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    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    BBC News Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    The move is designed to help children from ethnic minorities become adopted

    White couples should be allowed to adopt black and ethnic minority children under new guidelines for social workers in England.
    Local authorities will be warned not to delay placing a child with a suitable family of a different ethnicity.
    Many children from ethnic minorities do not get adopted because social workers have been keen to place them with families of the same background.
    The move will be confirmed by Education Secretary Michael Gove on Tuesday.

    Actions monitored

    The law will not change but the new guidance will state that as long as prospective adopters show that they are able to care for the child then race should not be a factor.
    They will also say that preventing families from adopting children of a different ethnic group is "unacceptable".
    Each local authority will be closely monitored and those that persistently ignore the advice could have their adoption services contracted out to voluntary agencies.
    Current advice states that social workers must give "due consideration to the child's religious persuasion, racial origin and cultural and linguistic background", but does not specify whether race should be regarded as outweighing other factors.
    Children's minister Tim Loughton announced in November last year that the government would be updating its guidance on adoption.
    There are 3 types of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened.

    Conservatives. Putting the 'N' into Cuts.

  2. #2
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    I'm shocked to be reading this to be honest.
    I wasn't aware that there was a law stopping adoption of kids just because they have a different skin colour or religion.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but this is The UK and 2011 ?

    Surely it should be up to the children to decide if race or religion is an issue and not shiny arsed cunts sitting behind desks.

    Unbelievable in this day and age.

    If sexuality isn't an issue (Elton John) then why the fuck should skin colour and religion be ?

    Some of these ponces need to remove their heads from their arses and start looking at the real world.
    There are 3 types of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened.

    Conservatives. Putting the 'N' into Cuts.

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member Freddy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    "Many children from ethnic minorities do not get adopted because social workers have been keen to place them with families of the same background."

    What's wrong with that? Not a bad idea to preserve heritage/culture. Not at the expense of not homing a kiddie though.

    "Some of these ponces need to remove their heads from their arses and start looking at the real world."

    They just have. That's what this thread is about.

    Are you having a bad morning

  4. #4
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    Quote Originally Posted by Freddy View Post
    "Many children from ethnic minorities do not get adopted because social workers have been keen to place them with families of the same background."

    What's wrong with that? Not a bad idea to preserve heritage/culture. Not at the expense of not homing a kiddie though.

    "Some of these ponces need to remove their heads from their arses and start looking at the real world."

    They just have. That's what this thread is about.

    Are you having a bad morning
    Not having a bad morning at all.

    This preserve heritage and culture bollox just doesn't wash.

    A kid of any colour in an orphanage doesn't give a fuck about colour or heritage in most cases. They just want a home and to be loved like other kids.

    Kids want to be loved and it really doesn't matter to most of them if the love if coming from a fat,white,or black face or slanted eyes. What seems to have been going on is arsewipes trying to play God to fit in with their Rosey eyed views. In my view this is getting very close to the views held by retards like White supremacists.

    U-turn on mixed-race adoption ban

    By Andrew Woodcock, Press Association

    Saturday, 19 February 2011

    New guidance will tell social workers that they should allow white couples to adopt black and ethnic minority children, it was revealed today.
    The guidelines, to be unveiled by Education Secretary Michael Gove on Tuesday, will not change the law but will make clear that race should not be a "deal-breaker" if the prospective adopters show that they are able to parent the child.
    Ministers feel that social workers have until now been over-zealous in seeking to place children with adoptive parents of the same racial background, with the result that ethnic minority children wait on average three times longer than white children to find a permanent home.
    The new advice will state explicitly that, where a family can meet a child's emotional and development, ethnic origin should not be a barrier.
    Barring adoption on ethnic grounds "is not child-centred and is unacceptable", says the document, obtained by The Times.
    "A prospective adopter is able to parent a child with whom they do not share the same ethnicity, provided they can meet the child's other identified needs.
    "It is unacceptable for a child to be denied adoptive parents solely on the grounds that the child and prospective adopter do not share the same racial or cultural background."
    Current advice states that social workers must give "due consideration to the child's religious persuasion, racial origin and cultural and linguistic background", but does not make clear whether race should be regarded as trumping other factors.
    The new guidance will say that social workers should not delay adoption in the hope of finding an ethnic match for children.
    "Time is not on the side of the child and a delay in placing a child with a new family can damage their development, contribute to further emotional harm, reduce their chances of finding a permanent family or increase the chance of adoption breakdown," it warns.
    Now being of cynical nature I have to delve at the timing and reason for this new enlightenment. To me it's far from wanting the welfare of the children to come first, if that were the case then they could have and should have been speaking out at least twenty years ago. Back then programmes like Alf Garnett and the like were being banned. The police after Brixton and Toxteth riots learned nothing. Years down the road it took the murder of Stephen Lawrence and a lapse of several more years for an enquiry by William McPherson was the Police forced found to be institutionally racist .

    Years down the round, yet again we are being told the same about social workers albeit not being spelled out directly.

    My disgust and amazement is it has taken so long and that it has been allowed to go on for so long.

    For me the cynic this is once again all about SAVING money as the CONservatives remove funds from services.

    If it was being done for the right reasons then they wouldn't be just issuing guidelines that are open to take or leave. No if this was anything other than a money saving issue then they would be changing the law and not issuing fucking guidelines.
    There are 3 types of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened.

    Conservatives. Putting the 'N' into Cuts.

