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  1. #61
    DF VIP Member diablos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Have you tried speed or Heroin I've yet to see a fat heroin addict saves on the exercise apart from the trips to the dealer and the occasional pimping your ass when things get tight.

    3 Thanks given to diablos

    Ashley (2nd August 2013),  Ganty (2nd August 2013),  tombott (2nd August 2013)  

  2. #62
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Quote Originally Posted by diablos View Post
    Have you tried speed or Heroin I've yet to see a fat heroin addict saves on the exercise apart from the trips to the dealer and the occasional pimping your ass when things get tight.
    Yeah +1 for the smack diet.
    My mate was on it for years, and he weighs fuck all since he was cremated.
    Digital-Forums IRC Last.FM duckduckgo
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  3. #63
    DF VIP Member diablos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tombott View Post
    Yeah +1 for the smack diet.
    My mate was on it for years, and he weighs fuck all since he was cremated.

    Sorry to hear that Drugs are for mugs. Apart from viagra which is for dicks.

    Thanks to diablos

    tombott (2nd August 2013)  

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by diablos View Post
    Sorry to hear that Drugs are for mugs. Apart from viagra which is for dicks.
    lol, yeah some people just can't handle it.
    I make light of it, but it's a shit way to go.
    Was found dead on his own in a bedsit.

    Anywho keep with it BigBrand, you'll add years to your life if you shift it!
    Digital-Forums IRC Last.FM duckduckgo
    Guns don't kill people rappers do, I'm a fucking rapper and I might kill you.

  5. #65
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ganty View Post
    Your body will use the easiest to convert energy first when in starvation mode, this is true regardless of your size. At 23 stone, a normal calorie of intake of 2500 would still provide a calorie deficit, so you'd lose weight, but in a much more controlled and sustainable way.

    I know you want results quickly, which is where a lot of people have issues. Quick very rarely provides lasting results, as it takes your body a certain amount of months to be accustomed to a lifestyle.

    In my opinion, you'd be better off sticking to these simple rules. Note that you may not get rapid results, but you will get results, and they'll be sustainable, be easier for you, and make you feel better.

    - WATER - all day, every day. If you drink tea/coffee, do it without milk/sugar.
    - Breakfast - Always eat breakfast to kick start the metabolism. I love greek yogurt (full fat) and mixed nuts
    - Carbs - Essential for steady energy supplies, but no carbs after 6pm. Have your evening meal at 5.
    - Snacks - Essential again for consistent energy and to stop foul moods, headaches etc... 1 snack between meals (Nuts, seeds, side salad etc... Just try and avoid having fruit every time - natures candy)
    - Eat clean - Bake, don't fry, avoid shit like margarine and mayo on sandwiches. Obvious things really. No cake/refined sugar - it's addictive.
    - Preparation - Often overlooked, but so important. It's so easy to grab a pasty when we forget our lunch. Don't forget. Do it the night before, keep a diary/journal.
    - Vitamins - Take a multivitamin daily for a week and see what difference it makes. I'm a fan of berocca, a multi-vit and a good boost to the water intake.

    The other one, obviously, is exercise. With your ankle as it is obviously this is going to be problematic for a while, but try swimming, sit ups, any upper body exercise. If you're sweating you're winning.

    There are people on here who know a shit load more about exercise (Roach-Rampino) and nutrition (Czar Junkie), search for their previous posts in this section and you'll find a gold mine of information. Neither of them, and rightly so, enjoy repeating themselves though - if you ask for help, listen to them, and read what they've already contributed before asking them a question they've answered 20 times before.
    Thanks for that mate really good stuff.

    Although I've set a date due to my stag do being Aug next year, I know realistically it's going to take longer than 12 months to get where I want.

    I'm pretty good on most those aspects, I have my carb intake at lunchtime in the form of a barmcake/sandwich and then light carbs for an evening meal, which I eat around 5. 5.30.
    I'm a huge water drinker, anything from 1-2L over the course of 24 hours, so don't overlook the importance of this at all.

