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    BBC News Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    BBC News coverage following voting across the UK

    UKIP leader Nigel Farage has said his party will be "serious players" at the 2015 general election after it made gains in council polls across England.

    Mr Farage said the "UKIP fox is in the Westminster hen house" after it gained more than 150 council seats.
    The BBC's projected national share of the vote suggests UKIP would have scored 17% in a Britain-wide election.
    Labour would have got 31% of the vote, ahead of Conservatives on 29% with the Liberal Democrats on 13%.
    UKIP's projected national share figure is lower than the 23% it got in council elections last year and despite its gains, UKIP does not yet control any local authorities.

    UKIP will choose target areas and "throw the kitchen sink at them".

    Elections expert Professor John Curtice said UKIP's lower vote share this year reflected its weak performance in London but remained "remarkably good".
    Labour would be "disappointed" to be only two points ahead of the Conservatives, he added, a lead down from 4% last year and 7% in 2012.
    The Conservatives could be pleased with an increase from 25% share last year, but remained down on the 31% of 2012, Prof Curtice said, adding that the Lib Dems were showing little sign of recovery, with their share down 1% on last year's record low.

    Jeremy Vine shows how the projected national share of the vote has changed over the past decade

    • With 151 of 161 councils declared, Labour has gained 288 seats, UKIP has gained 155 seats, the Lib Dems have lost 283 and the Conservatives have lost 198
    • Seven Conservative councils in the south of England have gone to no overall control, some following UKIP gains.
    • Labour has gained Hammersmith and Fulham, Croydon, Harrowand Amber Valley from the Conservatives, and the Conservatives have gained Kingston upon Thames from the Lib Dems.
    • Essex has voted strongly for UKIP - and the party has also increased its share of the vote in the north.
    • But it has fared worse in London, losing four councillors in Hounslow
    • The Lib Dems lost all their remaining nine seats on Manchester Council
    • Turnout looks set to be about 36%
    • You can follow full coverage with all the latest updates

    The surge in support for UKIP has sent shockwaves through the main parties at Westminster, with just a year to go before the next general election.

    Mr Farage, whose party only had two councillors when these seats were contested in 2010, said: "There are areas of the country where we have now got an imprint in local government. Under the first-past-the-post system we are serious players."
    Prime Minister David Cameron sought to quell speculation of a possible Conservative-UKIP alliance, saying that his party could achieve an overall majority in 2015 by itself.
    "We are the Conservative Party. We don't do pacts and deals. We'll be fighting all out for a win at the next election," he said.
    He hailed his party's successes in Birmingham, Swindon and Tamworth, but conceded: "We did lose some councillors and some good councils - that does happen when you're running the government. I'm sorry for those who have lost their seats."
    There are 3 types of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened.

    Conservatives. Putting the 'N' into Cuts.

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member consoles's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    So are you voting UKIP??
    because you want rid of immigrants?? so who's gonna do the jobs no one else wants to do, who's going to save your life in hospital when there aren't enough doctors?!
    Try looking closer to home and seeing the scum around you that ARE British and are refusing to work, living off YOUR tax.
    You vote UKIP then in my eyes you are small minded.
    Only in Britain….do we use the word “politics” to describe the process of Government. “Poli” in Latin meaning “many” and “tics” meaning “bloodsucking

    Thanks to consoles

    braymond (24th May 2014)  

  3. #3
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    Quote Originally Posted by consoles View Post
    So are you voting UKIP??
    because you want rid of immigrants?? so who's gonna do the jobs no one else wants to do, who's going to save your life in hospital when there aren't enough doctors?!
    Try looking closer to home and seeing the scum around you that ARE British and are refusing to work, living off YOUR tax.
    You vote UKIP then in my eyes you are small minded.
    I think it's more about sticking one up the (untservatives and their B team and wiping their arses with the bullshitting Lib Dems.

    All of are self serving wankers are puppets of the large American corporations.
    There are 3 types of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened.

    Conservatives. Putting the 'N' into Cuts.

    2 Thanks given to 4me2

    consoles (23rd May 2014),  WotTheFook (23rd May 2014)  

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member Chubbs's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    If you want to protest, vote Green or Monster Raving Looney, these cunts are dangerous

    Thanks to Chubbs

    nonecks (26th May 2014)  

  5. #5
    DF Founder Raptor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    To be fair the immigration policy does need to change in this country

    We are simply running out of resources so we need to accept only the best and brightest and they have to sign away any rights to the welfare state (just like I had to when I moved to America)

    The fact is many of them come to the UK knowing they can get an easy life - that has to change.

    5 Thanks given to Raptor

    Ashley (24th May 2014),  BigBird (24th May 2014),  blaggard (24th May 2014),  hn120 (23rd May 2014),  lithho (24th May 2014)  

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member kroner's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    Quote Originally Posted by consoles View Post
    So are you voting UKIP??
    because you want rid of immigrants?? so who's gonna do the jobs no one else wants to do, who's going to save your life in hospital when there aren't enough doctors?!
    Try looking closer to home and seeing the scum around you that ARE British and are refusing to work, living off YOUR tax.
    You vote UKIP then in my eyes you are small minded.
    Utter BS.

