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    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    BBC News Koran-protest pastor Terry Jones invited to UK rally

    Koran-protest pastor Terry Jones invited to UK rally

    Mr Jones had said the burning would be a stand against terrorism

    Campaigners are calling for a controversial US pastor to be banned from entering the UK to share his views on Islam with activists.
    Terry Jones attracted condemnation when he threatened to burn copies of the Koran on this year's 9/11 anniversary.
    He said his presence at an English Defence League rally in February would be "positive" but he admitted he would preach against "extremist Muslims".
    Unite Against Fascism said it would be holding an anti-racism demonstration.
    And the anti-extremist group Hope Not Hate is urging the home secretary to act.
    The EDL said on its Facebook page that the rally in Luton, Bedfordshire, on 5 February would be "our biggest to date". It said Mr Jones would be joining the organisation to "speak out against the evils of Islam".
    Mr Jones, pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, which has fewer than 50 members, told BBC 5 Live he had "no intention" of burning the Koran in the UK.

    'Intimidation and division'

    He said his speech would be "on harmony, on the subject that Muslims are welcome in our country".
    He said: "We have no problem with Muslims - we have freedom of speech and religion - Muslims who want to make our country their country, obey our laws and constitution.

    "We have a problem with them, which I believe you all have also, when they go on the street... and they call for the death of the UK, for the death of Israel, for the death of America. They call for Sharia law.
    "They say they are going to turn Buckingham Palace into a mosque and the Queen must convert to Islam or leave the country."
    Mr Jones admitted that his knowledge of the EDL was "somewhat limited".
    "It's only what I know through conversations with them that my office has had and then of course the different material in the internet that they have put out. I would describe them as a group who, I believe, in their words they want England to stay English."
    Weyman Bennett, joint national secretary of Unite Against Fascism, said: "Terry Jones is coming here to whip up Islamophobia and racism.
    "We intend on calling a mass demonstration where everyone can oppose the growth of racism and fascism in this country."

    Global demonstrations

    Anti-extremist group Hope not Hate condemned the invitation to Mr Jones and has launched a petition calling on the home secretary to ban him from entering the UK.
    Its director Nick Lowles said: "Only extremists will benefit from his visit and, as we know, extremism breeds hatred and hatred breeds violence.
    "It is yet another example of how the EDL exists only to sow the seeds of intimidation and division."
    George Readings, spokesman for counter-extremism think tank, Quilliam said: "Terry Jones is only coming to the UK to address a rally by the EDL, a far-right group whose protests have a track record of degenerating into violence.
    "This suggests that his presence in the UK will not be conducive to the public good. The EDL has only invited him here to stir up trouble."
    A Home Office spokesman said: "We do not routinely comment on individual cases."
    Home Secretary Theresa May has the power to exclude an individual from coming to the UK if she considers that the individual's presence here would not be conducive to the public good.
    Mr Jones came to prominence in September after he announced plans for his "International Burn a Koran Day".
    His plan was internationally condemned and sparked many demonstrations around the world. He eventually called off his protest.
    There are 3 types of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened.

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Koran-protest pastor Terry Jones invited to UK rally

    The home secretary is dammned if she does and dammned if she doesnt on this one.
    As much as it will likely stir up trouble, I say let him in...if you start to turn away visitors just because of a viewpoint they hold, its a dark road to travel down with regards to free speech.

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member arvin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koran-protest pastor Terry Jones invited to UK rally

    He would incite religious / targeted hatred towards muslims, I'd say thats sufficient enough to refuse entry although then the question of free speech arises. I dont see what this guy can offer or give us when he comes here to give his speech. The greater good would be to refuse him entry otherwise somehow we would have to pay to protect him against supposed extremists or pay for blockades/policing when he does do his speech.
    Last edited by arvin; 14th December 2010 at 10:34 PM. Reason: Cooleo

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member BBK's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koran-protest pastor Terry Jones invited to UK rally

    The guy is an imbecile who will appeal to no-one other than EDL and BNP supporters anyway. We should just let him in, let him speak to his 50-strong crowd, and let him go. All this exposure just plays into his hands.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Koran-protest pastor Terry Jones invited to UK rally

    He would incite racial hatred
    Since when has muslim been a race?

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member GTI's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koran-protest pastor Terry Jones invited to UK rally

    We've refused entry to prominent neo-Nazis, anti-semites (e.g. Louis Farrakhan), HAMAS members and other undesirables... so I don't see the issue with banning this troublemaker. Visiting the United Kingdom is not a right, but rather a privilege.
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Koran-protest pastor Terry Jones invited to UK rally

    Doesnt seem much different to when we let that Dutch MP in....forget his name, something like Gert Wilders....Though given he was from an EU country, maybe he couldnt be prevented.

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member super mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Koran-protest pastor Terry Jones invited to UK rally

    Quote Originally Posted by GTI View Post
    We've refused entry to prominent neo-Nazis, anti-semites (e.g. Louis Farrakhan), HAMAS members and other undesirables... so I don't see the issue with banning this troublemaker. Visiting the United Kingdom is not a right, but rather a privilege.
    Whilst I agree with your last sentence, and understand that in this country we do not have the right to free speech I feel that we should let him in. He is quite obviously an idiot and letting him in to do his speech will allow him enough rope to hang himself politically to anyone who can tie their own shoes.

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