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    Default Acer Revo XBMCLive Setup guide. *Still a Draft*

    Updated 03/03/11.
    Everything in this guide so far is correct. I have reinstalled my Revo using this guide and have it up working perfectly.

    Once this is setup, maintaining, adding and editting your Media Collection would never have been easier!

    XBMCLive is ultimately a standalone XBMC installation that runs on a Ubuntu Minial installation and is the recommended way to use XBMC on the Revo to use it at it's full potential.

    First things first, as this caught me out. It might be simple, but it's the simple things we miss! Make sure your TV's Overscan settings are set to default. It could be called Zoom or Overscan. It's what change the screen to 16x9, 4x3, Subtitle Zoom, Movie Expand... etc. Either have it set to 'Default', 'Off' or 'Widescreen'.

    My setup is -
    • Philips 50" Plasma Full HD TV (1080p).
    • Acer Revo R3700 250Gb, 2Gb, Wireless Version.
    • Denon AVR-1910 Full HD Amp.

    The 4GB Revo will work with this guide, but only 2.7Gb is needed/used. It's limitation from XBMCLive for some reason (x86/Shared Graphics perhaps?)

    What you will need -
    • A Windows PC. (Irony!)
    • A 1GB USB Stick
    • The Internet

    With this setup you will be able to -

    • Use XBMC with full Video Acceleration and DTS/Dolby Surround sound (if needed).
    • Install the correct and most up-to-date NVidia ION drivers.
    • Share External USB Drives back to a Windows Network
    • Setup your XBMC to be completely compatible with your TV or Amp.
    • Download from News Groups (Provider required - Recommended Astraweb!)
    • Automatically find TV Episodes & Movies when they are released.
    • Rename and Organise them into a decent name convention.
    • Surf the internet
    • Check your downloads (Movies & TV) with Google Chrome - through XBMC!
    • Download and install Skins or Add-ons to XBMC.
    • Be able to update & Upgrade almost everything with one single command line command.

    Remember, some of this may not be correct as I am writing this after the event. I MAY miss some details, but I will edit to rectify any mistakes.

    Installing and tackling XBMC. Including NVidia Drivers and 5.1 Surround Sound.
    How to setup XBMC Minimal install perfectly for Acer Revo.
    Download the latest version of XBMC Live from XBMC Downloads. At the time of writing, Dharma has been released. (03/03/2011). Dharma 10.1 is dues to be released shortly.

    Now, the Revo hasnt got a DVD Drive - It's NOT a DVD Player it's a HTPC! So, I'm NOT going to tell you to buy/borrow or steal one. All you'll need is an empty 1GB USB Stick. Then download UNetbootin (For Windows).

    Plug in your (at least 1GB) USB Stick and make sure you know which drive it is assigned.
    Run UNetbootin
    Select Diskimage = ISO and browse for the Live.iso you downloaded from XBMC's website.
    Make sure 'Type' says USB and choose the right drive for your USB stick. Make sure you get it right, I wont stand accountable for you wiping your Windows PC's HDD!
    Press OK and your Bootable XBMC Live USB Boot Drive will be created!

    When UNetbootin has finished shutdown your Revo.
    With the USB still pluged in, turn on the Revo while tapping F12.
    This will then ask for a Boot Device. Select your USB.
    After this you can choose to run XBMCLive from the USB, but install it to the HDD instead and press yes to Confirm.

    During the Install it should ask for your Full name - Enter it. Then a Username - XBMC, Password - XBMC and finally a computer name - I used - Revo. Do this as it's easier to follow future tutorials on other things.
    After it has installed, your revo will turn off. Unplug the USB drive and turn it back on. XBMC will load from the HDD (fingers crossed).

    Once installed, you can 1 of 2 things. You can use the Linux Command line on the Revo (In XBMC press CTRL-ALT-F2 to drop to it). But I prefer to Putty into it from my Windows Computer. This is assuming the Revo is on the Same Network/Router as the Windows PC.