    I've enjoyed myfitnesspal as it makes you much more aware of what you're eating. I'm pretty decent with food prep, but I'll be switching my second/third piece of fruit up for some carrot sticks/celery then, but maintain my morning fruit with my yogurt.

    Appreciate the advice, a lot of losing weigh is understanding what you're eating and how it effects you. I do need to pick up the upper body exercise whilst my ligaments are healing up.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrand View Post
    Thanks for that mate really good stuff.

    Although I've set a date due to my stag do being Aug next year, I know realistically it's going to take longer than 12 months to get where I want.

    I'm pretty good on most those aspects, I have my carb intake at lunchtime in the form of a barmcake/sandwich and then light carbs for an evening meal, which I eat around 5. 5.30.
    I'm a huge water drinker, anything from 1-2L over the course of 24 hours, so don't overlook the importance of this at all.

    I've enjoyed myfitnesspal as it makes you much more aware of what you're eating. I'm pretty decent with food prep, but I'll be switching my second/third piece of fruit up for some carrot sticks/celery then, but maintain my morning fruit with my yogurt.

    Appreciate the advice, a lot of losing weigh is understanding what you're eating and how it effects you. I do need to pick up the upper body exercise whilst my ligaments are healing up.

    Are you absolutely convinced you don't just need a really good poo ? I reckon a big fella can easily shit a couple of stone.. I do most days !

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by macmilm View Post
    Are you absolutely convinced you don't just need a really good poo ? I reckon a big fella can easily shit a couple of stone.. I do most days !
    The problem with eating well, you're constitution is regular, no blocked pipes here.haha

  8. #68
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Fuck me backwards.

    First time back at the gym in a few months. Took it fairly easy, 30 minds on incline 5mph walk on the treadmill and then 15 minutes on medium resistance on the bike.

    This is where maybe I look to you guys, I have no idea what I'm doing in the gym, but all I'm interested in in weight loss at this moment, and I have a lot to lose still. Is anyone able to knock me up a rota of some kind of what I should be doing and for how long in the gym?

    I'll happily pay for your time. I'm wanting to go 5 times a week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Is anyone able to do anything for me here?

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Can't really help but good luck to you mate... I would assume (but not in the know) that you would wanna concentrate on Cardio exercise ??? Someone I'm sure will be along shortly to say I'm talking shit ;-)

  10. #70
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Yes, I've picked up my old routine which was based ona three day week.

    Day 1

    10 minute walk 4-5 MPH to warm up-
    15 Minute Maximum incline 5-6mph walk uphill.
    15 Minute on the Bike at medium resistance for 15 minutes.
    Cross trainer at random hill climb about 60% resistance for 30 minutes.
    10 minute walk cool down 2-3 MPH.
    4 minute stretches.

    Day 2

    10 minute walk 4-5 MPH to warm up.
    15 Minute Maximum incline 5-6mph walk uphill.
    Rower for 5,000 meters.
    Bike for 15 minutes random hill climb @ medium resiustance 90-100RPM
    Sit down arm curls x2 Sets of 4 reps @ 15KG x2 Sets of 4 Reps at 25KG x2 Sets of 4 Reps at 35KG (If I can manage them.)
    Lat Pull downs. x2 Sets of 2 at 35KG x2 Sets of 2 reps at 40KG if I can manage it.
    10 minute walk cool down at 2-3mph.
    5 minute stretches.

    Day 3
    10 minute walk 4-5 MPH to warm up.
    15 Minute Maximum incline 5-6mph walk uphill.
    Rower for 5,000 meters
    Hill Climber (Stepper) for as long as I can do on 60% resistance, usually 5-6 minutes!
    10 Minute Walk cool down and 2-3 Mph.

    That what I used to do, it was OK but felt I wasn't putting enough cardio in, and I wasn't training my legs at all. I feel that I'm not getting the best our of my time for fat burning cardio.

    Thanks to BigBrand

    macmilm (10th September 2013)  

  11. #71
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Is it a chain gym you are going to mate??? In the past I found you could usually get some good 'free' advice there... (cost of a pint)
    maybe things have changed ?!?!

