Age is only a number when it comes to love. You just can’t help who you fall for. That’s just the kind of particular situation our lead character is in Josh Radnor’s latest movie ‘Liberal Arts.’

Josh Radnor’s career as an independent director and writer has been on the up and up ever since he came out with his mainly well-received dramedy ‘Happythankyoumoreplease.’ Thankfully this picture has a less obviously indie title and has already made it’s rounds at a few prestigious film festivals including Sundance. Even if ‘How I Met Your Mother‘ ends one day (which could be sooner rather than later) then at least fans will be able to get their proper dosage of Josh Radnor.

In ‘Liberal Arts,’ Radnor plays a thirty-something man who travels back to his hometown for an event. While there, he’s immediately attracted to a young beautiful college student (Elizabeth Olsen). Could a possible relationship blossom? More than likely yes, but the only way you’ll be able to see more of it is if you check out the brand new trailer below.

Don’t forget that ‘Liberal Arts’ will be out in selected theaters on September 14th. Now go ahead and watch this, courtesy of The Film Stage, let us know what you think.
