Gearbox Software sure sounds busy. Not only is it beavering away on even more DLC content for Borderlands 2, but it's also quietly cooking up a brand new IP for release on next-gen platforms some time in the not-too distant future. Or kind-of distant future. At some indeterminate time in the future of the human race. Hey, if I'm a little vague on the details, blame Gearbox. Speaking on the Nerdist podcast (thanks, MP1st), its CEO and president Randy Pitchford confirmed that the studio was working on a new IP, but wouldn't be persuaded to go into any juicy details.

Pitchford also confirmed that Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep will not be the final DLC offering for Borderlands 2: "We did a season pass for Borderlands 2, and the season pass was like, "hey if you buy the season pass we would be doing four campaign add-ons and you can buy all four of them for the price of three, if you buy upfront."

"So everyone was under the expectations that those would be the four DLC's and that's it," he said. "We are going to do more, we are going to do some other things. I don't have details exactly of it yet cause were not ready to announce what the other things are.

"We got more stuff in the hopper that we're planning and getting pretty excited about. So if you're a Borderlands 2 fan you don't have to be afraid that that's the end of it."
If you're behind on your Borderlands 2, Log's only gone and written a review of the latest Dungeons and Dragons-inspired DLC, which he calls "the funniest and most thoughtful expansion of the Season Pass."
