Why I decided to transform

After a trip to Jamaica in May 2012, I went through the photos and was stunned. I still thought of myself as a young boy who played sports, but the reality was quite different.
I was old, out of shape, and looked awful. I didn't like my body, my lifestyle, or what I had become.
At the same time, someone I love around my age was diagnosed with cancer (she luckily got through it and is healthy). When sickness affects you or a loved one it makes you think about health.
Some people would consider my awful look and my friend's illness an unavoidable process (aging). I call it experience and used it as motivation to change my lifestyle and increase my health.
AGE 46 / HEIGHT 6' / BODY FAT 25%
AGE 47 / HEIGHT 6' / BODY FAT 8%

Post To FitboardHow I accomplished my goals

I picked a deadline to look my best ever on the next trip to the tropics. I attacked the situation from three angles: create a healthy diet, lift weights, and increase cardio. I used every opportunity for physical activity and made progress quickly.
I discovered a fitness model competition that took place a week before I left for vacation in Cancun and had eight weeks to prepare. I wanted to compete in a 40-plus category, but there were no age categories. I thought about it for a while and decided not to let age influence my decision and committed to compete.
On May 11, 2013, less than a year after I decided to change my life, I took my single-digit-body-fat physique to the Ultimate Fitness Events stage (UFE-Chaos in Montreal) to compete against kids younger than my daughters. I placed last out of 10, but was on stage with a big smile, a sparkle in my eye, and lots of pride. Hitting the beach a week later in the best shape of my life was even more pleasant.
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Supplements that helped me through the journey

Diet plan that guided my transformation

I usually have 1-2 cheat meals on the weekend and a couple drinks on Friday night, mostly dry white wine.
Training regimen that kept me on track

Because of my busy schedule, it's hard to maintain a regular program, so I use a three-day training program and rotate my workouts.
I usually train 4-5 days per week and hit each body part 1-2 times per week. I usually do cardio after weight training or rollerblade after work and on weekends.
What aspect challenged me the most

Considering it was and is a new lifestyle, the social aspect (dinners, drinks with friends, etc.) was the hardest part. It was tough in the beginning, but I managed to mix social activities with off and cheat days without destroying my hard work.
My future fitness plans

In the long term, I want to promote a healthier lifestyle, especially for the older crowd and French community because they don't have many resources tailored for them.
"Make sure you have a plan from Bodybuilding.com or a trainer and go for it."
In the short term, at age 47 with the knowledge I gained from Bodybuilding.com about training, nutrition, and supplements, I want to continue developing a healthier body and lifestyle.
I will probably do more fitness model competitions in Quebec next spring, so get ready kids, because the old guy is coming and he'll be wiser and more ripped than ever.
Suggestions for aspiring transformers

Like Nike says, just do it! The first step is difficult, but once you start it becomes easier every day. Make sure you have a plan from Bodybuilding.com or a trainer and go for it. You owe it to yourself!
How Bodybuilding.com helped me reach my goals

When I get interested in something, I become a fanatic. That happened with training and nutrition. I read books about training and nutrition, but mostly read everything I could on Bodybuilding.com.
I read most of the articles published in the last year and everything I could find on the forums, especially in the nutrition section. I also use Bodybuilding.com for quality supplements at a great price.
Steven's Top 5 Gym Tracks

  1. "Till I Collapse" by Eminem
  2. "Hells Bells" by AC/DC
  3. "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin
  4. "Rasputin" by Boney M
  5. "Hit Me Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears

About The Author

Have you made a dramatic change either by gaining muscle of by losing all the weight you have been hoping for?
