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  1. #1
    DF VIP Member Bald Bouncer's Avatar
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    BBC News Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Under new rules, films with an 18 certificate will be banned in prisons

    Male prisoners in England and Wales must work harder for privileges such as TVs in cells, the government has said.

    From November, under changes to the Incentives and Earned Privileges scheme, inmates must "actively earn privileges" - "a simple absence of bad behaviour will not be enough".

    Satellite and cable TV channels, currently available in some private prisons, will be banned altogether.

    Critics say it is better to do what is effective rather than what seems tough.

    But Justice Secretary Chris Grayling said that "in the past, we've sent the wrong message".

    Other changes to the scheme will include:

    • A longer working day for prisoners
    • A ban on films with an 18 certificate
    • Extra gym time being dependent "on active engagement with rehabilitation"
    • Restricted privileges, including access to private cash, for prisoners in the first two weeks of their sentence. They must also wear uniform at entry level
    • Prisoners then put on either basic or standard "IEP level" depending on how they "co-operate with the regime or engage in rehabilitation"
    • Those on basic level no longer allowed TVs in cells

    The Ministry of Justice said there would also be a change to prison rules "increasing our power to recover money from prisoners to pay for damage to prison property".

    The changes follow a review of the prison incentives scheme.

    Officials are still working on possible changes to the privilege scheme for women prisoners.

    'Lose things'

    Mr Grayling said: "I want a regime that sends the right messages - turn your life around and there'll be some incentives in prisons, but if you don't engage, if you behave badly, then you'll lose things."

    When the new system is introduced, existing prisoners will not lose the privileges they already have unless their status is reviewed.

    But they will lose any cable or satellite TV in private prisons.

    Prison Reform Trust director Juliet Lyon said it was "perfectly reasonable" to remove subscription TV channels as well as to stop inmates, "some of whom have committed violent crimes", from watching 18-certificate films.

    "No-one wants to see 'doing time' equal wasting time," she told BBC News.

    "But the world 'privileges' is misleading and it implies there is a lot of luxury in prison, whereas that really is not the case."

    She said the important thing was "always to focus on what's effective - not what sounds tough".

    "There is no evidence at all to show that a so-called tough approach works," she added.

    "But to be more effective, you have to focus on employment and skills training, on making sure people have safe housing to go to and that they have good contact with their family.

    "Those are the three things that cut reconviction rates… not getting rid of tellies."

    The Howard League for Penal Reform, meanwhile, said it was "bizarre" to introduce "new layers of red tape which will only add to the cost of prison and demands on staff time".

    "It is also astounding that the justice secretary spends his time policing what prisoners watch on DVD, to the point that Scary Movie 2 or series three of The Inbetweeners will be banned," chief executive Frances Crook said.

    "Instead, Chris Grayling should look at taking our prison population back to a manageable level - giving non-violent people community sentences so something productive can be done with those who remain in prison."

    Last month, MSPs warned that prisoners in Scotland's jails were spending too much time watching TV instead of taking part in activities to cut reoffending.

    The Scottish Parliament's justice committee said it was concerned some prisoners had "unlimited opportunity to watch television" and recommended guidelines on "the appropriate amount of television viewing time".

    BBC News

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member DJ OD's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    No TV at all. Once a week a film night. No phones. Use the communal phone card phones during your association time. No video games in cells. Again only in association.

    As for cable and sky? WTF!!! Who's bright idea was that...?

    Regardless of what people say, prisons should be tough. No luxuries at all. I've heard plenty of petty crims saying that they don't care if they get nicked and banged up because they have a better life inside than out. While probably only a minority, while people think like that, where's the deterant?

    DJ OD

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    BigBird (30th April 2013),  Rick Sanchez (30th April 2013)  

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Something needs to be done to stop prisoners re-offending.
    If it was up to me the most violent prisoners would be subjected to hard labour (chain gang style) to wear them down and work off their anger. The rest would be given a reduced sentence if they were prepared to serve it in the army (national service style). They should then learn some discipline, and respect for others.

    There should also be more done to stop them going into prison in the first place. There should be more education about the consequences of violent behaviour, and how precious someones life is. Maybe have prisoners give talks in schools. It's hard to believe that some teenagers think they can stab someone to death and get away with it, when the fact of the matter is that it is going to wreck their entire life. (">

    Thanks to BigBird

    Rick Sanchez (30th April 2013)  

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member Bald Bouncer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    I can't help but feel it's being done to make it a more enticing product for the privatisation which is no doubt coming, I tend to agree with the reduction on the whole but also agree there has to be some sort of carrot and stick system they are able to use.

    I always found it strange that on paper introducing a very strict and harsh regime within prisons works and I would if I didn't know better agree it would work but the reality is using America as one example it does not stop or reduce re offending although I don't think this is really the issue it's more about does the public want convicted criminals (not sure about people on remand) to have these luxuries and would say the majority don't.

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member Geko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Quote Originally Posted by Bald Bouncer View Post
    I can't help but feel it's being done to make it a more enticing product for the privatisation which is no doubt coming.

    That was my thoughts exactly.

    I can see why they had all the luxuries. It makes it easier for the prison guards. They will be off playing video games and watching TV. Less trouble.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    i think they should get permanent connection to bcc parliament / cbeebies or Jeremy Kyle all on loop and thats it

    Thanks to Mobileman

    Over Carl (30th April 2013)  

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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Playing devils advocate , and NO I haven't studied this enough to form an opinion....