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member Freddy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    I can't talk to you when you're all emotional like this.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    Quote Originally Posted by 4me2 View Post
    If it was being done for the right reasons then they wouldn't be just issuing guidelines that are open to take or leave. No if this was anything other than a money saving issue then they would be changing the law and not issuing fucking guidelines.
    it's allways been about money but i don't blame the social services i blame the goverment for the way it hands out funding to the social services

    when the social services get a case ( child at risk or whatever term you want to use ) the cost of re-homing the child is a big factor
    ultimately leaving the child with their natural parents is the cheapest option but not the allways the answer and the social services will bend over backwards to achieve this if possible
    the next finacial rung on the ladder is adoption but there are prohibitive factors to do with adoption such as age and ethnic/racial background of the child it now appears the goverment are removing some of these barriers
    the cost to the social services / goverment once a child has been adopted is nil opposed to residential care or fostering
    if adoption is not an option gaurdianship is the next financialy viable option and is almost allways considered next
    gaurdianship is where the child is placed with a relative untill 18 or such a time the natural parents can show the courts they are now capable of looking after there children without re lapse
    cost to social services / goverment about 25% of the cost to foster a child
    fostering is the next viable option but there is a mass shortage of foster carers nation wide and is difficult for the social services to place children with foster carers long term and if possible is again around 25% the total cost of residential care ( childrens homes etc.. )

    so although the childs welfare is whats at heart you can see the finacial side of the equation the social services have a limited budget and the cheaper they can deal with a case the more funds they have to deal with new cases

    it looks like the goverment are looking into the finacial advantages of adoption and making more options available or should i say forcing the social services to consider wider options for each case

    just my 2p worth

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    Quote Originally Posted by Freddy View Post
    "Many children from ethnic minorities do not get adopted because social workers have been keen to place them with families of the same background."

    What's wrong with that? Not a bad idea to preserve heritage/culture. Not at the expense of not homing a kiddie though.
    Got to say I agree with this.

    Ok, I'm not going to deny the truth that children just want love. However these children will grow up into adults. In the adult world people often end up better off due to knowledge. Growing up in a house of similar heritage you would be more likely to gain a decent knowledge of your own heritage.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    Quote Originally Posted by Over carl View Post
    Got to say I agree with this.

    Ok, I'm not going to deny the truth that children just want love. However these children will grow up into adults. In the adult world people often end up better off due to knowledge. Growing up in a house of similar heritage you would be more likely to gain a decent knowledge of your own heritage.
    But then are you valuing one 'heritage' over another? Are you saying if you're asian you should only be taught asian history/values or if you're white then a more european/christian set? Surely if a kid is brought up in a decent home being taught some set of values rather than being passed round in the system it's better?

  9. #9
    DF VIP Member Over Carl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    Quote Originally Posted by blacksheep View Post
    But then are you valuing one 'heritage' over another? Are you saying if you're asian you should only be taught asian history/values or if you're white then a more european/christian set? Surely if a kid is brought up in a decent home being taught some set of values rather than being passed round in the system it's better?
    Not putting any heritage above others, I think all should be valued just as much as any other.

    Ok, I agree on the values thing to some extent, but lets say for example you are an amazing white/english parent and I'm only an average indian parent. Two kids up for adoption, one white/english and one indian kid comes up for adoption.

    One of the two kids is going to have to have me, the inferior parent, so it makes sense I get the Indian kid as at least I can teach him stuff he would never learn in your house (and vice versa). I don't think they should only be taught about their own heritage, but say for example for me the ability to speak/understand panjabi can come to my advantage which I doubt I would have if I grew up in your house.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    Quote Originally Posted by Over carl View Post
    Got to say I agree with this.

    Ok, I'm not going to deny the truth that children just want love. However these children will grow up into adults. In the adult world people often end up better off due to knowledge. Growing up in a house of similar heritage you would be more likely to gain a decent knowledge of your own heritage.
    Possibly mate, but they could also grow up with an ignorance on racial/religious differences as can happen with families at the moment... IF they were black and adopted by say, a white couple, I'm sure the love and up-bringing in a family home would make them realise we're all the same in effect, rather than have a chip of their shoulder about another race etc.

    I had a mate who was in a home till he was 15, and he told me some stories about racial intolerance etc. by ALL colours and creeds within that home.
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  11. #11
    DF VIP Member Over Carl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    Also another factor - I'm guessing for a placement to work well, the parents have to look at/treat the child like their own. Kids can be cruel and different skin colour parents will get picked up upon in the playground.

  12. #12
    DF VIP Member blacksheep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    Quote Originally Posted by Over carl View Post
    Not putting any heritage above others, I think all should be valued just as much as any other.

    Ok, I agree on the values thing to some extent, but lets say for example you are an amazing white/english parent and I'm only an average indian parent. Two kids up for adoption, one white/english and one indian kid comes up for adoption.

    One of the two kids is going to have to have me, the inferior parent, so it makes sense I get the Indian kid as at least I can teach him stuff he would never learn in your house (and vice versa). I don't think they should only be taught about their own heritage, but say for example for me the ability to speak/understand panjabi can come to my advantage which I doubt I would have if I grew up in your house.
    But in a world where we're meant to treat everyone as equal it should be of much use for a white person to be able to speak chinese as a chinese person (obviously depending on where they live) or for me to speak panjabi/urdu as someone who's background x years ago is from the Indian subcontinent. For me I think it would be very useful to have a greater understanding of Indian culture as I work in a firm with a large presence/workforce there.

  13. #13
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mixed-race adoption policy gets new guidelines

    Have to say, I was shocked when reading the story as I assumed this wasn't an issue. Very odd.


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