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  1. #21
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Thanks mate, been grinning from ear to ear today!
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  2. #22
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Ok, second weigh in today. Last week wasn't great. I went to the gym three times, but then last time was last Thursday, and I was so busy, I didn't go Thursday-Tuesday. So headed back Wed/Thurs and will be going tonight and Sunday.

    Saturday night was hard, I was at a friends leaving party, so I stuck to Gin & Slim Tonic cans, had 7 of them, and then two single poured G& Slim T's. Had a few picky bits from buffet (Pizza, sausage roll etc)

    I think that's had a hit, along with 6 days not going to the gym. Still, even saying that I lost 5 lbs since last Fridays weigh in.

    So far, in two weeks, I've lost just 15lbs, so just over a stone.

    Fairly happy with that, calories have remained around the 1100/1200 mark since day one, and only very rarely gone over my Sugars, and often over my proteins.

    Need to increase performance at the gym next week, and switch up my diet, as I'm eating a lot of the same food. Not in any mad rush at all, so will just continue as I am, learning about the foods I'm eating and what works best and getting into a better routine at the gym (as at the moment I'm all over the show for machines)

    Here's to the loss of another stone!!!
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

    3 Thanks given to BigBrand

    Ganty (31st August 2012),  RSV (31st August 2012),  ZX7R (12th September 2013)  

  3. #23
    DF VIP Member Ganty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Good work mate, keep at it. The biggest impact for my weight loss was sugar. It's fucking scary if you actually work out how much you consume in a day. The only sugar I take in now is from natural sources (fruit/veg) or when I'm with the boys and on the ale.

    Another trick is forcing yourself to make time to do something, anything. Life can get busy, you can get back from work late and really not feel like doing a thing, but just 10 minutes doing press ups or crunches will make a difference. You'll get stronger, so when you do get the chance to go to the gym you can fucking smash it.

    Keep it up mate.

    Thanks to Ganty

    BigBrand (31st August 2012)  

  4. #24
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Thanks for the kind words mate.

    I've been using that MyFitnessPal app, and it's pretty fucking cool. And really does wake you up what whats in some foods!
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  5. #25
    DF VIP Member Zippeyrude's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    build in some weight training too mate, not loads, just some light weights - all body workout once a week (no longer than 30 minutes) to keep the muscles toned.
    it will help with posture too.

    just a word of warning.... to keep things in check, the first, id say, 3 months will see you shedding loads of weight. expect it to plateau and fall of less quickly. this isnt a bad thing, it is to be expected. when this happens - and it will - dont be demoralised, its the body normalising. it will be easier to get rid of water and fat when you have lots of it.... when you decrease the stores they take longer.

    when things slow down, id say that if you lost more than 2lb a week youd be losing too much muscle (which you will be doing if you are in calorific deficit).

    now the secret between 'winners and quitters'....

    ive been going to the gym for a few years and am not skinny. i dont want to be because im chasing the personal bests on my lifts. im not a complete fat bastard like powerlifters are but im not aiming for 5% bodyfat either. now the difficulty in 'succeeding' is the mental power, the determination. for me, when i hit a personal best at the gym it is normally when ive gone to the gym and felt refreshed and strong. its a great feeling. on other days i feel ok but when i lift a weight 20 kgs lighter it feels really heavy and i dont manage the full set. this can be disappointing sure, but its normal.

    the reality is that performance isnt always linear - the secret is to overcome and persevere, you will succeed if you dont quit.

    im a stubborn bastard and the worse thing someone can tell me is i cant do something. i fucking will.

    if i let the 'low' days affect me i would have quit years ago. fact is i didnt, accept them and roll with the punch. come back and smash your objectives. sometimes the downward slope isnt just one week or day. what im saying here is that, at some point in the next few months your 'excitement' will reduce and some weeks you will, despite bravest efforts at the gym and diet, put on a lb in a week. maybe even two.

    it doesnt matter as long as you stick true to the diet and routine you will succeed. but dont get complacent and think that eating shit is ok because youre superman either, or you'll revert back to a fatty quickly.

    slow and stready catchy monkey

    keep it up mate, im sure you'll do just fine

    2 Thanks given to Zippeyrude

    BigBrand (8th September 2012),  Mr Men (31st August 2012)  

  6. #26
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Thanks ZR. I

    Your words have assisted me a lot.

    3rd weigh in yesterday, lost 7.5lbs last week.

    Been incorporating light weigh training also which has helped keep me going.

    Now lost 19 lbs in 3 weeks, can feel it on my belly and arse but not enough for people to notice yet.

    It's bad timing but I have a weekend with the lads in Estonia next weekend and then a stag do weekend after next. Going to be some tough times ahead. I

    Going to do some pictures shortly too
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

    2 Thanks given to BigBrand

    Ganty (10th September 2012),  ZX7R (12th September 2013)  

  7. #27
    DF VIP Member Ganty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Dont worry too much about seeing the difference mate, take yourself jean shopping in a few weeks and thatll be all the motivation you need.

