Got a question about this.... Before I met my missus, I was a bit of a player, used to sleep with quite a few chicks without protection. I once picked up gonnorhea from a bird but got this seen to swiftly...

Anyway recently I noticed a mark on my member and went to the sexual health clinic to get it looked at, wasnt expecting it to be STD related as I havent been with anyone else since I met my missus, and i trust her 100% and confident she hasnt either, we both, frankly, dont have the time in our lives to even meet other people. Anyway while i was there, they took the usual routine swabs, blood test etc, and made me waiting for the results of the preliminary screening - which came back clear, no suprise there. I was to wait 10 days for the results of the blood test.

Keeping in mind neither of us had any symptoms. So I got a text message 10 days later asking me to phone the clinic, alarms bells started ringing. I had Chalamidyia! WTF? I told the missus straight away, as we will be trying for a kid pretty soon, and Ive read that Chlamidyia can damage her ovaries etc... We went to the clinic that afternoon. I was given 4 antibiotics and took them, within a week I would be clear.

The missus was started on the same course of antibiotics, and also tested for Chlamidyia, her results would be back in 10 days. Knowing that I was probably the carrier, apparently you can show no symptoms and still carry it, there was no doubt in my mind I would have passed it onto her as it had been 2 YEARS since i had been with anyone else. Her results..... negative! again WTF?

We both went to see the clinic again, we were all clear. The doctor explained that sometimes immune systems can fight it off on their own without antibiotics, and that my missus's immune system is most likely stronger than mine, wouldnt be suprising as she takes pretty good care of herself.

Im just confused as to 1) why did the preliminary screening come back negative? 2) Why didnt i pass it on to her?

What are the chances of the NHS screwing up my test? could it have been a false postive?

Was going to post this discreetly, but couldnt see the option, ah well fuck it.

any thoughts, besides from the your missus is a slag? lol