    If you need good gym advice you should watch ;-)

  12. #72
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Yeah it's chain. To be fair feel a bit of dick asking for help in there, crazy as it sounds, might speak to one of them tomorrow if the lad I know is in.

  13. #73
    DF VIP Member Ganty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Cardio isn't the key to fat loss, resistance excercises are.

    Instead of spending most of your training time on a treadmill, stick to the weights/machines.

    Higher muscle equals higher metabolic rate.

    2 Thanks given to Ganty

    BigBrand (11th September 2013),  super mike (11th September 2013)  

  14. #74
    DF VIP Member super mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrand View Post
    I'll happily pay for your time. I'm wanting to go 5 times a week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Is anyone able to do anything for me here?
    As Ganty says Resistance exercises are key to successful weight loss/body transformation as the more muscle you have, the more calories you use whilst not exercising.
    One of the most important things with building a weights routine is to keep it simple, especially as a relative beginner (and intermediate, experienced and pro). Too many people make over complicated routines that they: a) get bored of quickly; b) can't focus on, due to the compexity (leads to (a)); c) change too often (means results aren't forthcoming, you are training to change your whole life so think long term); d) make to easy to avoid 'hard' things.
    My suggestion is weights 3 x week and then 2 x days cardio (both steady state hill walks and HIIT rowing or cycling), but not enough to let the cardio interfere with the weights.

    The weights workouts I recommend would be this:
    StrongLifts 5×5 Workout A StrongLifts 5×5 Workout B
    Squat 5×5 Squat 5×5
    Bench Press 5×5 Overhead Press 5×5
    Barbell Rows 5×5 Deadlift 1×5

    Done on Monday, Thursday and Saturday; going A, B, A, B, A etc. So one week you will do 2xA and 1xB, the next will be 2xB and 1xA.
    Taken from here: I have used this and really enjoyed it and whilst I am not at the moment due to training 4x week, my training is still very heavily influenced by it.

    Read the website, all about the program, the exercise tutorials etc. back to front because it is very informative. But the crux of the program is week one, workout one; you start with a completely empty bar. Every workout you add a 1.25kg plate to each side for each exercise.
    This sounds frustratingly slow, but it's not as you are doing the exercises so often and more importantly; whilst the weight is still low and it's feeling easy you will be focusing on form and 'greasing the groove'.
    Here is where you can spend some money if you want to; if you are even slightly unsure on how to do any particular movement then speak to a PT (not necessarily from your gym, maybe find a GOOD one who you are willing to travel to/will travel to you), there is no point putting effort into doing things wrong as then, at best, your results won't be what you deserve and at worst you may be doing the movement in a dangerous way. They only have to teach you once, then you need to be disciplined in keep the movement correct.

    I can't think of anything else at the moment because I'm knackered, but when I do I will come back and add to this. Unless of course someone beats me to it.

    I feel now that i should clarify something, when we say build muscle because it will make it easier to lose fat we don't mean you should aim to be the next Arnie or Ronnie Coleman.

    Thanks to super mike

    BigBrand (11th September 2013)  

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrand View Post
    Yeah it's chain. To be fair feel a bit of dick asking for help in there, crazy as it sounds, might speak to one of them tomorrow if the lad I know is in.
    Oh yeah, just remembered I didn't comment on this.
    Don't feel a dick.
    Everyone in there from the guys who run ultra marathons to the guys who are built like bears, they all started somewhere. If you are unsure of anything ask them, whether it be for a spot whilst doing weights, for some critique on form or advice on cardio. Don't forget most people in the gym are walking egos so will enjoy the fact that you have chosen them to glean info from.
    If they are dicks then that's their problem. Fuck 'em and ask someone else.

    Thanks to super mike

    BigBrand (11th September 2013)  

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrand View Post
    Yeah it's chain. To be fair feel a bit of dick asking for help in there, crazy as it sounds, might speak to one of them tomorrow if the lad I know is in.
    I used to do p90x at home which worked wonders till I had the worst luck with different injuries which took about 18 months to heal and making me 4 stone heavier (all fat)

    I knew I had to do something, I tried numerous times to retry p90x but I just found it frustrating.

