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  1. #1
    DF Member worzel2007's Avatar
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    any one else hate hospitals

    just spent five bloody days as a guest in the ROYAL PRESTON HOSPITAL acute tonsilitus and possible glandular fevere

    had a temp of 39.8 kept going unconscious needed paracetomel to drop tem but couldnt swallow and they cant inject

    YEP OUCH they aint bloody small neither / well temp down to a safe level now waiting on blood results to come through to find out if i have have glandualar fevere got two weeks off work minimum any thing upto 8 weeks its gonna kill me having to put with me missus day in day out

  2. #2
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    yeah, hospitals truely suck, still most of the time they make you better so a few days of shit food and loss of privacy/dignaty is a small price to pay for the ability to breathe and see sunlight again.

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member dingle_666's Avatar
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    oi i work in a hospital u bastards... well as an electrician / computer technician woooo hooooo
    Last edited by dingle_666; 11th September 2002 at 11:13 PM.

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member DEC2K's Avatar
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    i hate them aslo and dentists the smell makes me go queeezy arrrggghhhhh

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member
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    let me take u back to when i was 7 years old ahhh the days were warm and long and me and sum kids were playing a game with an older lad and he would spin us around and around and around but 1 tiem he let go and i sorted of landed funny it was okay cos i laned loads of times like this but this time it hurt so went home and mi dad took mi to the hospital and they x-rayed me and i had broke mi rite arm so they got mi ready to have a cast on and final i was sent to have it on 4 hours l8er no less cos the doctor was at the other hospital ( thats bin nocked down now and is a sainsburys ) 4 fukin hours i was stuck there it didnt hurt but 4 hours which when ur 7 is a long time and the worse think was i couldnt do n e thing ( i am left handed so i could of riten but it was the summer hols im not gonna rite LOL)

    and then there was another time mi ear got split open and we went to the gp and they sent us to the hospital where we had to wait ages agaon and all the sod did was super glue it back together ffs i could of done that at home!

    (17:18:34) (+Cam) i need to mount my xbox hdd in linux
    (17:19:02) (+SpikeWork) youth of today, they'll mount anything

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member Gavin M's Avatar
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    i think u mean u hate staying in hospital mate, them people break there backs to help people, even if they r electrician / computer technician woooo hooooo
    think about it, only thing bad is the nurses arnt as pritty as they r in the movies if they were i'd be breaking my back to be there getting a sponge bath - oh how i do dream lol

  7. #7
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    Originally posted by Gavin M
    i think u mean u hate staying in hospital mate, them people break there backs to help people, even if they r electrician / computer technician woooo hooooo
    think about it, only thing bad is the nurses arnt as pritty as they r in the movies if they were i'd be breaking my back to be there getting a sponge bath - oh how i do dream lol

    what you say is almost true, most of the front line staff work their asses off while the bean counters decide what else the hospital doesnt need (like cleaning materials) not sure about the electricians though, in my hospital it takes them 3-4 weeks to test the electrical safety of a tv for a patient to watch, dunno why it takes so long all they do is plug it in and make sure it works. I reckon its got more to do with the hospital wanting revenue from their overpriced rented telly's

    oh and some nurses are well nice, the last time my dad was in they had a former miss great britain who was one of the nurses, she had legs like a giraffes neck, i bet she could have worked wonders for most patients (except those with too high blood preassure)

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