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    TV BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    Who knows if any of it is true but interesting in a conspiracy theory kinda way

    For reasons which will become obvious, I can't reveal my full identity. But let me just say that, I am an executive with Sony Music UK with many years experience in music mangement. My work involves close liasion with Simon Cowell's SYCO company (specifically SYCO Music and SYCO TV) and, as a result, I have seen what goes on from the inside and this has left me increasingly uncomfortable about the integrity of Britain's Got Talent and particularly the workings of SYCO.
    It's long been known that there is a quite a degree of "fixing" in BGT. ( Daily Mail ) But press reports on "fixing" are only the tip pf the iceberg when it comes to SYCO's manipulation of, not only the show and the contestants, but also the viewing public and hopefully, in this email, I can shine some light on the smoke and mirrors trickery of SYCO.

    Take BGT 2011 for example. Scouts working for SYCO first saw Ronan Parke (the 12 year old singer) some two years ago when he was just 10 and was singing at a birthday party for former Norwich City goal-keeper, Bryan Gunn. Following that, Ronan was privately auditioned by SYCO scouts on two more occasions and, as is usual practice on BGT, he was "invited" to audition for the show as a "preferred" contestant. At the same time, Ronan and his parents were "required" to enter into a contract with SYCO. Like all SYCO contracts, it is heavily weighted in favour of the label and are notoriously bad, even in the cut-throat world of the music industry. Simon effectively signed Ronan for life and he's got little or no chance of ever getting out of it...unless Simon decides to terminate. Recording contracts are legally extremely complex and usually require input and advice from very expensive, specialist contract lawyers. SYCO knows that such legal advice goes well beyond the means of most contestants. As one senior SYCO executive said to me recently. "These people are mugs. They'll sign away their own mother just to get on tv. It's a fucking turkey-shoot and then we own their arses!"

    As is common for "invited" contestants that SYCO likes and have already signed, Ronan and his parents were provided with a car to drive them to the audition in London. These "invited" contestants don't have to queue up with everyone else, they don't go through the preliminary auditions with producers, but perform straight to Simon and the judging panel at a pre- arranged time-slot. And so it was for Ronan back in 2009 when he was just 10.

    It was at this initial audition that I first met Ronan and he looked very different back then. He was a skinny, 10 year old lad who, even at that time, was a bit effeminate. His voice needed a bit of working on, but that wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, nerves got the better of Ronan and he was unable to perform. Simon however, had already seen the audition tapes from the scouts and took Ronan into an unused dressing room and got him to sing in there with his mum for support. Clearly Ronan was not going to be part of BGT in 2009 and nothing from this was ever televised.

    Ordinarily, you would think that would be the end of things, but with Ronan already signed to SYCO, far from it. This was just the start of a two year grooming and manipulation process to prepare Ronan for stardom.

    It's no big secret that Simon has been looking for an artist who could crack the very lucrative pre-teen market for some time, particularly in the US. If you like, he wanted his own rival to Bieber and, taking a leaf out of how professional football academies develop youngersters to feed their main team, Simon wanted his own singing academy and Ronan was just one of a number of identified youngsters, with whom SYCO intensively works with.

    A development package, which included professional singing, dancing and stage-craft tuition was arranged for Ronan and the SYCO machine kicked into gear with the view of Ronan entering BGT 2010. Lots of work had been done with Ronan and his voice was much improved, unfortunately nerves were still a major issue for him and it was decided by SYCO not to enter him into the 2010 series.

    At a following senior exec meeting at SYCO it was suggested that Ronan be dropped, but with Simon confident that he could be the kid he had been looking for, it was agreed that Ronan would receive "intensive support and input" to ready him for the 2011 series. Although Ronan's voice was now stunning, there were other major problems to be dealt with in order to sell him to the public. With respect to Ronan, he was nothing more than a cooky-looking, skinny runt of a kid and this was identified as a major handicap to sales.

    It was agreed at a high-level, secret SYCO meeting, that if they were to do anything with Ronan, he needed totally restyling from the toes up. And so with time running out to develop Ronan into the star Simon wanted, SYCO went into overdrive. Ronan was even given speech and elocution training to rid him of his rural Norfolk accent, again in preparation for the potential US market. As for his effeminate and girlishness, this posed a bigger problem and resulted in many highly confidential meetings. At one of these meetings, the unthinkable was raised as a way forward....

