Blackaddr released a new version of SMC Utility:

This is a general purpose SMC utility designed to replace the old SMC I/O Config Utility. The program itself is a patching engine, where the patches are written as scripts in the INI file. This will allow any future patches to be released as scripts instead of re-releasing the program itself.

This allows you to build a hacked SMC from your original, unhacked version. Included is an All-In-One patch that provides a uniform exploit code base between several SMC versions, and applies a patch that improves the support for Play'N'Charge cables. It eliminates the 'reboot' problem while shutting down with a controller charging. Optional patches are included that allow you force the console to power down instead of charging if you do not wish to leave the console charging unattended. You can also patch it to restore the original unconditional booting.

An analysis mode allows quick diagnostics of the SMC using the new code base to check the JTAG I/O configuration, bug status, status of other patches, etc.

What's new/fixed:
INI v1.1 Arrived -> Updates to AIO patch, GUIDE button and HDD swaps now boot correctly!
Posted Version 1.1. All boot modes now work properly with PlayNCharge. No known issues. Thanks to Cory1492.
Official Site: n/a, by Blackaddr
Download (v1.1): here