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    Wanker Gordon Ramsay - F*cked


    TV CHEF Gordon Ramsay is cheating on his devoted wife Tana, the News of the World can reveal.

    The F-Word star—who revels in his family man image—began his affair with blonde Sarah Symonds seven years ago.

    This week they met for sex at a London hotel. Hours earlier, she made a trip to Soho and bought legal sex drugs for their tryst.

    Gordon Ramsay had a 75-minute tryst with his blonde mistress three days ago at a London hotel.

    Just hours earlier he had sent lover Sarah Symonds to London’s Soho to buy the sex drug amyl nitrate.

    The liaison was the latest in an affair spanning seven years which flies in the face of his carefully constructed family man image.

    The 42-year-old chef has become a multi-millionaire promoting “Brand Ramsay” as a loving husband and father of four. During the time he has been sleeping with Symonds, he has made numerous claims about his fidelity to his devoted wife of 12 years Tana, 33. He has described her as “the only woman who can turn me on . . . Tana is my wife, my lover and the person I want in my bed and in my arms every night.”

    In 2006 Ramsay was voted Celebrity Father Of The Year and in 2007 the Ramsays were named Celebrity Family Of The Year. Fans are used to seeing his children, aged from five to nine, appearing on his TV shows and in magazine interviews.

    Ramsay’s latest assignation with Symonds came on Thursday, at the Marriott Hotel off London’s Grosvenor Square. One of his most popular restaurants, Maze, adjoins it.

    She had caught the train to London from Newport, south Wales, and took a cab to the five-star hotel where she checked into £390-a-night Room 106 on the first floor.

    At around 4.30pm, she left and travelled to Soho where she spent ten minutes browsing a sex shop called Simply Pleasure. She spent £10 on three small yellow bottles of amyl nitrate, branded Rave and Rush. Amyl nitrates—also known as “poppers”—are not illegal.

    Users claim they heighten sexual pleasure by relaxing muscles and increasing heart rate.

    The News of the World was told: “Sarah said Gordon had specifically asked her to go to Soho and get him some poppers for their romp. He likes the buzz.”

    Ramsay’s fans will be aware he has always taken a fierce and public anti-drugs stance because his brother Ronnie is a heroin addict.

    Symonds, 38, then visited a store opposite the sex shop and bought two bottles of white wine and some crisps before returning to the hotel.

    Shortly before 8pm, Ramsay arrived at Maze and spent a few minutes chatting to staff before making his way through to the hotel and up to Symonds’ floor. He was wearing a trademark black leather jacket with red collar, dark T-shirt and jeans, and silver and black trainers.

    He walked up and down the corridor before knocking on her door and going in at almost 8.15pm.

    Ramsay and Symonds stayed in the room for just over an hour and a quarter before he left at 9.30pm, retracing his steps to Maze. We were told: “They had sex.”

    Outside was a chauffeur-driven silver BMW 7-series. As soon as the driver flashed his hazard lights, Ramsay left through the restaurant’s front door and got in the back. The pair had also met the previous week. Symonds had again caught the train from Newport, this time taking a cab to a Mayfair apartment. The next day—Thursday, November 13—Ram- say joined her for a two-hour tryst.

    He and Symonds first met in 2001 at London’s Chinawhite nightclub, just a few months after she had revealed her affair with top Tory and author Jeffrey Archer.

    The News of the World was told: “Ramsay and Sarah exchanged mobile phone numbers and became lovers just a few weeks later. So much for him being true to his wife.”

    The pair continued to meet on and off for secret sex in both London and Los Angeles after Symonds moved there in 2003.

    The affair came to a temporary halt in 2004 but started up again after Ramsay took his family on holiday to LA in August 2007, ironically about the time the Ramsays were being hailed as Celebrity Family Of The Year. The News of the World was told: “He’d taken Tana and their kids to visit their friends David and Victoria Beckham.

    “But during that trip he contacted Sarah and promised he’d get back in touch properly when he was back in LA on his own without his family.