    Until now Ronan had been encouraged to "boy-up" and it was planned to present Ronan as an everyday skater-boy. But with his girliness still showing through, the image just wasn't believable. So a decision was taken to encourage and allow Ronan to "release" and enhance his campness . Disgustingly, SYCO planned to sexualise him. They were well aware of course, that if they sexualised a young girl to look sexually older than she is, all hell would let loose. But with Ronan, as one executive put it, "no one has ever seen a 'gay' kid before, it'll be a novelty." As for the pre-teen market, it was accepted they wouldn't care if Ronan appeared gay or not...most probably don't know what gay is anyway. And so, with a total gay- sexualisation of Ronan secretly planned, SYCO got to work. I should stress, Ronan's parents were not aware of any of this and were never consulted about Ronan's development or management. When I first met Ronan he was a bit effeminate in his ways, but nothing like the camp, girlie-giggling kid you see now on BGT and this is a direct result of SYCO's styling. Even his clothing worn at the audition and live semi-final were chosen for him by SYCO to match his new image.

    SYCO took over everything to do with Ronan. His hairstyle, his clothes, his poise, giving tv interviews, you name it, Ronan was styled within an inch of his life and all on the promise of stardom, just as long as he worked hard and listened to his mentors. As for Ronan's parents they were constantly reassured that Simon was personally looking after Ronan and "it's all good".

    And so to BGT 2011. With Ronan ready to be unveiled, SYCO bosses, under instructions from Simon did something not done in previous series of BGT; the winner of BGT 2011 was decided long before the first auditions took place and that winner HAD to be Ronan Parke. With Ronan now 12, he looked and sounded just as SYCO had planned, but time was running out. Soon Ronan would be going into puberty and his voice would eventually break, so BGT 2011 had to be the vehicle to launch Ronan's career; another year and as a singer he would probably be beyond any meaningful career and the opportunity will have been missed. With all this investment in Ronan, the production managers at SYCO TV are ready to deliver Ronan as ordered. Again, I need to stress, Ronan and his parents know nothing of this and have no idea Ronan will win BGT this weekend.

    So far in the history of BGT and X-Factor, for that matter, no one has ever won who has not been an "invited or preferred" contestant, and it does sadden me that, all those thousands of people, lining up outside, often in the rain and cold, are basically wasting their time. The producers of BGT are not looking for the talented people, they aready have those. The reality is that the producers are hunting out oddities, freaks and, I'm ashamed to say, mentally ill people, to act as amusing fillers in the audition shows. They are nothing more than unpaid extras and they don't even qualify for traveling expenses! It's quite disgusting and shameful really, how the production team on BGT operate. People come from all over the country, often at great personal expense, because they think BGT is a talent competition and they stand a chance of realising their dreams. I can tell you from the inside that BGT is no more a "competition", than I am an astronaut. Nothing is left to chance on BGT, everything is micro-managed, choreographed, manipulated and planned down to the last detail including, the telephone voting.

    The ability to manipulate viewers opinion is vital if you are to control telephone voting and indeed get the required result. SYCO see this as essential to the success of the show and are very open about fact; planning and delivering live shows of quality is impossible if it was purely left to the public vote. As Simon said in a meeting once. "The public NEED to be told who to vote for." Everything on BGT is geared towards telling you who you should for, particularly on the production side. It's an art really, which Simon has honed to perfection and SYCO are now world leaders at.

    The micro-management of Ronan's audition performance was incredible. I was really quite shocked at his new image. From a starting point of wanting Ronan to look cute for the pre-teen market, SYCO had totally gayed him up in the process. Ronan's not a 16 year old expressing his sexualty for the first time, he's a 12 year old boy. It was horrible and I was very uncomfortable as to where this was going to end. Ronan, still suffering from nerves, performed his song and received a standing ovation from all three judges...why? Because it was in the script to give Ronan a standing ovation. As for Louis comment. "Ronan Parke. Remember that name. This kid's gonna be a star!!" - that was actually fed to him from the production gallery and I know the guy who wrote the line. And when it comes to Ronan's tears...well, check it out on YouTube or something. You see Ronan crying and wiping away tears. Only you don't see any actual tears, not even on close-up and on an HD tv. Yep you guessed it, even that was choreographed, right down to the lip-biting!

