Vital Stats

Name: Dylan Walsh
Email: dylanw415@gmail...
Location: Benton, PA
Age: 18
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 205 lbs
Years Bodybuilding: 6

QHow did your fitness
journey begin?

Having an overweight father started my journey because I feared becoming him. I also started liking a girl and wanted to look good for her, so I started doing exercises at home like push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and running.
I was one of the more athletic kids on the playground. I was faster, stronger, and set gym class fitness records. The high school weightroom was a place to prove our strength and I was one of the strongest in my grade. That didn't satisfy me because I wanted to be the strongest.
My local gym provided free memberships to those aged 18 and younger, so I joined immediately and met lots of knowledgeable people who gave me advice and told me to eat a lot. It took a year for it sink in that I wouldn't get fat that way. They also taught me to pose. Since then, I've been in two natural bodybuilding shows and took first place in the teen division in 2012.
Now that I'm older and more knowledgeable, I understand the science to working out. I always wanted to improve my strength and physique. Having a muscular body is unique because very few people can achieve it. I started lifting weights. I eat, sleep, and live the bodybuilding lifestyle. I plan to keep changing my body until the day I die. Bodybuilding is about lifelong dedication and commitment. There is no ending.
"Bodybuilding is about lifelong dedication and commitment. There is no ending."
What workout regimen delivered the best results?

Amateurs Of The Week honors amateurs across all categories for their hard work, dedication, and great physiques. Learn how our featured amateurs built their bodies and hit their goals!

What nutrition plan fueled your body?

What supplements gave you an edge?

"I would love to be a pro. I dream about it every day."
How did your passion for fitness emerge?

My passion for fitness emerged as an escape from life. At the gym, I don't worry or think about anything other than crushing the iron. Bodybuilding isn't easy. Achieving a fit body requires dedication and hard work. The bigger I get the more my hard work and dedication show. I eat, sleep, and breathe it!
What/Who motivated you to be a fitness guru?

I'm a believer in science and research. My body is a result of science and hard work. I see many kids take bad advice and fail to make gains.
Where did you go for inspiration?

When times are tough and I need inspiration, I go to the gym. When I go the gym, I see friends and usually get compliments and encouragement to go harder. Positive people with goals like mine challenge me.
What are your future fitness plans?

My future fitness plans are to gain size and then get back on the stage. I'll continue to improve my physique in every way I can. I would love to be a pro. I dream about it every day.
What is the most important fitness tip?

Don't let anyone put you down. Prove them wrong. I was once told that I would always be skinny. If you put work and time into your training and diet, you will succeed without a doubt.
Who is your favorite competitor?

My favorite competitor is Kai Greene. He started out as orphan with nothing. He inspires me to be the best I can be. There is no quit in him. He pushes beyond physical limitations.
How did help you reach your goals? helped me reach my goals by providing a huge selection of reviews on supplements, workouts, meal plans, and more. When I need supplements, I can rely on with their great customer service.
Dylan's Top 5 Gym Tracks

  • "Power Glove (Original Mix)" by Knife Party
  • "Internet Friends" by Knife Party
  • "A Single Moment of Sincerity (kc Blitz Remix)" by Asking Alexandria
  • "Perfect Replacement (Extended remix)" by Example
  • "Sleaze" by Knife Party (Feat. MistaJam Original Mix)

Competition History

  • 2011 Scranton Nepa Natural - 2nd Place Teen Division
  • 2012 Scranton Nepa Natural - 1st Place Teen Division

About The Author

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