Those of you that did not like the overly simplistic Recycle Bin icon that Microsoft had included in Windows 10 can find joy in the fact that the company has updated the design.

A change was always on the cards.

And the update is visible in build 10056, as you can see in the images below.

Looks quite similar to the Recycle Bin icon that was included in Windows 98, nice retro touch there. With an updated design, of course, but very retro.

These have been provided by WZor, and another screenshot shows an updated icon for the virtual desktops, what Microsoft now calls multitasking. The Start Menu also gets a few changes, with the power options now residing next to the All Apps button.

Finally, the taskbar is transparent, the search bar is full height (that earlier design was pretty good too) and the Weather tile has a darker shade of blue.

Going by the pattern we might see more images from this build head our way in the coming days, though there is no indication that build 10056 will leak out as previous builds have done.

Either way, nice to see some UI refinements like this.

Based on user feedback, no doubt.