    2 Thanks given to Ganty

    BigBrand (10th September 2012),  ZX7R (12th September 2013)  

  8. #28
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganty View Post
    Dont worry too much about seeing the difference mate, take yourself jean shopping in a few weeks and thatll be all the motivation you need.
    Today I pulled out the work pants that were always to small. Made me smile!!!!!

    Been reading a thread on that Berocca, should I be taking any supplements to aid me here?

    I'm eating around 1200 calories a day, and 200 of that is probably fruit, I have a bannana before every gym session, and comfortably drink 5-8 cups of water a day in work.

    I'm wondering if I need to boost my other vits and/or take any shakes to help at the gym. My current cardio routine is:
    * 10 min rising incline on treadmill.

    * 45 minutes Cross trainer, Level 5 (from 1-12) and every 3.5 minutes, I up the level 2, use feet only for 1.5 mins, then bring the level and RPM back down again for another 3.5 minutes.

    * 5 minutes on Ego Stepper Machine (floor climbing thing - It's horrid!)

    * I then move onto some Arm curls, only light weight (20-25KG) and do 3 reps of 8. Then move to the Lat Pull down on 30KG and do 2 reps of 8. I do this three times in rotation,

    * Then I go back to the stepper for 5 minutes on increased level.

    Warm down & stretches.

    How does this look for Cardio/Fat Burn?

    Should I be including anything else. I tend to stay away from the rower, as the seats are horrifically uncomfy and often I get bad back ache from using it.
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  9. #29
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Well slight low time this week, I put on 3lbs. Which isn't surprising as I spent 4 days in Tallinn, Estonia with the lads, which incorporated 4 days of lager, and fry ups!

    I think important thing is that I logged it all, well most of it. And headed straight back to the gym as I did no cardio whilst away other than walking 2-3 miles a day around Estonia.

    Anyway, back on again really solid this week until my next weigh in on Friday!
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  10. #30
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Weight day tomorrow, I've had a really good wood and changing my cardio up a little and started a weights routine also.

    Fingers crossed.
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  11. #31
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrand View Post
    Weight day tomorrow, I've had a really good wood and changing my cardio up a little and started a weights routine also.

    Fingers crossed.
    Thought you had died of a Heart attack,Glad to see your still with us m8

    2 Thanks given to Mr Men

    BigBrand (19th October 2012),  Rick Sanchez (1st August 2013)  

  12. #32
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Oops apologies, I keep forgetting about this.

    Well I think I've come a long way in my cardio. Last week I lost 7lbs, but 5lbs of that was what I'd put on during a stag do the weekend before, and a lot was probably water etc.

    So this week was tough, I've been working longer and later so I've been up at 6.30am and getting into the gym at 7 for an hour before I come back home for a shower then off to work.

    At first, it was really hard as I found I didn't have much energy especially with changing up my cardio routine.

    I've now incorporated some light running into the training, which is a bitch as I'm a big lad to run on a tredmill and my ankles and knees really hurt after 5 minutes, even on flat, light running. But I'm working with it for now.

    So I've been working hard all week, not touched any alcohol for two weeks, and eaten really well all week (Using my fitnesspal - anyone else on it?)

    Weighed in this morning and lots 4lbs. I class this as true weight and not just water. Happy with that as now obviously its slowed down, I have to work really hard to maintain a steady, but healthy weigh loss, so 4lbs is fantastic I think (I'd have been happy with 2lbs!)

    So 38lbs lost in total now, and really pushing for the 3stone mark before Chrismas.

    I feel amazing at the moment, not as tired or lethargic, feel alert and responsive and my constitution is regular, (instead of cramps from too much carbs night before)

    I've still had a few treats, (had a curry the other day) and I've had a few big carb roast dinners, but I've logged it all, and counted it within my daily calories.

    I've been working the weights, lightly to maintain some muscle as you guys recommended. I can see a big difference in my arms, maybe I'll get a picture up later but can really see a big of muscle udner there . But mostly the weights come off my arse and guy.

    I went for a suit remeasure (since I started the diet) as it's my sisters wedding next week, and I'd dropped 2 suit sizes in jacket and waistcoat so very happy with that.

    Hasta La Victoria Siempre

    Attachment 26224
    Last edited by BigBrand; 19th October 2012 at 10:05 AM.
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  13. #33
    DF VIP Member tawny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrand View Post
    Oops apologies, I keep forgetting about this.

    Well I think I've come a long way in my cardio. Last week I lost 7lbs, but 5lbs of that was what I'd put on during a stag do the weekend before, and a lot was probably water etc.

    So this week was tough, I've been working longer and later so I've been up at 6.30am and getting into the gym at 7 for an hour before I come back home for a shower then off to work.

    At first, it was really hard as I found I didn't have much energy especially with changing up my cardio routine.

    I've now incorporated some light running into the training, which is a bitch as I'm a big lad to run on a tredmill and my ankles and knees really hurt after 5 minutes, even on flat, light running. But I'm working with it for now.

    So I've been working hard all week, not touched any alcohol for two weeks, and eaten really well all week (Using my fitnesspal - anyone else on it?)