    Nearly all the taxi drivers round my way are foreign. The knock on effect are where are the taxi drivers that had the jobs before ?

    Doing a different job, and so the knock effect goes on they take another job push the people out the jobs they're now doing.

    Shutting the borders doesn't make you a racist.

    Thanks to kroner

    BigBird (24th May 2014)  

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    I can see why people relate to farage. It's got to the point where people are afraid to speak their minds for fear of being branded a racist, even when their feelings are based on statistical facts. Farage has done it for them. When Farage said he would be more concerned if a group of Romanians moved in next door to him than if a group of Germans did he wasn't being racist. We have been dealing with The Germans, The French, The Italians, Norwegians, etc. for a long time and they are a known quantity. All most people know about Romanians is what we see in the media. They may be unfairly portrayed because good news doesn't sell as many papers but there is no getting away from the fact that East Europeans are responsible for a large increase in crime in some parts of the country.

    I'm not a racist. Far from it. One of my best friends is from India and another is Turkish. When I was a senior engineer in Valeo, which is an international company, I worked closely for months at a time with Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, French, Germans, and found them all to be polite, friendly, intelligent, and above all honest. There are a few Polish boys who work in a nearby ice cream factory and bring their cars to my mates garage for repairs. They are some of the nicest hard working people I have met.

    I accept there is good and bad in all nationalities (I know some right selfish, thieving Welsh cunts) but would I be more concerned to have a group of Romanians move in next to me than a group of Germans. Too fucking right I would and so would most people at this moment in time because there is no getting away from the fact that Romanians are more likely to have a criminal background than Germans because the rule of law is less established in the country that they have recently come from. (">

    Thanks to BigBird

    crazyal (24th May 2014)  

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member blacksheep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
    To be fair the immigration policy does need to change in this country

    We are simply running out of resources so we need to accept only the best and brightest and they have to sign away any rights to the welfare state (just like I had to when I moved to America)

    The fact is many of them come to the UK knowing they can get an easy life - that has to change.
    one in, one out - if you don't contribute (and don't have a valid reason such as disability) then off you go. Obviously impossible to ever do but would make the country far nicer and work better (at least for a while). Who knows, we might actually start industry here again and produce stuff.

  9. #9
    DF VIP Member Geko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    1. I don't like UKIP and won't vote for them. But like them gaining seats, as it upsets the status quo and at least Nigel has been in the real world.

    2. If the indigenous people won't do a cleaning job then you have to bring in an immigrant? Or you could just put the wages up! The reason we "need" so many immigrants is to keep the profit margins large..!

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    4me2 (24th May 2014)  

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member DavidF's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    Weird situation really. You have a situation that has been developed by the other parties and perpetuated by the media where we blame immigration on our woes.
    1. Housing
    2. Schools
    and anything else that could be called a public service all under pressure due to immigration.
    Surely none of these is the fault of people arriving from europe looking for work. The fault imho is successive governments not building infrastructure to cope with the influx that they knew fine well was coming. The party that stands up and says we need and embrace the eu and then gets on with building up the infrastructure is the party who gets my vote. Build more houses/schools and hospitals which will crate jobs and ease the pressure.
    The only other way is come out of the EU and i think most agree that financially we as a nation would be worse off. Even Nigel Farage admits as much. The one thing the UK does not need at the moment is to do something that makes us financially worse off.
    Be interesting to see their manifesto and see what their policies are.

    2 Thanks given to DavidF

    crazyal (24th May 2014),  Geko (24th May 2014)  

  11. #11
    DF VIP Member crazyal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    If someone came over to this country to do a legitimate job that pays tax back to this countries system then good on them. It's the ones that come over deliberately to take advantage of our heavily-burdened NHS service and Income Support system without paying a penny in that we need to boot out. If anything we need some sort of sponsorship system akin to Australia.

    I agree that immigration needs a long-overdue overhaul but if UKIP's main push is on Immigration then that is simply just not good enough - they need to have strong policy ideas and a solid platform on all the other topics up for debate - Education, Public Spending, Armed Forces, Pensions - these are just some of the many subjects that will be demanding of an answer just as important and just as relevant as immigraton and frankly just saying you want UKIP to win at the next Election just so you can give the finger to the other main parties is just plain wrong.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    It really is a choice of do you want to be in the EU with the "benefits" that comes with it or out. One thing is certain the EU is completely behind unrestricted freedom of movement within its member countries. that is never going to matter what the right wing say over here....there are a majority of countries in the EU who strongly support it...we are outvoted. So it comes down to in or out really...This renegotiation rubbish is just that RUBBISH. UK is at the table but we only have one vote. It is time to build proper alliances with our neighbors rather than marginalizing them. As I said above the UK would be a lot poorer out of the EU.....forget everything else imho the bare facts are we would be poorer out of the club.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    Quote Originally Posted by crazyal View Post
    ] It's the ones that come over deliberately to take advantage of our heavily-burdened NHS service and Income Support system without paying a penny in that we need to boot out. If anything we need some sort of sponsorship system akin to Australia.

