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  1. #1
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    Default Right time to get motivated

    Weighed myself tonight and I'm 16 fucking stone. Been overweight for years and it's time to do something about it , but I want to go about it sensibly.

    I don't exercise, where to begin? I have a cross trainer at home which I have access to but never gets used, advice?

    Not a fan of running outside, but will on a treadmill indoors, and I'll also start walking a lot, even if it's just around the block at night if it helps me to lose weight.

    Food wise, I need to eat better, I've binned all the junk food. I do drink a lot of tea during the day, I reckon about 5-6 cups, need to cut this down to 2 and drink more water and eat more fruit. Been trying those Innocent strawberry and banana smoothies and I love them, only wait to get bananas down me as I can't stand the taste of them alone.

    Any advice of healthy losing 2-3 stone would be greatly appreciated. New year and new goals / motivation etc

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member Zippeyrude's Avatar
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    junk the innocent smoothies, theyre full of sugar

    its a mix of exercise and food mate. start reading food labels to get an idea of whet is in food.

    you'll soon see loads of marketing crap, like 'fat free' when the things are full of sugar, or 'sugar free' when full of fat. Also, loads of health foods are really high in calories, for example the bags of nuts and dried fruits. So dont assume things are good for you, see for yourself.

    If you start doing a bit of exercise I think you naturally tend to want to stay away from eating junk all the time.

    good luck mate

    Thanks to Zippeyrude

    CallmeGoose (30th December 2013)  

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    I'm just under 18 stone so need to start again.

    In the past I have lost a stone a month just by eating sensibly. Restricted myself to 1200 calories a day. Would start the day with fruit and low fat yogurt; lunch would be a salad and evening meal would be grilled fish or chicken with potatoes, veg, and topped with tinned tomatoes or low fat dressing instead of gravy. Won't need to look up the calories after a week or two because you soon learn what to avoid. Sensible portions and no snacking between meals is also important. Found myself ending the day with 200 calories to spare so would finish the day with a yogurt or some cracker bread topped with sliced tomato or some goats cheese. Never felt hungry. Most difficult is breaking the habit to snack while watching TV.

    Helps if you have a good reason to lose weight as well. In the past I did it to prepare for my daughters wedding, twice If she gets married again she can feck off because I'm not going. Now my reason is to help with my bad back, make manual tasks easier, and hopefully live longer

    You may need to increase your calorie intake from my 1200 cal limit depending on whether you are exercising or doing heavy manual work. (">

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member Fon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    Small simple life changing routines.

    Park the car, the furthest you can from the supermarket and walk. Also never shop when hungry. Same with work, buy or make your lunch when your full, and park as far from the workplace as possible.

    Never takes lifts, or escalators, always use the stairs.

    Wherever your local convenience store is, ALWAYS WALK!. It will either make you not bother going there to buy food, or get you fit on the way.

    Small things like these, and sticking to them will help you if, like me, you cant be arsed exercising. (bores me to tears!)


  5. #5
    DF MaSter Whitesnake's Avatar
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    Get yourself an app that captures what you eat you eat and drink. Stay below 1800 calories a day and pounds will drop off.

    Try to drink a minimum of 5 litres of water a day


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  6. #6
    DF VIP Member JonEp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    Bit of a novice here but why does drinking so much water help ?

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  7. #7
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    Different things work for different people, but the key point for me is that whatever you do needs to be SUSTAINABLE!

    There's no point going hard it at for 3 months, losing a load of weight, then piling it on again. Whatever you do needs to be incorporated into your daily routine for lasting results.

    For me, the 2 x lean days per week has worked well. For two days a week I limit my eating to 850-900 'bad' calories per day, and then as much fruit and raw veg as I want on top. Other five days, just eat normally. This isn't a 'diet' that I'm on, it's the way that I live my life now. Still losing weight on it too, but very slowly and surely, as opposed to massive weight loss in a short time.

    Whatever you do you still need to live your life and enjoy it, otherwise what's the point in living? That said, cutting down on the booze a bit is never a bad thing

    Edit - Oh yeah, agree with the above about binning the smoothies. Just eat an apple....lots and lots of apples.

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member Sanj[UK]'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    You need access to a scale and a mirror. Every 5 lbs you drop take the picture. You will drop a lot in your first 5-6 weeks and then its on you to switch it up so you don't plateu

    If you diet properly and do the approx exercise you will drop the excess quite quickly, i dropped 20lbs in my first 2 months..

  9. #9
    DF VIP Member super mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    Quote Originally Posted by JonEp View Post
    Bit of a novice here but why does drinking so much water help ?

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    Apart from the benefit of keeping properly hydrated and staying in that habit, especially when exercising; drinking lots of water when trying to lose weight keeps you feeling fuller for longer and helps keep away water retention (no need to retain fluids when they are in plentiful supply).

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member Geko's Avatar
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    Health should be your main priority. Eating healthy foods and reducing the takeaways / fizzy drinks etc. The weight loss will come with that and you'll feel a lot better. Once you break those unhealthy habits, it should be easy to eat healthier foods. I think the best way to do that is to become a vegetarian (or vegan) for a few days a week. But I know most won't want to follow such a strict diet.

    A friend of mine lost a lot of weight by only eating 1200 calories a day. However, those 1200 calories were from wine and kebabs. I've tried to talk to him, but I can't see him making 50 with his current way of living.

