There are close to a couple of weeks remaining for the Call of Duty Black Ops to go public and the lesser the time remains, the higher your anxiety level goes.

The developers of such high profile franchises also comprehend this ‘anxiety’ phenomenon pretty well and they do give you the Beta testing options. As far as the Black Ops is concerned, Treyarch will make the

MultiplayerBeta sign-ups of the game available on September 1, but the sad part is that it will be a Xbox 360 specific release.
People who do not own the Microsoft gaming console will have to be content with the fact that they are aware of the official release date while the Xboxowners will get to enjoy the exclusivity for the next few days.
The only problem is that this Beta sign-up news hasn’t been officially confirmed by Treyarch although this captured from Google News is a valid enough proof of the development.
For a moment you can tend to ignore the snapshot, but then Treyarch is anyway unveiling the Beta
on Wednesday and that is definitely confirmed.