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  1. #81
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Morning all, thought'd I'd check in.

    Not been updating this thread as I'm still doing my blog and My Fitness Pal so no need for the thread, but I've done my weigh in and back to 5 weeks ago, I've lost 18lbs! Made up with that!!

    Here's to the next stone!

    3 Thanks given to BigBrand

    Ganty (18th September 2013),  super mike (18th September 2013),  ZX7R (18th September 2013)  

  2. #82
    DF VIP Member super mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrand View Post
    Made up with that!!
    So you should be, well done mate, congrats.

    Thanks to super mike

    BigBrand (18th September 2013)  

  3. #83
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Thank you mate,it's great when you can see your hard work pay off I guess on the scales.

  4. #84
    DF VIP Member Zippeyrude's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    read some of the blog, looks like good steady progress, well done mate. 18 lbs - you must be chuffed

    one worry i had was your trip to derry. i recall one mate i trained who lost 3 stone in 3 months - disaster struck when he went away for a stag weekend. he basically put a stone on over two weekends. what followed were two problems:

    firstly he didnt manage to shift that weight in a month. im not expert enough to know why with certainty, but it felt like the body had shifted the 3 stone previously (then it gets harder), and the shock of piling in calories made his body 'change its mind'. Essentially he kept on training but the loss was slow by comparison.

    secondly, and related, the massive mental 'come down' after the additional weight gain and slowed down pace ultimately resulted in a loss of motivation. he began to mentally panic - skipping breakfast is a sign - and started to pt weight on. his gym routines also lacked the angry focus and ruthless determination needed to achieve his goal. basically it all turned to shit.

    so, why did i write the above? i guess i kinda know what youre trying to achieve and how hard it is, and i can see how easy a weekend away can derail something that is going great.

    weight control is a lifestyle change and a significant cheat during the hard process of striving towards your goal could have consequences, so be aware. to make it work you must be able to deal with what might happen (weight gain, slower weigh loss, motivation due to weight gain, etc.)

    genuinely, good luck mate

    Thanks to Zippeyrude

    BigBrand (19th September 2013)  

  5. #85
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Hi Zip,

    Appreciate your time to write on that, and appreciate the time reading over the blog. I'm not a great writer by any stretch but I feel it keeps me going by "having something to answer too"

    I also worry about the Derry trip, it's two days from the Friday to the Sunday, I know the impact to my weight loss will be impacted, and I'm semi prepared I feel, I almost feel guilty in going and drinking but I'm come to the fact it's going to happen, and that's why I'm going. So as long as I stay as I am until then, and straight back on it when I'm back again then I think I'm strong enough right now mentally to get back to doing what I was doing.

    I think a break from a routine like this can certainly help, and right now my aim is weight loss, once I'm where I want to be, I'll be changing from a diet, to a healthy eating lifestyle for the rest of my life.

    Can't say I know how I feel will on return, as this is my first time involved in such a thing, but I feel I've got a great goal, and I know I can exceed it within time, I have no intention of being derailed as my reasons are far to important. But saying that, I'm not getting hung up on it, I know it's going to happen and I'll enjoy it when I go. But I'm 100% focused on getting back, and nothing will stop me.

    I appreciate your kind words Zip, it's of great encouragement, as I will tell you something, healthy eating and such isn't as easy as people think. I've got smaller mates who simply say "just eat well and exercise and you'll be fine it's easy, it's not like smoking is it?

    The difference is, when you're already a small guy with a great metabolism you can easily incorporate these factors into your daily life but still enjoy your beer or food when you want, for me I can't I'm 100% focused 100% of the time and wanting to divert and eat something unhealthy or the craving for a Chippy/Pizza etc is huge. And it's all mental, I understand that, there is no chemical or drug, but will power is more powerful than any drug, should you use it for your benefit or succumb to it.

    Thanks to BigBrand

    Zippeyrude (19th September 2013)  

  6. #86
    DF VIP Member Zippeyrude's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    great approach mate. just be prepared to be disappointed when you get back and at the slower progress. i reckon if you can manage an expectation it could help. you could of course be fine in which case what ive written is a load of bollocks.

    i face similar challenges in the gym. each week is different, depending on food, sleep, work and probably a stack of other factors. so the progress isnt always in the right direction. overcoming this is where you become a real winner - fighting past those bad days but maintaining ruthless determination is the key to success. great things are never easy (at least thats how ive seen it).

    good luck mate

  7. #87
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Thanks buddy, yeah, it may be a case it isn't t bad for me, as I've got so much to lose, than any excercise and diets works, but we'll have to see about that.

    Cheers mate.

  8. #88
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    Shit has it really been that long?

    I guess I ran out of time to update/blog etc with work and life.

    So where are we since I started?

    I've had 2 Stag Do's, I've gotten married and I'm now just over 3.5 stone lighter.

    In Aug 2012 I was at my heaviest of 24.4 stone, as of last night I'm 20.12 stone.

    I've learnt the hard way about meal prep, balancing a diet, water intake and the correct gym routines. Don't get me wrong in all the years I've put back on and lost it again, fell off the wagon and got back on. But finally think I'm in a place where I can manage it. For the last 8 months I've mostly done slimming world, I gave up on My Fitness Pal after logging food everyday. I now plan a week's food in advance, I've more containers and plastic tubs that I can fill, but prep really has been the key for me.

    I still enjoy going out and having a lot of beer and a curry and what not, but I'm doing it in moderation and I eat well both sides and train well.

    In August last year, having being someone who simply doesn't and could not run, I trained myself up to do the NHS Couch to 5K, and did that well, in 27 minutes. The Manchester 10K is in May this year, and I've only just started running again since August so going to see where I am mid Feb and may decide to put into it. I need to build my stamina back up to 5K again and then push from there.

