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    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Serious U.S. will respond to Chinese military advances: Gates

    U.S. will respond to Chinese military advances: Gates

    By Phil Stewart
    ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT | Sat Jan 8, 2011 7:34pm EST

    ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT (Reuters) - The United States will enhance its own capabilities in response to China's growing military muscle, Defense chief Robert Gates said on Saturday, as he to flew to Beijing for talks with China's political and military leaders.
    As its economy booms, China has significantly increased investment in its military, and its faster-than-expected advances in its ballistic missile, combat aircraft and other strategic programs have raised eyebrows in the United States.
    Gates acknowledge that some of China's advances, if confirmed, could eventually undermine traditional U.S. military capabilities in the Pacific region.
    "They clearly have the potential to put some of our capabilities at risk and we have to pay attention to them. We have to respond appropriately with our own programs," Gates told reporters.
    "My hope is that through the strategic dialogue that I'm talking about, that maybe the need for some of these capabilities is reduced."
    Gates cited a five-year budget outline that he unveiled on Thursday as an example of how the U.S. military would maintain its edge. It included funding for a new generation of long-range nuclear bombers, new electronic jammers and radar, and new satellite launch technology.

    But critics in Congress seized upon the budget outline's $78 billion in overall defense spending cuts as a sign that key U.S. military capabilities would be under-funded.
    U.S. officials have taken note of disclosures in recent weeks of advances in China's capabilities, including in its anti-ship ballistic missile program, which could challenge U.S. aircraft carriers in the Pacific.
    "I've been concerned about the development of the anti-ship cruise and ballistic missiles ever since I took this job," Gates said. He added China appeared "fairly far along" with its anti-ship ballistic missile but he said he did not know if it was operational yet.

    China may also be ready to launch its first aircraft carrier in 2011, faster than some estimates, and new photos indicate it has a prototype of a stealth fighter jet.
    Still, Gates appeared to play down the Chinese program. Asked about its prototype, he said: "I think there is some question about just how stealthy" it is.


    The stated goal of Gates' Jan 9-12 trip to China is to improve relations with China's military.
    U.S. and Chinese military ties were suspended through most of 2010, as Beijing protested President Barack Obama's proposed arms sale to Taiwan. His trip to China is the most visible demonstration that relations have normalized.
    Gates said he did not expect any dramatic breakthrough in relations with China's military during the visit, saying an improvement in ties was more likely to be gradual.

    "I think this is evolutionary, particularly the military to military side," Gates said.
    "So rather than something dramatic, some kind of dramatic breakthrough, I think just getting some things started would be a positive outcome," he added, after having spoken at length about ways the U.S. and China could improve dialogue.
    Analysts warn that as China's military expands its reach, the risks of potentially dangerous misunderstandings between the U.S. and Chinese militaries will increase.
    That bolsters U.S. arguments about the need for sustained U.S.-China contacts that can endure friction over issues like Taiwan, as opposed to on-again, off-again contacts that have characterized the relationship for years.
    Gates' visit comes a week before Chinese President Hu Jintao's state visit to Washington, creating diplomatic momentum that U.S. officials hope will allow Gates to make headway on sticky security issues.
    "I think the Chinese' clear desire that I come first, come to China before President Hu goes to Washington, was an indication of their interest in strengthening this part of the relationship," Gates said.
    He also praised China's efforts to reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula. As North Korea's main diplomatic and economic backer, China has been under pressure to rein in Pyongyang after the sinking of a South Korean warship and shelling of a South Korean island last year.
    "We recognize that China played a constructive role in lessening tensions on the peninsula in the latter part of last year," he said.

    (Editing by Philip Barbara)
    There are 3 types of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened.

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  2. #2
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: U.S. will respond to Chinese military advances: Gates

    The power is shifting and there's fuck all the US can do about it. I recently read that the GDP of emerging economies like China, India, Brazil, Russia and Indonesia will surpass the G7 GDP by 2020.

    Once those markets grow their own domestic consumer bases and create and grow a middle class, we will be truly fucked. By 2050 we will refer to the East as we do the West now in terms of economic might.

    If you've got children, enrol them in Mandarin classes and get them used to eating with chopsticks.

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member Zippeyrude's Avatar
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    Default Re: U.S. will respond to Chinese military advances: Gates

    capitalism at its best. ironic isnt it

    the best the west can do is exploit cheap products and workforce until eastern domestic demands result in the east giving the west the finger.

  4. #4
    DF Founder Raptor's Avatar
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    Default Re: U.S. will respond to Chinese military advances: Gates

    I'm not worried - there will be plenty of wars "created" between now and then to sort it out

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