political fervour, for patriotism is indeed a double edged
    sword. It emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when
    the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with
    hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing
    the rights of the citizenry. Rather the citizenry, infused with fear
    and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all their rights unto the
    leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done.
    And I am Caesar."

    -Julius Caesar (101-44 BC)

    If you care about your country, your friends, family and your God then you owe it to yourself and them to spread the word of peace. Many will follow rulers blindly into a world of pain, you don't have to, and neither do the people you care about. Stand up for your freedom and tell all that will listen to do the same.

    Send this to 0 people: America will become a police state within 15 years, all freedom will be lost and all liberty forgotten.

    Send this to 1 person: This is the first step to peace, at the very least make this much effort to save your country.

    Send this to 2 people: Anyone doing this is well on the way to being a true patriot, someone who really does care about their country and friends.

    Send this to 3 people: A hero is being born, lets hope you go on to great deeds in your community.

    Send this to 4 people: The chances of war and death will go down greatly, new solutions will arise that hadn't been considered before. Your leaders will know you don't believe their lies, they'll start coming up with some more truthful lies.

    Send this to 5 people: The world situation will change, Americans and Arabs will find more common ground. Those that would attack you will instead see your free sprit and rejoice. Oil will no longer be the cause of so much war.

    If you can manage the effort to send this letter out to your friends and family then must be a great pillar of your community. I can see that you understand the way of the world and know that without citizens exercising their liberty it will be taken away by the very leaders that say they want to protect you.


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    What a load of bollox :rolls:
    There are 3 types of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened.

    Conservatives. Putting the 'N' into Cuts.

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member Epiphany's Avatar
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    apparently Iraq doesnt have the capability to build nukes yet. Just thought i'd through in that random comment

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