I now have UK, USA SNES with games/accessories.

Plenty of yellowing going on with them which makes them look dirty..
I have done some research and the yellowing is not from cigarette smoke or dirty people but from clean air! The Yellowing occurs due to the fire retardant chemical in the console reacting with the air.

After some quick Googling I have found this site: http://retr0bright.wikispaces.com/

It details the 4 chemicals you need in order to make the cleaning fluid and then you either leave in sunlight to react or under a UV lamp.

It involves Hydrogen Peroxide, Xantham Gum, Glycerine and Oxy Laundry Booster.

Has anyone tried it? I am going to give it a go over the weekend providing I can gte hold of the Peroxide, the other ingredients should be easier to source.
I am going to test on some Cartridges and Pads first and then give it a go one the UK and USA SNES I have.