    It was also interesting to see that even before the final credits rolled on Ronan's audition show, SYCO TV had uploaded the offical video of Ronan onto YouTube. Today, that particular video has been viewed over 2.5 million times and growing. SYCO don't do that for other contestants, so why Ronan? The gaying-up Ronan plan slightly backfired on SYCO when lots of negative comments were being posted on YouTube and Twitter about Ronan's image and the supposed sexuality that represents. Things got so bad on YouTube that the posting of comments had to be suspended. But SYCO learned from this and dressed Ronan more appropriately for his semi-final show; preferring a much more Bieber inspired look to the 'gay- kid' image presented in the audition.

    In another unusal move for BGT contestants, SYCO created Ronan's Official Facebook Fan Page and Twitter account. Both these services are managed from within SYCO and they post messages and pictures, not Ronan. This is because they don't want Ronan posting anything controversial and is standard practice for currrent artists signed to SYCO.

    And so this weekend will see Ronan crowned as winner of BGT 2011. Oh and let's not forget the £100k prize money. It's unlikely Ronan will see much or any of that. He's been signed to SYCO for two years now and under the terms of his contract, while SYCO stump-up for costs in advance, this is paid back from future earnings. So he will need to pay for all those lessons, coaches, cars, clothes, styling and management... I wouldn't be surprised even after winning BGT, if he is not still in debt to SYCO.

    As a recording artist Ronan has a relatively short shelf-life. Simon knows he is going to have to hit the ground running to maximise Ronan's earning potential, particularly if they go ahead with a planned break into the States and the pace is going to be frantic for Ronan. If you think the music industry is bad in the UK, you haven't seen anything until you experience it Stateside. With an "anything goes" attitude all morals have long since gone out of the window. There will be no allowance for Ronan's age and he will be expected to perform on late- night shows and dinners etc. And if he get exhausted, there's always some sleaze-bag on hand ready to put a line of coke under his nose. I've seen it a million times.

    I know for a fact, that the songs have already been chosen for Ronan's debut single and album, and that the backing and drum tracks have already been laid down.

    Of course, once Ronan's voice breaks, it's game-over and he will be commercially redundant for a few years. By the time he gets through that, the world will have moved on and his fan-base will have grown-up a bit. Will he make a comeback? In my experience I'd say probably not.
    I've met Ronan a few times over the past couple of years. He's a really nice kid with a generous, warm personality and the most wonderfully cute, girlie-giggle. There's nothing to not like about Ronan. He's a really sensitive soul and this comes across as him being a bit effeminate. But in a world of thuggish chavs, Ronan's a real breath of fresh air really and a real delight to chat to. Do I think Ronan's gay? No, is the short answer to that. SYCO have got a lot to answer for in their initial styling and image for Ronan. Like many 12 year old boys, Ronan may have issues in coming to terms with his sexuality in a couple of years. But right now, he's just a great kid...a bit different, I admit...but a great kid just the same.

    I hope Ronan is not damaged by this experience, unforunately, history warns otherwise...but whatever, the genie is already out of the bottle and come this weekend, Ronan's life will change forever. Whether it's a good or bad experience being a 12 year old star in today's music industry, only time will tell. But as an industry insider I have serious reservations about what is about to happen to Ronan Parke and I doubt he or his family are ready for what's coming.

    Thanks to my friends on Twitter and Facebook for getting this document out. Without you my voice would be silent.

    ** If you want to help expose the lie which is Britain's Got Talent, please feel free to republish this article or post a link to it

    Sony Music UK

  2. #2
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    Interesting read!!
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    Sounds true too

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member BBK's Avatar
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    Indeed, very interesting and it would be almost more surprising for this to NOT be true!

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member matthewy2's Avatar
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    10/11 with skybet.

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    i thought this was pretty much how it was ran anyway, wasnt there a similar story with the amazing jedwood?

    Anyone who thinks random strangers stroll onto the stage and belt out a perfect rendition of someoldshit is very deluded.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    Yeah nigh on everything on that show seems staged to me you can nigh on tell who's in the final within minutes of them auditioning.The live semi finals are just manipulated so select people are bound to go through with the safety net of the judges deciding anyway.