    With Putty loaded put the name of your Revo into the Host Name setting (Revo) and press open and you'll be asked for you Username - XBMC and Password - XBMC. If it does not connect, you may need to use the Revo's IP Address. Query your router for the assigned address.

    You are now logged onto your Revo with Command line access. I prefer this as right click is paste and you do not need to write URL's down to enter in the command line. This tutorial assumes you are using putty on a windows machine.

    Now lets download and install the latest Linux Drivers for NVidia ION GPU's.
    On your Windows PC you need to find the FULL address of the latest update.
    Goto NVidia's Driver Page and select

    Product Type = ION
    Product Series = ION (Desktops)
    Download Type = Graphics Driver
    Operating System = Linux 32-bit
    Language = English (UK)

    Click Search, the click Download. You will reach a page that says Agree & Download.
    Right click this and Copy Link Address.

    Back to Putty type -
    wget (and insert *Right click mouse* the URL)
    - Mine said -
    Meaning that 260.19.44 is the latest version. Keep an eye on where this .run file is used and the correct version numbers are the same filename.

    This will download all the drivers that we need for our Nvidia ION off the net wait till the files has finished downloading and the command has stopped running then type.
    sudo apt-get update
    This updates the Repo's and enures you download the correct versions. Thanks to Northernbloke for spotting this.
    sudo /etc/init.d/xbmc-live stop
    This stops the X-Server so we can install the newest version -
    sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev
    sudo apt-get install build-essential cdbs fakeroot dh-make  debhelper debconf libstdc++5 dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)
    then (check .run filename).
    sudo sh ./ -k $(uname -r)  --x-module-path=/usr/lib/xorg/modules --x-library-path=/usr/lib
    If all has gone well you should be in the NVIDIA installer. It pretty much guides you through this just press return and answer yes to all questions. When that's done your return to a blank screen.

    sudo shutdown -r now
    Your Revo will reboot into XBMC with the correct up-to-date driver install.

    Now goto Settings > System > Video and enable VDPAU. Ignore the Resolution as we'll address this properly later on.

    Problems existed with Sound with the Dharma beta versions, but since the release of Dharma, the issues have finally bee resolved.

    All you should do is configure your Audio Settings to your liking. For most this means using HDMI as the output and HDA NVidia HDMI for the bottom 2 settings.

    After the above, you should have you Revo all setup with XBMC with Full Video Acceleration and DTS/Dolby D Surrond sound through HDMI. You should be able to simply change to Optical in the Audio settings. If you use Optical, simply change it to that setting.

    Sharing your Revo attached drives to your Windows Network.
    Manage your drives from your Windows PC. Delete, rename or change things with the system your more used too.
    Installing Samba and sharing the Revo's attached USB drives back out to a Windows network. This it, although sounds involved, is relatively easy. Samba may already be installed on the Live CD, I cant remember.

    sudo apt-get install samba smbfs
    Once installed you should have 'XBMCLive' appear in your Network. This is direct access to your Revo. Which needs one last step -

    sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
    Make sure, near the top that your, Workgroup is specified.

    The end of the file add -

    comment = Revo
    path = /
    force user = root
    inherit permissions = yes
    read only = no
    guest ok = Yes
    What you have affectedly done above is something that someone told me was not possible. You are viewing your entire Revo's drive (ext4) on your Windows machine and you should have total read access. However write access is only limited to some areas.

    Main areas of interest are -

    /media = This is where your USB drives are attached.
    /mnt = This is where you should 'mount' any network drives.

    You CAN now create Network drives as I have to the /media folder if you wish for ease of access through Windows. Which is what I did.

    You also have full access to the /home/xbmc folder which is the User folder that XBMC is installed with.

    Sickbeard, SabNZBd and CouchPotato -
    Automatically downloads, updates and organises your entire TV Collection and Movies with hardly any intevention from you.
    SickBeard -
    I created a clone from the Github. Upgrading is easy. SB is now auto updating by itself.
    Installing via git hub is easy.
    sudo apt-get install git-core
    cd ~
    git clone git:// ".sickbeard"
    SabNZBd -
    echo "deb $(lsb_release -c -s) main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0x98703123E0F52B2BE16D586EF13930B14BB9F05F
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo aptitude --with-recommends install sabnzbdplus
    I could write out configuration guides for these, but perfect ones already exists. You have already downloaded and installed Sickbeard and SabNZBd, so start Ainer's tutorial from the 'Auto-Run' part's
    Sickbeard & SabNZBd
    I followed these and it was pretty simple. All credit to Ainer for this!

