A man was hired at the toy company!
he was put in the tickle-me-elmo section
because he was the only person qualified
Next day.....
The man went to work with a box of pingpong balls
and superglue, finally! he glued all the pingpong bals
between the tickle me elmos legs
the boss came in and asked what he was doing
he said he was just following instructions
the boss says:
"Oh! you misunderstood me! i said
before u package the tickle-me-elmos,
give it some TEST TICKLES!!!


3 blondes are stranded on a island
a genie appears and says he'll grant them each a wish to help them off the island
the first blonde says "turn me into a brunette" the genie does so, the brunette then makes a raft and escapes from the island
the second blonde says "turn me into a red-head" the genie does so, the red-head builds a boat and escapes from the island
the third says "make me something much smarter then the other two" the genie turns the blonde into a man, the man then walks across the bridge and escapes