    “He was true to his word, and called Sarah again about three months later when he was in LA filming Hell’s Kitchen on his own, and they rekindled their affair.

    “Gordon twice brought Sarah to the Hell’s Kitchen set in LA where she was one of the audience.”

    In October 2007, Symonds cemented her reputation as a “professional mistress” by writing her book: Having An Affair? A Handbook For The Other Woman. It made such an impact that she was a guest on The Oprah Winfrey show where she was interviewed as a role model for mistresses. In the first edition of the book Symonds, who moved from LA to Newport in her native Wales in February this year, refers to a pal who had an affair with a chef with many similarities to Ramsay.

    She wrote: “A friend of mine was having an affair with a world- famous TV chef, well-known on both sides of the Atlantic for both his bad language and his good food.

    “He complained to my friend that things weren’t going well between him and his wife and that he was being made to sleep in the basement.

    “Later that day, whilst passing a news stand, she was flabbergasted to see her MM’s (Married Man’s) face all over a top glossy weekly magazine, along with his wife and the latest addition to their growing brood. The article focused on ‘how strong’ their marriage was.”

    The News of the World was also told: “For the last year, Gordon has been trying to help Sarah get her book published in the UK, even offering to introduce her to his own publishers and publicist.”

    Ramsay is the highest-earning chef in the world with revenue from shows such as The F-Word, Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares and Hell’s Kitchen, books and merchandising expected to hit £100million by 2010.

    His profile has been raised by his keen eye for publicity, often talking about his family and sex life with Tana. Only yesterday he appeared in two separate newspapers discussing his home life.

    Asked in one if Tana would have cosmetic surgery, he said: “No! It would be like going to bed with a box of gelatine. I want to know that, when things get hot and steamy, she isn’t going to melt all over the bed.”

    The article ended with a plug for his latest venture A Taste Of Christmas, a four-day show at London’s Excel arena which is expected to attract 25,000 visitors.

    In June, he told another newspaper: “Tana and I have a great marriage even though we spend very little time together. The time we have together is quality rather than quantity.”

    Again, in an article last year, Ramsay said: “Sunday night is mine and Tana’s precious night. We’ll start with a gin and tonic and put a bottle of Ruinart champagne to chill in the ice machine. For dessert we just take the champagne upstairs to bed.” And in one lengthy interview he gave four years into his affair with Symonds, he said: “On a Friday night, Tana will ask me to keep my chef’s jacket on when we make love.

    “Cooking and sex go hand in glove like tomato and basil.” The article also included a plug for his then-latest book: Gordon Ramsay Makes It Easy. In another lengthy interview in 2005, Ramsay revealed: “I sleep with my wife every night so she knows I think she’s beautiful.”

    Touching on why he would never cheat, he added: “You are allowed to look at the menu so long as you don’t ever eat off it, as Tana says.” And in a 2006 he even revealed how working in a hot kitchen jeopardised his chances of having a family. He said: “I had to do my tadpole thing. Afterwards they said, ‘The bad news is your sperm count is low. The good news is the ones you have are very energetic’.”

    Ramsay’s mistress Symonds once spoke to a newspaper about her year-long affair with Archer around the time of his failed bid to become London Mayor in 2001.

    She said: “He used me shamelessly like all the others. He told me he needed help in his campaign but all he wanted was sex."

    She revealed she made love to Archer, then 61, in his marital bed and that he begged her to dress in stockings and suspenders while he wore baggy white underpants.

    When we approached Symonds about Ramsay late last night, she would say only: “Sorry, I’ve got nothing to say on the matter.”

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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked

    Poppers eh. I wonder if she has been sticking a big cucumber up his arse then? Of course it would have been properly seasoned with a touch of garnish.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked

    From what I read this morning it's all bollocks and the paper are about to get a good hiding in the courts!
    We all make mistakes sometimes

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked

    if it is true then he / they have been followed. i cant see how that breach of privacy is lawful - and i agree i would expect a lawsuit basedon HRA8 to ensue.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked

    Quote Originally Posted by Goldberg View Post
    From what I read this morning it's all bollocks and the paper are about to get a good hiding in the courts!
    The NoW are veterens of the courts, I'm sure they would have double and triple checked their facts before racing to print. Personally I can't stand the man (although the wife thinks he is a culinary messiah), so I am well up for seeing him taken down a peg.
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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked

    Given his quest for culinary domination it's hardly surprising is it? I suspect he's fucking many others besides, both men and women. Any red blooded male with his cash, power and animal magnestism would do the same, so I'll be the last to judge him.

