So then: still think black phantom invasions were tough? Still having recurring bad dreams involving that devilish duo Ornstein and Smough? Reckon Sif or The Four Kings were as bad as it gets? Brother, you ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait until you meet the Mirror Knight in Dark Souls 2. His 20-foot frame silhouetted in the night sky by a bolt of lightning, he'll quickly carve down all but his fastest opponents. He carries a gigantic sword, and his shield is a pristine polished surface. During a Dark Souls 2 E3 demo, the Mirror Knight would pause mid-battle to kneel and summon a player-sized enemy directly from his mirror shield. According to an article on Polygon, however, this encounter will play slightly differently come retail release. Instead of conjuring up a boring old AI opponent, the Mirror Knight will in fact summon another Dark Souls 2 player to come and fight you.

In the midst of a single-player boss battle, you'll be pitted against another human in full-on, player versus player, glorious gladiatorial style combat. I'll just let that prospect sink in for a moment.

In the same article on Polygon, players worried about Dark Souls 2's more "accessible" gameplay are told to rest easy by the game's co-director Yui Tanimura. According to Tanimura, co-director Tomohiro Shibuya's earlier statements on the subject were perhaps lost in translation.

"What we meant by that was, based on feedback we got on Dark Souls, we got a lot of feedback that said that it was challenging and that the satisfaction was there, but there were a couple of areas that were a little bit tedious or a little bit time-consuming," Tanimura said.

"Those are things we want to sort of streamline - to sort of cut away a lot of the fat, to make some revisions and enhancements so that we can really deliver the pure essence of the challenge in the Dark Souls experience."

He continued by saying that mundane tasks requiring players to travel back and forth over large areas will be trimmed down. From Software will "get rid of all the tediousness and the time-consuming stuff so you can actually get into the game and not worry about having to do certain tasks like this."

What do you think of the Mirror Knight then? Personally, I can't wait to meet him, and whichever poor soul is unlucky enough to step forth from his shield...