    Weighed in this morning and lots 4lbs. I class this as true weight and not just water. Happy with that as now obviously its slowed down, I have to work really hard to maintain a steady, but healthy weigh loss, so 4lbs is fantastic I think (I'd have been happy with 2lbs!)

    So 38lbs lost in total now, and really pushing for the 3stone mark before Chrismas.

    I feel amazing at the moment, not as tired or lethargic, feel alert and responsive and my constitution is regular, (instead of cramps from too much carbs night before)

    I've still had a few treats, (had a curry the other day) and I've had a few big carb roast dinners, but I've logged it all, and counted it within my daily calories.

    I've been working the weights, lightly to maintain some muscle as you guys recommended. I can see a big difference in my arms, maybe I'll get a picture up later. But mostly the weights come off my arse and guy.

    I went for a suit remeasure (since I started the diet) as it's my sisters wedding next week, and I'd dropped 2 suit sizes in jacket and waistcoat so very happy with that.

    Hasta La Victoria Siempre

    <a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:152px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>
    Hey mate, just looking at your gym workouts. If you're really focused on burning fat and weight loss, when you do your weights and exercise focus on the large muscle groups such as your thighs and shoulders. These muscles require much more fuel so the bigger they get the more free fat burning you get while doing nothing.

    2 Thanks given to tawny

    BigBrand (19th October 2012),  Roach-Rampino (19th October 2012)  

  14. #34
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tawny View Post
    Hey mate, just looking at your gym workouts. If you're really focused on burning fat and weight loss, when you do your weights and exercise focus on the large muscle groups such as your thighs and shoulders. These muscles require much more fuel so the bigger they get the more free fat burning you get while doing nothing.
    Really? Didn't know that - Thanks!

    My weighs routine has been pretty consistent and boring I think.

    Mondays - Biceps & Light triceps
    Tuesday - Shoulders (Lateral pulls, standing drop weight pull - on the machine) and the one you sit down with the bars shoulder height and push upwards
    Wednesday - Lower back, and stomach
    Thursday - legs
    Friday - Off weights.
    Sat - Chest (Bench pressing)
    Sun - Off weights

    So would it be better to just focus on Thighs, Shoulders and Biceps instead then?
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  15. #35
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    Shit it's really been 5 weeks since I updated this.

    Well all the hard work I've been doing was geared towards October 27th which was my sisters wedding, I'd lost 33lbs since I started this up until 27th October. Had a great wedding, and then, being honest, fell off the wagon for 3 weeks. I had been eating pretty bad, with say 1 Mcdonalds a week and a few Pizzas, with a few pub nights thrown in.

    I suffered a really bad case of gout after the wedding, which was a shame as I think the food and drink from that weekend tripped it off. So I spent a week sat up, in the house not moving. It took a futher two weeks for my ankle to get better before I could do any kind of gym routine.

    So I hadn't been to the gym for 3 weeks. I felt horrible to be fair. I didn't weigh myself, and thought it was better just to get straight back on it again.

    So went back last Monday, and back into my same routine of eating and using MyFitnessPal and back to the routine at the gym, with some very light running incorporated also.

    Be very interesting to see where I'm at come Friday, compared to the 309lbs / 140 KGs I weighed on 27th October.
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  16. #36
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    so its been a couple of week how u geting on m8? been keeping an eye on all this as i been doing a diet to an all the info i been reading is gr8 3 months ago i was 18 stone im now down to 15 but i got loose skin every were an i lost me gut but iv now got this like fat tyre ring hanging round my belly i lost loads to start with maybe to fast i dunno just be good to see were ur up to thanks

  17. #37
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    Hi mate, I've not been updating, as I've not been dieting really the last few weeks over X-Mas. Been the gym a few times a week but that probably just counters the alochol I've been drinking.

    I kinda wiped this off until the new year now, where I plan to re-attack this for the whole of 2013.

    I've not weighed myself in a fair few weeks, but will do in the new year, hoping not to have gained more than a stone and a half to be honest.

    The loose skin is something that happens with rapid weight loss, I've had some, but not too much, that'll be happening this year, no doubt. I've got something to aim at as I got engaged last night, so looking at dropping this weight before a wedding happens.

    Well done on yours mate, that's great news.

    I'm going to be adopting a much stricter program for my diet in the new year, as I wasn't eating anywhere near enough of the right foods (veg etc)
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  18. #38
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    Well done mate....
    Personally the thing that hacks me off from my own weight gain/loss over the years is the fugly stretch marks it has left me with ;-(

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by macmilm View Post
    Well done mate....
    Personally the thing that hacks me off from my own weight gain/loss over the years is the fugly stretch marks it has left me with ;-(
    It just happens mate, over time mine have died down and are almost invisible at is stands, unless I stretch the skin myself.
    "That's why I fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

  20. #40
    DF VIP Member Zippeyrude's Avatar
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    interestingly i have stretch marks that run along my outer chest to bicep, ive never been fat there so must be a result of the training, good enough for me

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