i found this

Well well well, I have has finaly got our grubby little paws on the port of final burn. Not to mention that it's the 1st beta handed out period as a gift for reviewing purposes and then some for the author who wishes to remain nameless for now!

I cant say enough about this emulator! It runs all cps roms to perfection from what I have seen so far. (All 213 of em') Or at least thats how many this emulator supports if there happens to be more floating around. Every game I have cared to test and play runs to perfection and I shit you not!

I have personaly tested the likes of X-MEN children of the atom, XMEN VS Street fighter, vampire savior 2, Street fighter Alpha 3 Marvel VS Capcom, Both D&D titles and Alien vs Predator and once again.....(you guessed it) perfect. So I assume that all other smaller roms should play to perfection as well, I will test more later and post about it in the forums if need be.

I also wanted to mention vampire savior 2, While playing this game I noticed it was beautifull if not one of the best cps2 games I have ever played. After playing Marvel VS Capcom 2 (the xbox version) I noticed somehow that the 2 are not that far apart from a grafX standpoint. Simply amazing.

The only problem I have about this emulator is very small. There are 213 roms and you cant page down or speed up the scroll. Which can get annoying if you want to navigate your way down to the super street fighter games as every rom is listed if you have it or not. But fear not you cant get confused as the roms you do not have our shaded out lightly. But once again this is for very impatient people who cant wait a whole 20 seconds. Im sure when this is released to the public I bet one or 2 people will complain about this so I figured I would bring it to your attention now.

I also imagine once this is posted my inbox will be flooded with request after request for me to send them a copy or what not. Keep in mind this is a beta and I cant and will not release this to ANYONE, that goes for staff members and close friends as well, it would be concidered "leaking". Just take my word for it that this is infact the real deal and breath taking. Look for it on a XBOX near you in the future.

anyone got it or seen it?