  8. #8
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    It's been removed by Sony and cowells company

  9. #9
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    I sent it to Louis Walsh and Simon & David tonight via Twitter and email saying its a con....fucker removed it

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member dpSparhawk's Avatar
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    Definitely an interesting read. These talent shows have always been rigged. Train Wreck TV always gets viewing figures.

    All will be received on Saturday huh? Be interesting to see if he does win it.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    Cowell calls in police over claims.

    Pop mogul Simon Cowell has called in police over claims that popular TV contest Britain's Got Talent is fixed.
    The panel judge made the complaint to officers after an anonymous internet blogger alleged that show favourite Ronan Parke had been groomed for stardom.
    The 12-year-old won the viewers' vote on Monday and is in Saturday's final. The blogger claimed he had been known to Cowell's firm Syco for two years, that he already has a management deal and has been moulded to appeal to the audience.
    Claims that his hairstyle, clothing and mannerisms were all choreographed were also made.
    The allegations resulted in Mr Cowell's lawyers going to a west London police station to report the offence. It is not yet known if officers will take action.
    A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "An allegation of malicious communications was made to Kensington and Chelsea police on Thursday June 2. The allegation is being considered."
    Syco and Sony Music said they would take legal action to "prevent further publication of these unfounded allegations".
    Syco said in a statement: "There has been speculation on the internet that Britain's Got Talent finalist Ronan Parke was known to and worked with Syco/Sony Music before entering the show. There is no truth in this story whatsoever."
    Ronan's mother Maggie also dismissed the claims that he was auditioned by talent scouts who had spotted him performing at a birthday party for family friend Bryan Gunn, the former Norwich City goalkeeper.
    "It's laughable, to be perfectly honest with you, and it couldn't be further from the truth," she told BBC Radio Norfolk. "There's no foundation in it whatsoever."

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  12. #12
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    A lot of celebrities in the media on Twitter unrelated to Cowell are saying its a fake.
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  13. #13
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    oh dear.. looks like sony haven't learnt any lessons of late.. in with their size 12's again..
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  14. #14
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    "Where you are is what you eat. When I'm in London I'll have beans on toast for lunch. On holiday � what? Tapas? Go on then I'll have a bit. You eat whatevers in that area"
    Karl Pilkington

  15. #15
    DF VIP Member davetaylor's Avatar
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    I was very surprised to read this, if its true I am clearly shocked, as Simon has so much money why would he do this, then if its not true some clown really dont like him....One way or the other thats the internet for you....everything can be traced, so I am sure the naughty person will be found wiyh Simons money behind him and the best legal team you can buy.

    I hope its not true tho as I think Simon is a real nice bloke tho can be rude but he knows his stuff

    Credit where credit is due

  16. #16
    DF VIP Member dpSparhawk's Avatar
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    So the little runt didn't win.

    Clever switch around by Simon to try and prove the accuser wrong? Possibly, possibly not.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    Quote Originally Posted by dpSparhawk View Post
    So the little runt didn't win.

    Clever switch around by Simon to try and prove the accuser wrong? Possibly, possibly not.
    Just said that to someone else mate. Once people get a sniff of what Cowell's really about he has to act fast to get things back on 'his' track or BGT would have been finished.
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  18. #18
    DF VIP Member davetaylor's Avatar
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    Will we ever know the truth tho

    Is Simon a gent or a con who knows

    its the working he used at the end of the show......MAKES YOU THINK

    I have always had time for Simon he has worked hard for what he has, came from nowhere

    well best of luck to the winner, tho wee Ronan was brill

    that wee lady @ age 11 wan unreal her voice was like mad

  19. #19
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    I just bugs me that people get so sucked into the fake controversy around this and xfactor, its not a real competition its just Simon Cowell`s self publicity money making machine, I have been to the live auditions twice now and really enjoy them, but there is so much said by the contestants about what they have been told to do by the production staff that never goes out on TV makes you question how much of the show is manipulated from the beginning..

  20. #20
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    Default Re: BGT & The Ronan Parke Connection

    I read this in the first paragraph "this has left me increasingly uncomfortable about the integrity of Britain's Got Talent". and didn't bother with any more, too busy chuckling!
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