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    Info Star Wars Episode VII: Mark Hamill 'They're talking to us'

    Mark-Hamill_510x317.jpg hanlukeleia.jpg

    When it comes to the future of the Star Wars franchise, overheated Internet rumors outnumber solid news stories by a considerable margin. As Yoda would say, “Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.” Some of the noisiest speculation has centered on the prospect of original trilogy stars Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher returning for Star Wars: Episode VII.

    In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Hamill—who dropped the first tantalizing hints about his potential involvement to EW last October—confirmed that discussions about possible future appearances of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia are indeed taking place but stressed that no contracts have been signed. ”They’re talking to us,” Hamill said. “George [Lucas] wanted to know whether we’d be interested. He did say that if we didn’t want to do it, they wouldn’t cast another actor in our parts—they would write us out. … We’re in the stage where they want us to go in and meet with Michael Arndt, who is the writer, and Kathleen Kennedy, who is going to run Lucasfilm. Both have had meetings set that were postponed—on their end, not mine. They’re more busy than I am.”

    It’s unclear how much Hamill actually knows at this point about the closely guarded and still-evolving plans for Episode VII, but he did share his own speculation about where the story might go. “I’m assuming, because I haven’t talked to the writers, that these movies would be about our offspring—like my character would be sort of in the Obi-Wan range [as] an influential character,” he said. “When I found out [while making the original trilogy] that ultimate good news/bad news joke — the good news is there’s a real attractive, hot girl in the universe; the bad news is she’s your sister — I thought, ‘Well, I’m going to wind up like Sir Alec [Guinness]. I’m going to be a lonely old hermit living out in some kind of desert igloo with a couple of robots.’ “

    While any casting decisions will ultimately be in the hands of director J.J. Abrams and the rest of the Star Wars Jedi council, Hamill suggested he’d like to see as many of the original cast members return as possible: “Another thing I’d want to make sure of is—are we going to have the whole gang back? Is Carrie and Harrison and Billy Dee [Williams] and Tony Daniels, everybody that’s around from the original [returning]? I want to make sure that everybody’s on board here, rather than just one.”

    And while he was sharing his Star Wars wish list, Hamill took the liberty of tossing in his own personal aesthetic plea for the future installments, one that will be music to the ears of those who grew up worshiping at the altar of the original trilogy and bemoaned the CGI overkill and sometimes ponderous plotting of the prequels. ”I said to George that I wanted to go back to the way it was, in the sense that ours was much more carefree and lighthearted and humorous – in my opinion, anyway,” Hamill said. “I hope they find the right balance of CGI with practical effects. I love props, I love models, miniatures, matte paintings — I’m sort of old school. I think if you go too far in the direction of CGI it winds up looking like just a giant a video game, and that’s unfortunate. … If they listen to me at all, it’ll be, ‘Lighten up and go retro with the way it looks.”

    Lucasfilm and Disney sources say that Abrams and Kennedy are in early stages of setting creative priorities for Episode VII and, presumably, the two films that would finish out the third trilogy. It’s not clear if Abrams will steer the new film toward a story that features Hamill, Fisher, and Ford as the central stars, as supporting actors (in, say, a framing sequence or flashback), or as especially prominent cameo players. A source close to cast contract negotiations says that a script needs to be finished before talks progress, noting, “It will not be for weeks and perhaps months.”

    To quote Yoda again: “Patience.”

    (Additional reporting by Geoff Boucher)

    You know he grew up as a little shitspark from the old shitflint and then he turned into a shitbonfire and driven by the winds of his monumental ignorance he turned into a raging shitfirestorm. If I get to be married to Barb I'll have total control of Sunnyvale and then I can unleash the shitnami tidal wave that will engulf Ricky and extinguish his shitflames forever. And with any luck he'll drown in the undershit of that wave. Shitwaves.