  11. #11
    DF Rookie noname69's Avatar
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    Some good info, I need to lose some timber as I sit behind a desk all day now and don't get much of an opportunity to walk as much at work. It's when I get home and can't be arsed, by the time I make the kids tea and wash up it's 7.30.

    need some motivation as I know once I start I will be ok


  12. #12
    DF Rookie noname69's Avatar
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    Quote Originally Posted by Geko View Post

    A friend of mine lost a lot of weight by only eating 1200 calories a day. However, those 1200 calories were from wine and kebabs. I've tried to talk to him, but I can't see him making 50 with his current way of living.
    Piggin wine and kebabs, thats his five a day consumed, lol


  13. #13
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    I'm hitting it big time this year, I've said it before and always start well then fall into old ways.
    Take this year for example, started well & lost 2stone. By May I started to put it back on & I weigh more again now, prob 20st. It's become pretty depressing too now so it's time to kick arse and change my life, a mate of mine & his bro have lost 4/5 stone each this year and the compliments they get have really put my mind in motion. I wanna get those comments and grin like they have this year.
    I've also been motivated by seeing the guy of Man v Food too but the biggest motivation is obviously health and fitness.
    Im calling this year Project 70!!
    ill be taking pics etc & if I get brave enough I might post the pics.

    Wanna wish everyone else trying the same all the best and good luck.
    Im sure motivation and comments here should give people that extra drive too!!

    cheers, Matt.

  14. #14
    DF Rookie noname69's Avatar
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    Do it Matt,

    I have just weighed myself and could not believe I am 18st (252 lbs), at 5'6" that's way over what I should be.

    I need to lose 100 pounds

    Embarassed to say the least


  15. #15
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    Quote Originally Posted by noname69 View Post
    Do it Matt,

    I have just weighed myself and could not believe I am 18st (252 lbs), at 5'6" that's way over what I should be.

    I need to lose 100 pounds

    Embarassed to say the least
    Aye fat cunt get on it . . . .

    I need to get back on it, lost 2 stone last year down from 15 to just under 13 stone - worked every day inc weekends (7.30am til 5pm) since the start of November and just cannot be arsed to get to the gym etc in the evenings at the moment real hard to get motivated - had 5 days off over Christmas and just ended up gorging on food and drink

    Thanks to prezzy

    noname69 (1st January 2014)  

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    Quote Originally Posted by prezzy View Post
    Aye fat cunt get on it . . . .

    I need to get back on it, lost 2 stone last year down from 15 to just under 13 stone - worked every day inc weekends (7.30am til 5pm) since the start of November and just cannot be arsed to get to the gym etc in the evenings at the moment real hard to get motivated - had 5 days off over Christmas and just ended up gorging on food and drink
    Its the evening I need the motivation too, I work 7am till 4pm & when I get home it's the wife's turn to work as she teaches till 7:30pm at home. I'm generally sorting the boys out etc then veg out on the sofa till bed time.
    Got myself a decent cross trainer and I'm gonna hit it for an hour whilst the boys are getting ready for bed and hopefully 30mi a each morning.

  17. #17
    DF VIP Member akimba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matthewburton79 View Post
    hopefully 30mi a each morning.
    Cross Trainer @ 6.30am u must be motivated ;-)

  18. #18
    DF VIP Member QfanatiQ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Right time to get motivated

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBird View Post
    I'm just under 18 stone so need to start again.

    In the past I have lost a stone a month just by eating sensibly. Restricted myself to 1200 calories a day. (">
    How did you manage/feel, this is quite a reduction, but I am considering this as I do very little, desk job.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whitesnake View Post
    Try to drink a minimum of 5 litres of water a day

    5ltr’s is a lot, is there a reason. I tend to drink about 2.5 pints, have one coffee in morning and mint tea during day at work. I don’t drink juices or fizz.

    Quote Originally Posted by flumperino View Post
    For me, the 2 x lean days per week has worked well. For two days a week I limit my eating to 850-900 'bad' calories per day, and then as much fruit and raw veg as I want on top. Other five days, just eat normally. This isn't a 'diet' that I'm on, it's the way that I live my life now. Still losing weight on it too, but very slowly and surely, as opposed to massive weight loss in a short time.
    Was this a self made approach or an alteration of something you have read? Sounds interesting and I am keen to know more.


  19. #19
    DF MaSter Whitesnake's Avatar
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    5 litres will help

    A) flush all toxins out of your blood
    B) keep your body and importantly your brain hydrated
    C) help you feel full so you don't eat as much.

    I will always drink a pint of wAter before a meal so I don't keep picking when I'm full. I will try to drink a pint of water during a meal as well.

    So typical regime is

    2 pints of water with breakfast
    1 pint of water around 11am
    2 pints of water at lunchtime
    1 pint of water around 3pm
    2 pints of water with tea
    1 pint of water around 8 PM

    Spaced out like that it's perfectly achievable and not to onerous.

    Where possible I avoid caffeine.


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  20. #20
    DF VIP Member TJB's Avatar
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    I was 17 stone and I'm 6ft 4". About 4 months ago I started running on a treadmill using an app on my phone called couch to 5k. It basically builds up your endurance over a course of 8 to 9 weeks. The first week is running for 1 minute with a break for 1 minute 30 repeated 3 times. You do this 3 times a week. The next week is run for 1 minute 30 with 2 minutes rest and so on. I'm not going to lie, it was a fucking struggle for about 5 weeks and I've nearly puked a number of times. Anyway, for the last 5 weeks I've been able to run for 28 minutes without stopping and I'm pushing 3 miles plus. I also started measuring what I eat. I would have 35g of porridge with 160 ml of skimmed milk for breakfast, perhaps a crumpet or bagel and a piece of fruit for lunch and a sensible evening meal. I cut out crisps and chocolate altogether. Still had a takeaway once a week. I'm down to 15 stone 7lb. I feel a lot better and my mood has improved also. Hardly ever shout at the kids now! Good luck.

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    Thanks to TJB

    matthewburton79 (2nd January 2014)  

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