    Thanks to Fon

    Geko (1st May 2013)  

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    DF VIP Member Over Carl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Overdose View Post
    I've heard plenty of petty crims saying that they don't care if they get nicked and banged up because they have a better life inside than out.
    I've heard that too but I reckon it's more bravado than reality.

    I agree with some of this, but I also think better rehabilitation i.e. training for real certificates they can use for real jobs, use of psychologists/councellors were approprate and some from of readjustment process for the last few weeks/months would be a good idea.

  9. #9
    DF MaSter welshhaggis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    give them fuck all.

  10. #10
    DF Super Moderator Rick Sanchez's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Prisons in America make billions a year which would help the UK economy loads in which case I want a piece of this pie
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    DF VIP Member Sanj[UK]'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Quote Originally Posted by hilljd00 View Post
    Prisons in America make billions a year which would help the UK economy loads in which case I want a piece of this pie
    Yeah quite a few judges have been arrested for sending kids to prison for a personnel kickback. I hope this never happens over here.

    Thanks to Sanj[UK]

    Bald Bouncer (30th April 2013)  

  12. #12
    DF VIP Member Geko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Quote Originally Posted by hilljd00 View Post
    Prisons in America make billions a year which would help the UK economy loads in which case I want a piece of this pie
    Some prisons in America literally sustain whole towns. Everyone in the town is financially connected to the prison. Which is why so many people are incarcerated in the USA and so many are doing life without parole.

    Part of me thinks that harsher sentences are a good thing, part of me thinks it is one step closer to an Orwellian future. I have the same feelings on privatisation, I can see the benefit, but I can also see the potential for people using it for their own means and gains.

    Thanks to Geko

    Bald Bouncer (1st May 2013)  

  13. #13
    DF VIP Member DJ OD's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Quote Originally Posted by Over carl View Post
    I've heard that too but I reckon it's more bravado than reality.
    Like I said it might be a minority, but its more than enough to prove that the system is flawed.

    I mean, for someone who has nothing. No home, living on benefits maybe, doing drugs, on the piss, or just a cunt. Their life on the outside can be seen as hell. On the inside they have a roof over their heads, therapy if they want to give up drink or drugs. Access to drink and drugs even if they don't. A job, education, a gym, free food.

    Bottom line is there are only 85000 people in prison in the UK ( Which as a comparison of the UK population (62 million approx' itself is only 0.001% of the population. Given it apparently costs £40,000 a year ( house a prisoner in the UK that means it costs a staggering £3.4 billion a year. That number I think incurs the costs of police, judges and the like as well, but it's still a lot of money.

    Why shouldn't the prisons generate an income of some sort, or at least cut well back on the nice things?

    The governments answer is usually some BS like stop people ending up in prison, by either "educating" potential criminals (doesn't work) or changing laws/sentances so less people are in there (doesn't work).

    Rather than making it a hardcore time for people, making the prisoners do something to generate money and fund their incarceration.

    DJ OD

  14. #14
    DF VIP Member Bald Bouncer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Overdose View Post
    Why shouldn't the prisons generate an income of some sort, or at least cut well back on the nice things?

    The governments answer is usually some BS like stop people ending up in prison, by either "educating" potential criminals (doesn't work) or changing laws/sentances so less people are in there (doesn't work).

    Rather than making it a hardcore time for people, making the prisoners do something to generate money and fund their incarceration.

    DJ OD
    Because in theory it seems a good idea but in practice again using America among other countries as an example it gets abused for personal gain, increases corruption, destroys profitably local and national industries, destabilises and decreases wages of the low paid and takes away jobs.

    I have no problem in theory making them work but until they can ring fence the work they do with legislation and make it work that is not taken from other workers and non profit (the chain gang example) I could see us quickly getting the same problems other countries do who have introduced it so it is not worth the cost.

  15. #15
    DF VIP Member DJ OD's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Quote Originally Posted by Bald Bouncer View Post
    Because in theory it seems a good idea but in practice again using America among other countries as an example it gets abused for personal gain, increases corruption, destroys profitably local and national industries, destabilises and decreases wages of the low paid and takes away jobs.

    I have no problem in theory making them work but until they can ring fence the work they do with legislation and make it work that is not taken from other workers and non profit (the chain gang example) I could see us quickly getting the same problems other countries do who have introduced it so it is not worth the cost.
    It will need some sort of balance of that and lowered costs to bang people up. Only way to lower the cost is to lower the standards. No wonder we sent a load to australia 200 years ago...

    DJ OD

  16. #16
    DF VIP Member Bald Bouncer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Overdose View Post
    It will need some sort of balance of that and lowered costs to bang people up. Only way to lower the cost is to lower the standards. No wonder we sent a load to australia 200 years ago...

    DJ OD
    Yes I agree but the problem with privatisation is it saves money in the short term but costs more in the long term as they have them over a barrel leading to them using blackmail to allow them to enter profitable industries, I don't have a nice clean answer apart from cutting costs and introducing chain gang style work schemes.

    I can also understand people who say they don't give a flying fuck about rehabilitation they just want the people who have committed a crime against them punished to the full extent of the law to me it's a reasonable attitude and when food banks are opening every day and people are having the rely on them as there is no work why should they be spending huge amounts of cash on people who have not played by the rules so get the help others who have don't.

  17. #17
    DF VIP Member SiE's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prisoners 'must work harder' for TVs

    Give em a 3" TV showing the disney channel 24/7

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