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    Default Re: Star Wars Episode VII: Mark Hamill 'They're talking to us'

    fap fap fap fap

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Star Wars Episode VII: Mark Hamill 'They're talking to us'

    Update: Billy Dee Williams wants to return as Lando in 'Star Wars 7'


    Billy Dee Williams has expressed a keen interest in returning to the 'Star Wars' universe.

    Speaking to Seattle radio station 95.7 KJR, Williams declared that he would love to reprise his role as Lando Calrissian in J.J. Abrams' upcoming sequel.

    "Well, I'm like everybody else, we're all speculating and we're all wondering. If they want me to participate, I'd love to participate," he said.

    Harrison Ford, who was reported as having signed a return deal last week, famously wanted his character Han Solo to die in a display of self-sacrifice - Billy Dee certainly doesn't want the same for this character.

    "I love the idea of keeping the character alive. And I specifically want to keep him alive, as long as I'm alive."


    He went on to talk about the whereabouts of his character following the fall of the Empire, "There are an awful lot of stories out there… Books that have been written on Lando's adventures. So he's all over the place. He's going from galaxy to galaxy."

    Williams first played the role in 1980's 'The Empire Strikes Back', reprising it three years later in the climatic film in the saga's first trilogy.

    "'Empire' was very good. Of course you had Irv Kershner [directing] the film. It became a really wonderful, exceptional experience."

    Since then he has reprised his role in video games and on television, playing along on pop culture satire 'Robot Chicken'.
    "Even now," he says "I do 'Robot Chicken', I do ['Star Wars'] detours. So it's ongoing."

    Last week Mark Hamill confirmed talks had taken place for some of the original cast to return to the series in supporting roles, though he did not specify which cast members.

    'Star Wars: Episode 7' is set for release in 2015.

    Last edited by Mystical_2K; 1st March 2013 at 04:22 PM. Reason: forgot source link
    You know he grew up as a little shitspark from the old shitflint and then he turned into a shitbonfire and driven by the winds of his monumental ignorance he turned into a raging shitfirestorm. If I get to be married to Barb I'll have total control of Sunnyvale and then I can unleash the shitnami tidal wave that will engulf Ricky and extinguish his shitflames forever. And with any luck he'll drown in the undershit of that wave. Shitwaves.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Star Wars Episode VII: Mark Hamill 'They're talking to us'

    RUMOUR: Harrison Ford back as Han Solo in Star Wars: Episode 7?


    Could it be? Latino Review are reporting that Harrison Ford will reprise his role as Han Solo in 'Star Wars 7'.

    Reporter El Mayimbe went on Fox News Latino to break the story, claiming Ford's role in the film would be "significant".

    He said, "I found that out yesterday. I did my due diligence, like I do with everything. Triple checked. Legitimate sources.

    "His deal is done. It's just a formality. They haven't really announced it yet."

    If true then it's safe to assume that plans for the film will also involve returns for Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher as Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia.

    Typically dealing with comic book movies, Latino Review have a good track record when it comes to big scoops.

    Last year they revealed the Marion Cotillard's true role in 'The Dark Knight Rises', which ended up being a major plot point in Christopher Nolan's Batman epic.

    As nothing has been officially confirmed regarding Harrison Ford however, this is purely a rumour at this stage.

    You know he grew up as a little shitspark from the old shitflint and then he turned into a shitbonfire and driven by the winds of his monumental ignorance he turned into a raging shitfirestorm. If I get to be married to Barb I'll have total control of Sunnyvale and then I can unleash the shitnami tidal wave that will engulf Ricky and extinguish his shitflames forever. And with any luck he'll drown in the undershit of that wave. Shitwaves.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Star Wars Episode VII: Mark Hamill 'They're talking to us'

    This could be so good! Looking forward to the trip to the cinema with my son in 2015.
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    It may help to erase the memory of the last 3 stinkers . I wasn't interested til they got jj onboard . Now it gets more interesting day by day . Here's to hoping

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