    CouchPotato. I will be creating an in depth guide on how to setup CouchPotato soon.
    This is a new program that does the same for movies that Sickbeard does for TV Shows. You add the Movies you want in the Quality you want it. As soon as it's available 'From the Usual places' it automatically downloads and add's it too SabNZBd's download list. There is also a 'UserScript' that integrates with most well known Movie websites.

    cd ~
    sudo git clone "/usr/local/sbin/couchpotato"
    cd /usr/local/sbin/couchpotato
    sudo cp initd /etc/init.d/couchpotato
    sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/couchpotato
    sudo update-rc.d couchpotato defaults
    sudo /etc/init.d/couchpotato start
    XBMC, SabNZBd, Sickbeard and CouchPotato are all installed and should all run upon start in the background when you switch your Revo on!

    IMDB UserScript
    CouchPotato can also insert a User-Script into Google Chrome that allows you to Add Movies by simply surfing IMBD and clicking 1 Button to add it to the 'Wanted' List.
    You can get to this by loading up CouchPotato in Google Chrome - http://xbmclive:5000 and installing it. The next time you surf IMDB, TheMovieDB, Sharethe.TV or using Google Chrome, you will see an 'Add to CouchPotato' Widget which will do exactly that!

    Install Google Chrome into XBMC and Load it via Executor.
    Surf the Internet, check DF/Facebook/eBay all from your Living Room TV.
    Do these 1 at a time -
    wget -q -O -  | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable main" >>  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list'
    sudo aptitude update
    sudo aptitude install google-chrome-stable
    Now we need a script to run google via executor.
    cd ~
    mkdir scripts
    cd scripts
    sudo nano
    Nano opens (fresh text file).
    Copy and Paste (Right Click in Putty is Paste!) this into it.
    fluxbox &
    killall -9 fluxbox
    Save and Exit Nano - CTRL-X and press Y, then Enter.
    sudo chmod +x
    Now, back to XBMC load up Executor -
    Add-Ons > Executor
    Navigate to /home/xbmc/scripts
    and select the

    For Arguments - Press Enter.
    For Program name - Google Chrome

    Now try running Google Chrome. If everything upto now went OK, you should be able to go to http://localhost:8081 for Sickbeard, http://localhost:8080 for SabNZBd and http://localhost:5000 CouchPotato.
    To close it, press CTRL-F4 or \ to switch back to XBMC.

    If the Font sizes or icons are too small - and they are likely to be.
    Do this -
    sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    Section "Monitor"
    add the line
    Option "DPI" "100x100"
    This will make the writing larger and more readable. If it's not, use higher numbers. I found 100 to be perfect. 200 seemed a bit large.

    Setup XBMC and Linux with correct Resolution for your TV or AMP.
    This uses the NVidia X Server and Fluxbox Window Manager to correctly display XBMC on your TV.

    Although it seems relatively involved, I am going to scratch the surface of this to get the optimum settings for your TV.

    First off we need to generate a new xorg.conf file which lives at - /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    sudo nvidia-xconfig
    Now we need to edit it -
    sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    Now add the following lines in the correct section of that file -

    Section "monitor"
    Option "ExactModeTimingsDVI" "TRUE"
    Section "Device"
    Option "ModeValidation" "NoEdidModes"
    Now close and save the file by hitting "Ctrl + X" on your keyboard. Then press "Y" and then "Enter"

    Now we need to figure out what kind of resolution your TV supports by asking its Extended display identification data - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Wiki_letter_w.svg" class="image"><img alt="Wiki letter w.svg" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/6/6c/Wiki_letter_w.svg/23px-Wiki_letter_w.svg.png info:
    Kill xbmc if it's running by
    sudo /etc/init.d/xbmc-live stop
    Then we need to setup a logfile wich logs your tv's edid modes:
    cd ~
    X -verbose 6 > ~/xlog.txt 2>&1
    Leave this for about 10 seconds (any longer will generate a massive Log file).
    The EDID data is outputted extremely quickly.