    Good luck to the fucker, I hope he manages to sue the NoW and still gets to fuck whoever he chooses.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked


    TV chef Gordon Ramsay is urging consumers to buy freaky sex drugs that are in season.
    Ramsay likes it free-range and buck naked

    Ramsay said too many British households are making do with cheap, frozen sex potions that have been shipped half way across the world and have lost all their flavour.

    The chef, known as a perfectionist when it comes to illicit, drug-fuelled hump sessions, added: "It's a bit silly to buy pre-packaged Yohimbe that's been flown-in from Kenya, all for the sake of a fast, easy erection when you get home from work.

    "Talk to your local chemist about what's good right now. They'll have plenty of fresh, top quality sex juice and can even advise you on how to use it.

    "At this time of year I like a ripe chunk of Vitamin B5. It goes really well with handcuffs, a chair and half a pound of good English butter.

    "And if you're having friends over a small bottle of Amyl Nitrate will make a fantastic weekend orgy and there should even be enough leftover for a Wednesday night threesome.

    "The important things is to enjoy your chemically enhanced erections. Have them at the dinner table and make them last as long as possible."

    Ramsay has produced a new book and DVD including a month by month guide and dozens of new recipes including Poppers and Chicken, Summer Cock Salad and lamb seasoned with rosemary until it hurts.

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member GTI's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked

    Just admit it Rammo

    Gordon Ramsay exclusive: TV chef labels 'mistress' Sarah Symonds "a slapper"

    By Tom Bryant, Showbiz Reporter 1/12/2008

    Gordon Ramsay yesterday described Sarah Symonds as “a slapper” after she gave a vivid account of their alleged affair.
    Symonds, 38, claimed she slept with the TV chef seven times and had phone sex with him.
    But dad-of-four Ramsay, 42, told a cookery show audience in Birmingham: “If I was going to cheat it wouldn’t be with a complete slapper.”
    Symonds has given lurid details of the affair she claims she had with The F Word star – even cheekily insisting it may have saved his marriage.
    She said she has slept with Ramsay at least seven times and claims the TV chef even introduced her to his unsuspecting wife Tana at a party.
    But Symonds claimed that far from feeling guilty, she had done mum-of-four Tana a favour.
    She said: “My relationship with Gordon is probably the reason their 12-year marriage has lasted this long. A mistress keeps a marriage going.
    “His wife might be able to forgive him a one-off but I am far from a one-off.”
    Ramsay yesterday poured scorn of Symonds’ claims, made in a Sunday newspaper.
    He told the audience at a cooking demonstration in Birmingham: “Come on, if I was really going to cheat it wouldn’t be with a complete slapper.”
    But Symonds, who has described herself as a “professional mistress”, claimed Ramsay was so taken with her looks and intelligence he pursued her after they first met in a London nightclub in 2001.
    She insisted his marriage to Tana was unhappy and so she became his mistress and soul-mate during an affair that took place in London and Los Angeles.
    Symonds claimed Ramsay phoned her hundreds of times and said they would have met for sex more often had they both not been so busy.
    Ramsay, 42, was last week reported to have told Tana, 33, that he did know Symonds but had only met her four times.
    However, Symonds insisted they had met at least 18 times in seven years.
    Symonds, who has written a controversial book advising women on how to get the most out of an affair, claimed Ramsay introduced her to Tana at the opening of his Connaught Hotel restaurant in October 2002.
    She said: “I felt very awkward. At one point in the evening, I called Gordon ‘big boy’ because he is very well-endowed — and he told me to keep my voice down.”
    Symonds said they first slept together at her London flat December 2001. It was also the scene of their second liaison.
    Symonds, a former lover of disgraced Tory Jeffrey Archer, said Ramsay had wanted to eat before sex on that occasion but she was embarrassed because she had no food in the fridge.
    She moved to Los Angeles at the end of 2003 but claimed she saw Ramsay again when he began the LA version of Hell’s Kitchen.
    The alleged relationship went off the boil for more than three years until Symonds said she saw Ramsay on a US chat show and got back in touch.
    She claimed she spoke to him on the phone and he asked her to send a photo of herself to his mobile. Symonds said: “He called back and said ‘F*** me, you look really great. Got to see you again’.”
    She claimed they were soon meeting again for sex, this time at her LA apartment.
    Symonds also claimed she and Ramsay had phone sex – once while he was on the Eurostar train.
    She said: “It was particularly dirty phone sex and involved pictures. I thought we should not be doing it because it was too dangerous. Anyone could have overheard what he was saying.”
    Symonds said she did not see Ramsay again until a couple weeks ago for an alleged sex session at her London flat.
    He allegedly bedded her for the last time on November 20 at London’s Marriott hotel. She said she brought along a supply of the legal sex drug amyl nitrate.
    During his cookery performance at yesterday’s BBC Good Food Show Ramsay continued to make light of the claims – even jokily suggesting he had actually been having an affair with TV cookery queen Delia Smith.
    He said: “Can I start by saying, yes it is true, it is official – I have been shagging Delia.”
    He added later: “I was watching TV last night and tuned into a new show on Channel 4 called Gordon Ramsay’s Bedroom Nightmares.
    “And then I switched it over to E4 – and it was Shag Along With Ramsay.”

