Vital Stats

Name: Chris "The All-American" Weidman
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 185 lbs
Fight Record: 10-0

Mixed martial arts standout and Monster Milk athlete Chris "The All-American" Weidman made a statement when he walked into the Octagon of his July 6, 2013 UFC 162 bout against Anderson Silva to Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down." Weidman said that the song relaxes him and that he doesn't need to get fired up when he walks out into the arena.
He may have been relaxed, but the crowd's energy was electric as they watched him march toward the cage, draped in an American flag. Fight fans of both corners held their breath to see if Petty's lyrics would hold true. Would the undefeated Weidman back down against the seemingly unbeatable Anderson Silva?
"I have been preparing to fight Anderson Silva ever since I started training in MMA," said Weidman in the week leading up to the fight.
In the second round of the title fight, Weidman delivered the knockout blow that shocked the MMA community, crowned him UFC Middleweight Champion, and left a pristine finish on what's now his 10-0 record. Weidman chose the perfect song for his entrance—he refused to back down.
So how did he do it? How did Weidman prepare to meet arguably the best fighter in the UFC? He worked as hard as he possibly could. He put everything into every punch, every kick, and every take-down.
Want to train and supp like a champ? Weidman's strength coach Jamal Hamid shares Weidman's Fight Camp program!
Fight Camp Training Regimen

A Day In Fight Camp
Watch The Video - 02:53

[embedded content]"I did a lot for this fight," said the undefeated champ. "I added a strict nutritional and supplement plan. My camp was much more structured. I brought in numerous sparring partners from around the country. I added cycling to my cardio program."

  • Morning: Light Pad Work
    Afternoon: Sparring

  • Morning Jiu Jitsu
  • Afternoon: Sparring

Fight Camp Supplementation

"During Fight Camp, Chris drinks Monster Milk with L-glutamine after the most strenuous workout of the day and Muscle Milk Light later in the evenings," says Jamal Hamid. "Prior to workouts, he has the Monster Pump, and has Cytomax products during his other activities. Because his body is under tension for so many hours, he has more Monster Amino throughout the day."
"CytoSport's supplements play a major role in my diet," said Weidman. "I take a Monster Milk after every workout and Muscle Milk Light as meal replacements when I am trying to bring my weight down a bit."
Watch the Rematch!

Weidman will get the chance to test the efficacy of his program in a much-anticipated rematch against Silva on Saturday, December 28. Vegas will play host to what some consider the most important rematch in the history of the UFC.

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