    So yeah, watch this space chaps. 2015 will be a more dedicated year, now I finally understand what it is to eat and train well.
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

    2 Thanks given to BigBrand

    Mobileman (13th January 2015),  Zippeyrude (13th January 2015)  

  9. #89
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Well I've been doing Slimming World the last two weeks.

    First week I lost 4.5lbs and last Wed to this Wed I lost another 4lbs. Feeling really good with that, down to 20st 7.5lbs, (3.13.5lbs lost)

    Favourite recipe has to be a BBQ Pulled Pork done in the slow cooker:



    1.5-2kg pork shoulder, all fat removed
    5 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
    1 tsp mustard powder
    500g passata
    3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    2 cloves of garlic, crushed
    3 tbsp sweetener
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper

    In a small bowl, mix passata, Worcestershire sauce, balsamic vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweetener and seasoning. Transfer to a small pan and simmer for 15 minutes, or until the sauce thickens.

    Meanwhile, trim and remove all visible fat from the pork and sear all sides in a hot frying pan.

    Transfer to a slow cooker coat with the sauce and cook for 8-12 hours on MEDIUM.

    Remove the pork from the slow cooker and place on a cutting board. Allow the meat to cool for approximately 15 minutes, then shred into bite-sized pieces using two forks.

    Made with some Slimming World Wedges (coated in Cajun spice)

    With a side of spicy coleslaw


    1 large carrot
    110g each red and white cabbage
    110g radishes
    110g fat free natural yogurt
    1 level tbsp horseradish sauce
    3 tbsp freshly chopped chives
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper

    Peel and coarsely grate the carrot, finely shred the red and white cabbage and thinly slice the radishes. Place all the vegetables into a bowl and mix.

    Blend the yogurt, horseradish sauce, chives and seasoning, add to the bowl and mix.

    Cover and chill for 30 minutes before serving to allow the flavours to develop.
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  10. #90
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    So since my last report, I've had some great successes. I've away to London for three days on the ale and food, and still lost 4.5lbs, remarkable. I've then also been away with work for two days and didn't really control my drinking too much, but the eating was on point, I lost 3lbs this week.

    7.5lbs down in two weeks, I'm chuffed to say the least.

    Currently at 20 stones dead. 4.4 Stones lost in total.
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  11. #91
    DF Admin Teajunkie's Avatar
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    Well done mate glad your sticking to it

    are you attending sliming world meetings our just using recipes for the inter webs?
    Have you joined the DF discord server.

  12. #92
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    I'm doing the meetings, I feel this is where most the benefit is. I've maintained once and also put on 2.5lbs one week, staying for the meeting keeps you focused I think.

    It's a swallow your pride scenario, I'm only the second male in a average group of 20 or so. It's a new thing these meetings, and sometimes they're horrendous, but it is working for me, so I'm sticking at it.

    I've no real time limit, as it's not a diet, it's a healthy way of eating, which stays with you for life.
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  13. #93
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    We did this a few years back but I didn't do the meetings only the missus went we still cook the meals from all the books.
    we have all the books and there's new ones out now too so the missus is going to rejoin to buy them

    we only stopped because of my health problems and hospital visits.
    Have you joined the DF discord server.

    Thanks to Teajunkie

    BigBrand (26th March 2015)  

  14. #94
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    Small update, since it's been 4 weeks, I had a maintain 3 weeks ago, and then a large gain (4.5lbs) 2 weeks ago. To be fair it was expected, I'd been away with the lads for 4 days of drinking and eating everything with bread so I took that.

    Last week I got right back to it and lost 4lbs of it in the week, I followed Slimming World Extra Easy SP. It's basically every mean half protein half "super foods" (just veg and fruits except some etc)

    So my weigh days are Wednesday to Wednesday so a few days back into it again now determined to get that half pound plus off this week, nothing really stopping me.

    Debating if I should post this clothed before and after that my wife made, in fear or revealing my devilish goodlooks!
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  15. #95
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Another 4lbs this weeek! Buzzing with that considering I had an all dayer on Saturday!

    Eating well around these times and pink grapefruit seems to be my key!
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  16. #96
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Well been a couple of months almost since the last check in, got my summer hols out the way etc, had some gains, and some losses. In the weigh in today I've weighed in at 20.9.

    So 9lbs on since my last weigh in, to be expected, the last 2 weeks have been booze fuelled trips!

    However, my calendar is clear for the next 6-8 weeks, so should be a good run together now.

    3.8st lost so far.

  17. #97
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    need to get my arse back to slimming world put two stone on after losing one and a bit originally, will get myself back there next week and start again

    Thanks to Mobileman

    BigBrand (28th May 2015)  

  18. #98
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Deffo mate, I'm still going weekly, keeps my head in the game I think.

    My Mrs did a "progress" comparison image for me the other day, I'll post it up tomorrow.

  19. #99
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Quote Originally Posted by Mobileman View Post
    need to get my arse back to slimming world put two stone on after losing one and a bit originally, will get myself back there next week and start again
    Why go back? If you already have the books and what not, why don't you just start again from scratch at home, £5 a week to get weighed is a piss take

  20. #100
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Quote Originally Posted by littlebilly1 View Post
    Why go back? If you already have the books and what not, why don't you just start again from scratch at home, £5 a week to get weighed is a piss take
    It's not all about getting weighed though. I find, if I stay for the meetings, yes it's old biddys talking about how many cream cakes they can't eat etc, but I often find the stigma of having my results read out, and knowing I'd put on, keeps my head in the game.


    This is something the Mrs put this together for a comparison. 2 years ago, and last week. I know the perspective isn't the same, which can throw it a little, but I can certainly see the results. The irony of stuffing my face with an ice cream on the second picture.

    Thanks to BigBrand

    Mobileman (28th May 2015)  

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