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    Gordon Ramsay exclusive: TV chef labels 'mistress' Sarah Symonds "a slapper"
    This headline is incorrect.

    But dad-of-four Ramsay, 42, told a cookery show audience in Birmingham: “If I was going to cheat it wouldn’t be with a complete slapper.”

    I think what he is actually saying here is that she is not a slapper.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked

    Quote Originally Posted by Mule View Post
    I think what he is actually saying here is that she is not a slapper.
    Considering that she has just dished the dirt on him, I think he was referring to her as the slapper in this situation.

    His comments came as Symonds suggested that their alleged affair had saved Ramsay's marriage to Tana, 33.
    "My relationship with Gordon is probably the reason their 12-year marriage has lasted this long. A mistress keeps a marriage going," claimed Symonds, a self-styled "professional mistress" who has written a book advising women how to get the most from an affair.

    The Telegraph, a slightly more credible source than the Mirror
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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked

    Quote Originally Posted by GTI View Post
    Considering that she has just dished the dirt on him, I think he was referring to her as the slapper in this situation.
    I think you may have missed what I was trying to get at...

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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked

    Quote Originally Posted by Mule View Post
    I think you may have missed what I was trying to get at...
    In that case you've lost me mate. What is it that I'm missing?
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTI View Post
    In that case you've lost me mate. What is it that I'm missing?
    I think what mule is getting at is if he is cheating with her then she isn't a slapper.

    Wake up GTI

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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked

    Quote Originally Posted by beerman View Post
    I think what mule is getting at is if he is cheating with her then she isn't a slapper.

    Wake up GTI
    I swear its all these German lessons I'm taking, they're having a highly detrimental effect on my British wit
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    photos would've been easy and supportive... I dont reslly care but i think he's one of the only good celebraties out there so i guess it's all part of the liife they live, regardless of what the outcome is.
    I'm new to this :huh:

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    Default Re: Gordon Ramsay - F*cked

    Quote Originally Posted by whatnow View Post
    photos would've been easy and supportive... I dont reslly care but i think he's one of the only good celebraties out there so i guess it's all part of the liife they live, regardless of what the outcome is.
    What sticks in my craw is the fact that he liberally uses his wife and kids to front his programs and then waxes lyrical about she is the only woman that can turn him on.

    I think I just have an aversion to hypcorisy.
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