    Kill X by pressing CTRL+C

    In the Root of you Home directory (CD ~) you will find a xlog.txt file.

    I found it easier to navigate to on my Windows PC to the Share for this file as the command line program Nano or GEdit is awkward to use in this situation.


    Open this file in Wordpad for easier reading.

    Press CTRL-F and Find "Frequency information for"
    This will show the TV (In my case it is Denon 1910-AVR AMP), the Amp pulls the information from the TV and forwards it.

    We are also interested in the following 2 lines

    (II) NVIDIA(0): Frequency information for : Denon 1910-AVR
    (II) NVIDIA(0): HorizSync : 15.000-50.000 kHz
    (II) NVIDIA(0): VertRefresh : 48.000-62.000 Hz
    Write Down the HorizSync and VertRefresh values.

    Browse further and find all the validated modes. Like the example underneath:
    (II) NVIDIA(0): Validating Mode "1920x1080":
    (II) NVIDIA(0): 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz
    (II) NVIDIA(0): For use as DFP backend.
    (II) NVIDIA(0): Mode Source: EDID
    (II) NVIDIA(0): Pixel Clock : 74.25 MHz
    (II) NVIDIA(0): HRes, HSyncStart : 1920, 2008
    (II) NVIDIA(0): HSyncEnd, HTotal : 2052, 2200
    (II) NVIDIA(0): VRes, VSyncStart : 1080, 1084
    (II) NVIDIA(0): VSyncEnd, VTotal : 1094, 1124
    (II) NVIDIA(0): H/V Polarity : +/+
    (II) NVIDIA(0): Extra : Interlace
    (II)NVIDIA(0): Mode is valid.
    Make sure that the "(II)NVIDIA(0): Mode is valid." line exists on the one you pick. To create a modeline from this is easy. From my example above the first line would be "1920x1080" and then 74.25 and then 1920 2008 and 2052 2200 and so on. you just read the values from top to bottom.
    So in this example the modeline that section gives me would be:

    ModeLine "1920x1080" 74.25 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1124  +hsync +vsync Interlace
    You can add as many VALID Modes as you like, I mainly only went for 1920x1080, 1280x720 in 50Hz & 60Hz. My TV doesnt support 24p, so that's pointless in my case.

    These are MY ModeLines -
    ModeLine "1280x720 @ 50Hz" 74.25 1280 1720 1760 1980 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync
    ModeLine "1280x720 @ 60Hz" 74.25 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync
    ModeLine "1920x1080 @ 50Hz" 148.50 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync
    ModeLine "1920x1080 @ 60Hz" 148.35 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync
    Now that we got both vsync, hsync and the working modeline's, lets put it in our xorg.conf.

    Back in terminal
    sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    Then add YOUR ModeLines from what you wrote down earlier.

    Section "Monitor"
    HorizSync 15 - 50
    VertRefresh 48 - 62
    ModeLine "1280x720 @ 50Hz" 74.25 1280 1720 1760 1980 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync
    ModeLine "1280x720 @ 60Hz" 74.25 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync
    ModeLine "1920x1080 @ 50Hz" 148.50 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync
    ModeLine "1920x1080 @ 60Hz" 148.35 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync
    Option "DPI" "100x100"
    Remove the Line's
    Option "ExactModeTimingsDVI" "TRUE"
    that we added earlier to ID the EDID's.
    Option "DPMS"
    If it's there as this is the auto setup and will overide our new settings.

    This line must match the modeline you created ! In my case I added the Hz into the Description.