    People are always going to come over to take advantage of the NHS. Much like how Americans do the same in Canada. It's logical. The NHS is a fantastic system. The issue as David says, is that the infrastructure hasn't been built inline with demand. It is also getting far too top heavy for my liking.

    As for people coming here to take advantage of our benefits system. I am not sure that person exists. Everyone comes here looking for work. No-one wants to live on £36 a week. They don't make their way all the way here to shout from the top of their lungs "I now have a 2 bed flat in Slough and £36 a week. Living the dream!"

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    As far as I'm concerned no foreigner should be able to get on a council housing list until they have a min of 5 years UK residence.

    All right to buy council places must be replaced on at least a one for one ratio if not higher.

    Child benefit should be abolished full stop.

    All public property and firms would be renationalised. That means no selling off Dartford crossings to the French.
    There should be no tax loop holes or exemptions on anything whatsoever. All should pay the same tax.
    There are 3 types of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened.

    Conservatives. Putting the 'N' into Cuts.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    The NHS is a fantastic system in principle but the reality is far removed. It is a system that is exploited from within as well as by visitors and is so under pressure on all fronts that a recent survey has shown that over 1000 healthcare workers surveyed said they that had no confidence in the new NHS Chief Exec Simon Stevens in taking the service forward.

    To quote :

    77% said their job was harder now than last year, with just 5% disagreeing, and 50% said they now had less time with patients than before the 2013 shakeup, while a mere 6% said they had more time. "Increased workload", "less staff, more patients" and "pressure to make more savings" were among respondents' comments.

    Crucially, 52% said patient care had not improved over the last year, despite the heavy pressure on NHS providers to improve the quality and safety of care in the wake of Robert Francis's report into the Mid Staffordshire scandal in February 2013, although 20% said it had got better.

    With regards foreign nationals coming into the UK to exploit the benefits system, yes you do make a valid point but I still believe there is an element of truth in this - £36 a week and a 2 bed flat in Slough may be far removed from the life they have in their own country - perhaps some of them would see that as a luxury - who knows?

    ...and we even yet began to debate the EU and what effect that has on us here in the UK...!

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    Quote Originally Posted by 4me2 View Post
    As far as I'm concerned no foreigner should be able to get on a council housing list until they have a min of 5 years UK residence.

    All right to buy council places must be replaced on at least a one for one ratio if not higher.

    Child benefit should be abolished full stop.

    All public property and firms would be renationalised. That means no selling off Dartford crossings to the French.
    There should be no tax loop holes or exemptions on anything whatsoever. All should pay the same tax.
    Some of what you say makes perfect sense - housing laws for foreign nationals needs reform but your comment on child benefit is concerning - could you add more detail. Do you mean for everyone, irrespective of status?

    As for your tax proposals, should someone on £14500 a year pay the same tax as Alan Sugar or Phillip Green? Really?

  17. #17
    DF VIP Member Bald Bouncer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    Quote Originally Posted by crazyal View Post
    Some of what you say makes perfect sense - housing laws for foreign nationals needs reform but your comment on child benefit is concerning - could you add more detail. Do you mean for everyone, irrespective of status?
    The problem with Child Benefit is the banging on about it helping the poorest and most needy with Children is total bullshit as anyone on Tax Credits or benefits does not benefit from it as it is counted as income and removed from benefits/tax credits, so if it was abolished it would not effect those in most need as it would be replaced with tax credits or benefit to make up for the shortfall in income.

    3 Thanks given to Bald Bouncer

    4me2 (24th May 2014),  braymond (24th May 2014),  Zoots (25th May 2014)  

  18. #18
    DF VIP Member Geko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    Quote Originally Posted by crazyal View Post
    As for your tax proposals, should someone on £14500 a year pay the same tax as Alan Sugar or Phillip Green? Really?
    No. Because if we all paid zero tax, we'd be even more fucked.

    I am in favour of a flat rate of tax for all. I am not an economist. But most economists know fuck all anyway.

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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    Quote Originally Posted by Geko View Post
    No. Because if we all paid zero tax, we'd be even more fucked.

    I am in favour of a flat rate of tax for all. I am not an economist. But most economists know fuck all anyway.
    no, we'd just have to privately pay for everything - schools, roads, road sweeping, bin,en etc etc etc

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    Default Re: Nigel Farage: UKIP to be serious players at general election

    Quote Originally Posted by blacksheep View Post
    no, we'd just have to privately pay for everything - schools, roads, road sweeping, bin,en etc etc etc
    What if I decide not to pay for bin removal and just chuck my rubbish in the street? What if everyone else did the same? What if I decided not to send my kids to school, what if everyone else did the same?

    Hence why I said we'd be fucked...!

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