Hi all my name is Flyboy_uk and I have been doing the ftp scene for a short time now..
I don't mind helping ppl with any questions they might have nor with their technical problems if I can help just ask..

I've been on the internet for a few years, and always find something new to do...

This board looks really good.. My first board I have joined (believe it or not) so if you some messed up posts then I apologise in advance.

I have been using DC++ which is a peer to peer network with a lot of Terra bytes available for about 2 years.. But got sick of connecting to hubs and stuff.

With thanks to 4me2 who I met on an IRC channel.. Thanks a lot m8..

If anyone could help me get started or advice on finding links for ftp of other just give me a call I'd very much appreciate it.. Cheers!
See ya's around