    Section "Screen"
    SubSection "Display"

    Modes "1920x1080 @ 50Hz" "1920x1080 @ 60Hz" "1280x720 @ 50Hz"  "1280x720 @ 60Hz"
    Now close and save the file by hitting "Ctrl + X" on your keyboard. Then press "Y" and "Enter"

    Start xbmc by running
    sudo /etc/init.d/xbmc-live start
    You should get a nice correct screen, make sure to go into
    Settings > Screen and calibrate/adjust your new resoultion.

    Make SURE the Overscan is set to Default on you TV!!

    If not try another modeline using same methods and see if that works.

    If all goes completely wrong or you give up.
    Simply generate a new xorg.conf by running
    sudo nvidia-xconfig
    Further information on this can be found at -

    Adding the 'Unofficial Add-On Repositories'
    The Offical Repo is added by default and you can install the Offical Add-ons by visiting it.
    I'm not sure why these exist, but they do, so we'll add them.

    First download these to your desktop, they are all direct links, so you should be able to 'Save Link As'.
    Google Code Repository
    General Plugins - Maintained by Nuka1195

    Queeup Repository
    General Plugins - Maintained by Queeup

    Luxeria Repository
    Swiss Repo - Maintained by

    Hitchers Repository
    Host of the Alaska Skin - Maintained by Hitcher

    Passion XBMC Repository
    French Repo (some English stuff) - Maintained by XBMC-Passion Team

    Bluecop Repository
    Music & Video Add-Ons - Maintained by BlueCop

    DanDar3 Repository
    Large Repo - Maintained my DanDare

    Online TV Streams - Maintained by Basje

    Seppius Repository
    Russian Repo - Maintained by Seppius

    Chinese Repository
    Chinese Repo - Maintained by Taxigps

    Adult Only Repository
    Add-on listings for Adult Only content - Maintained by XBMCAdult

    Now, open Network share -
    and copy or move all the downloaded Zip into this folder.

    Load up XBMC and go to Add-Ons > Install From Zip.
    For each one, load it and add it to your install.

    All done, you have all the Unofficial Repo's that I know of installed.

    Installing the Awesome Night Skin for XBMC
    Other Skins are available, but I really like this and it's Dharma compatible!
    The Night Skin is now available on hte official Repo so installing the most upto date version is easy.


    Have a fiddle and play around with the Skin, see what you think. If you dont like it, simply change it again in Appearance.

    This skin is fully supported and has an active forum dedicated to fixing issues and resolving bugs at XBMC. If you need any further information about TV Logo downloading, landscape.jpg. I'll update this post again.

    Nice as it is, I have now moved on to a new skin called Simplicity by igotdvds.

    Share your Media Library with Friends and Family (Facebook/Twitter/Forums etc).
    Integrate your XBMC with Trakt.TV and ShareThe.TV websites

    trakt helps keep a record of what TV shows and movies you are watching. Based on your favorites, trakt recommends additional shows and movies you'll enjoy!
    This guide assumes you know how to download add-ons from the Repo. It's relatively easy and is available in all Skins, generally under "Program Addons".

    These are updated in realtime and the last thing I watched on XBMC was -

    -New Widget-

    -Old Widget-

    Click the above images to check my trakt Media Collection/Watched History.

    How To get started:
    - Register by going to and click the join trakt button on the upper right corner
    - Open the trakt plugin configuration, fill in all the details required. Once done, press enter on trakt to run the first time.
    - Thats it, the next time XBMC is running, your library will automatically sync, and as you watch episodes, they will automatically show up online

    What does it do?
    As you watch Episodes, they are being updated "live" online. After you have watched an Episode, trakt maintains a history of when you watched which Episodes. Episodes and shows that are in your collection, including your local watch status, will sync with your trakt library, however they are marked differently from Episodes you watched with a trakt enabled plugin-version. For instance you get no watch count or time/date of when you watched them. CouchPotato also adds its User Script to the Movie Details page

    Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr are integrated, but IMO if you watch quite a few Movies or TV Shows, tends to Spam your profile pages a bit much.
    Your Widget is available on your Profile page on the trakt website.