    6 weeks ago, my cousin and I joined a gym. Below is the schedule

    Mon - Chest
    Tues - bicep / tricep
    Weds - shoulders
    Thurs - legs
    Friday - back
    Sat - 1 exercise of each body part
    Sun - rest + 1 cheat meal (upto to 1000 calories but no sugar stuff or really fat food)

    The only carbs I am are allowed at wholewheat carbs(complex carbs) I don't know the full details but my cousin knows his stuff. The carbs break down slowly and keep you full for longer. Another thing we take is a supplement which provides the daily mineral and nutrients allowance. It is made by a company called progressive and the supplements are Phytoberry multi and Vegegreens. Do your research on them, I've no idea about uk pricing but they ain't cheap over here in Canada, The supplements work well together.

    The daily diet is -

    Phytoberry multi + Veggegreens shake

    Breakfast - Whoelewheat cereal + skimmed milk + multivitamin + 1 protein shake + banana

    lunch - fish or chicken or eggs served with Turkey bacon + protein shake

    snack - apple or banana

    dinner - chicken (usually 2 or 3 thighs) + multivitamin

    Pre workout snack - turkey bacon + egg whites + 1 slice wholewheat bread + medium black coffee

    Gym (1 hour)

    protein shake (2 scoops)


    The multivitamin we use is called Orange triad. We use that as it comes with the added vitamins for your joints.
    My first week at the gym was just getting the correct form for various exercises and slowly we increased the weights and extended the workouts.

    I started at 220lbs on the 5th august, I am currently 195lbs. I'm still a fat fuck but I'm shaping up nicely(I have a neck now and a solid chest which has ruined every fitted top I owned) . If you want the exercise routines let me know and il talk to my cousin,

    my plan is to get to 170 and keep it there.,.permanently

    Edit: don't feel like a disk asking for advice or for a spot, everyone starts somewhere. I can't tell you how many times I've failed to finish a set with people just watching laughing their ass off. The same people now complement me on the weightloss and ask me for advice on diet and routine.

    Also make sure you get enough sleep, rest is very important. Good luck.
    Last edited by Sanj[UK]; 11th September 2013 at 02:22 AM.

    Thanks to Sanj[UK]

    BigBrand (11th September 2013)  

  17. #77
    DF VIP Member BigBrand's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fat Bastards Journo

    Wow, thanks for all of that guys that's really great.

    I suppose that is something i was overlooking, being 6'5 and current 23 stones I'd imagine I do have a fair bit of muscle under that fat so rather than just ploughing through the cardio I will be introducing the weights as you mention above.

    I'm going to speak to the Gym trainer tonight, nice polish lad, fucking huge and discuss best routines. I've copy and pasted the ones you guys have put above and will run them past the gym trainer to confirm they're appropriate for me and doable at our gym as it's only pretty small, but it's very much appreciated.

    It's 11 months till my stag do and 18 months till my wedding and I'm currently just over 23 stone/ 320lbs. Whilst I don't have a weight I want to hit as I don't want a goal too far away, I've always said I'll be made up if I can be around the 18 stone mark. For a lad my size I should fit that frame well. As I've got a big frame so understand I'm never going to be slim, but just not as fat would be great

    I'm still updating my blog most days for little bits of shit and ramblings etc it keeps me on track.

    Will re visit this thread in a few days and update you all how I've been getting on!.

    Thanks for all the advice guys, it feels very daunting at the start doesn't it!

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrand View Post
    Will re visit this thread in a few days and update you all how I've been getting on!.

    Thanks for all the advice guys, it feels very daunting at the start doesn't it!
    Best of luck with it all mate, most importantly: Have fun whilst doing it.

    Thanks to super mike

    BigBrand (11th September 2013)  

  19. #79
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    Because ZX7R stepped up with his journal images, I feel obliged to upload one.

    That's all you're getting now, not photoshopped, honest!

    Won't post any more until I see a visible difference Just back from the gym, still fucking sweating!!

  20. #80
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    Good man! Keep at the diet and exercise BigBrand. Stay focused mate.

    Thanks to ZX7R

    BigBrand (12th September 2013)  

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