    ShareThe.TV is all about having a social media collection. Other websites let you manually add items to a library to show off your collection, but this doesn't make sense when you've already entered all that information into your media centre. We provide a service that lets you instantly share what's in your media collection without any work from yourself. This is done by using a plugin for your media centre of choice to automate the process.
    You will also need to download the plugin from the Official XBMC Repo using the 'Program Addon' section.

    Very similar to Trakt, Sharethe.TV is geared towards the Movies side. Instead of waiting for you to watch a movie for it to get added, the plugin scans your Movie Library and makes it available online for all to see.

    It's still in development and is undergoing extensive changes, but it's a must have for any XBMC owner.

    With Sharethe.TV, if you have CouchPotato installed and someone recommends a film, you can simply add it to SabNZBd's queue within literally 2 clicks as the 'User Script' mentioned above, adds itself to the Movie Details page.

    To view my collection of Movies click the following widget -
    You can see the four most recently added movies are in the image.

    Administration for you HTPC all in one place using MediaFrontPage
    Easily access Sickbeard, CouchPotato, SabNZBd and any other Web related applications from within your browser.

    I had completely forgotten that I had already created a tutorial for MediaFrontPage in it's own thread here on DF already.
    This program/idea created by Nick8888 and improved on by Zarquon on XBMC's Forum this program should be available to any HTPC owner. It's the whole solution shown on one page!
    Last edited by DejaVu; 28th March 2011 at 03:03 AM. Reason: Added link to MFP Tut after realising I'd already created it!

    Thanks to DejaVu

    moonrat (24th June 2012)  

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Update. 12/03/11
    Added MediaFrontPage tutorial (has it's own thread).

    Update. 07/03/11
    Added Information for sharing your Media Library with Social Networking sites, websites and friends. (ShareThe.TV & Trakt.TV)

    Updated. 03/03/11

    Ensured everything is still current. It is now!
    No guide for adding a Remote is worth making. Plug in a USB IR Receiver with a MCE Remote control and it WILL work. Harmony Programmable remote's are also supported (Add support to for MCE to it!)

    Coming Soon
    1. How to add/activate TV Logo's into your Library.

    Last edited by DejaVu; 12th March 2011 at 11:41 PM.

  3. #3
    DF MaSter badlydrawnboy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Quote Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
    Added Google Chrome install.
    Configure XBMC to run the perfect resolution for your TV (1080i, 1080p, 720p, 24p, 50Hz, 60Hz etc). Most trust the original settings XBMC has available. This is not good practice. You screen CAN look better!
    Added 'Unoffical Repo Installations'
    I'm not going to add a "how to" on Grooveshark/YouTube/Gmail Checker/RSS Feed etc. As It's extremely easy - but I'll add it if there is enough requests for it.
    Coming next -
    Installing, running and configuring an IR Remote Control. I own this one
    any chance of doing a how to on adding a fan speed controller......
    Last edited by badlydrawnboy; 22nd September 2010 at 09:17 PM.

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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    I'm gonna do my Revo again following your guide, get ready for lots of questions as I fuck it all up!
    İlubber Lang


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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Quote Originally Posted by Clubber Lang View Post
    I'm gonna do my Revo again following your guide, get ready for lots of questions as I fuck it all up!
    I reckon you should be fine. I've drafted up EVERYTHING I done, so should be OK.

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    Now to find a reasonably priced Revo. Ebuyer seem to have put the price up by 40 quid recently.

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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *Updated but still Draft*

    Quote Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
    What you will need -
    • A Windows PC. (Irony!)
    Great to see more Linux on the go and people helping with it, but unetbootin comes for Linux too.

    How is performance of full screen flash videos on this setup? I just use a standard business computer that my old work were chucking out for playing videos on the telly and the old Linux having shit flash support problem is a real issue. If I wasn't so horribly allergic to Windows it would almost be enough to make me just chuck XP on the box. My setup is very watchable and fine but it just irks me slightly that it isn't quite as smooth as non-flash videos or flash videos on Windows.
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Think hes referring to using the Windows PC to Putty over apps to the Revo!
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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Quote Originally Posted by Nibb View Post
    Think hes referring to using the Windows PC to Putty over apps to the Revo!
    Personally, I do. It's easier. But you can use the XBMC Terminal if you want to make life a little more difficult!

    CTRL-ALT-F2 to access it from XBMC.

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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Quote Originally Posted by Nibb View Post
    Think hes referring to using the Windows PC to Putty over apps to the Revo!
    Putty is just a clone of SSH ffs.

    You can paste into most terminals with middle click, that works the same way as Putty right clicking.
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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Quote Originally Posted by TwoPlAnKs View Post
    Putty is just a clone of SSH ffs.

    You can paste into most terminals with middle click, that works the same way as Putty right clicking.
    Just giving you an opinion....keep your fucking wig on!!
    "Where you are is what you eat. When I'm in London I'll have beans on toast for lunch. On holiday ïż½ what? Tapas? Go on then I'll have a bit. You eat whatevers in that area"
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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    you can save a ton of time using the XCI script to install XBMC and relevant drivers and other common set-ups

    sudo wget
    sudo chmod +x; sudo ./
    VIP WOOP !

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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim.Lad View Post
    you can save a ton of time using the XCI script to install XBMC and relevant drivers and other common set-ups

    sudo wget
    sudo chmod +x; sudo ./
    I tried that originally and it downloaded the Trunk version (without Video Acceleration) of XBMC. It worked fine til I rebooted - where I lost the HDMI sound and had to reinstall ALSA again anyway! You may also find that the creator of the XCI script lost interested in it ages ago and is very unlikely to update it.

    I've been trying to get the Linux version installed for months and have had sooo many issues with one version or another (Read through the "Anyone using an Acer Revo" Thread!

    Also, it's all well and good getting the so called scripts to do all the work. But I prefered to document what to do as you learn how to use Linux and gives you a better understanding of the way XBMC works.

    There are also already a few Tut's on DF about using the script...

    This is the Do It All Youself To Make Sure It Works guide!
    Last edited by DejaVu; 9th September 2010 at 09:22 PM.

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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim.Lad View Post
    you can save a ton of time using the XCI script to install XBMC and relevant drivers and other common set-ups

    sudo wget
    sudo chmod +x; sudo ./
    I might give this a crack tomorrow following DejaVu's guide. Where does this fit into the guide?
    İlubber Lang


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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Quote Originally Posted by Clubber Lang View Post
    I might give this a crack tomorrow following DejaVu's guide. Where does this fit into the guide?
    It doesnt. It's an automated way of doing the lot. But I found it was out dated and a pain in the arse!

    Great when first available. But's I think it's knackered now. Read above post.

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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Quote Originally Posted by Clubber Lang View Post
    I might give this a crack tomorrow following DejaVu's guide. Where does this fit into the guide?
    It replace step 9 of the "Installing and tackling XBMC. Including NVidia Drivers and 5.1 Surround Sound." section
    VIP WOOP !

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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    as soon as my revo comes back i will be having a pop......thanks

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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    I followed the above guide up to step 10.

    Now when I boot into XBMC I have to enter my XBMC password before it loads whereas before it booted straight into XBMC.

    How do I remove this?
    İlubber Lang


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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Seems strange, that never happened to me. I would probably start again... but you can try this -
    vi /etc/passwd
    And change the line -
    (Remove the x).

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    Default Re: Acer Revo Full Linux Setup guide. *DRAFT*

    Quote Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
    Seems strange, that never happened to me. I would probably start again... but you can try this -
    vi /etc/passwd
    And change the line -
    (Remove the x).
    I don't know XBMC but is it really logging in as root by default? Their wiki says it uses an account called xmbc with password xmbc.

    Whether you have a password or not shouldn't affect automatic login anyway. Apparently it uses Gnome so it probably has gdm, check by taking a process listing and grepping it for gdm:
    ps -ef | grep gdm
    If anything comes up, gdm is running and you can configure it for automatic login.

    Check the automatic login configuration for gdm with these instructions

    I *think* the username you need to set it to automatically login as should be xbmc. Ubuntu-based distros are pretty hot on stopping you from logging in as root directly so I'd be really really surprised if it is doing it as root.
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